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Everything posted by dnks34

  1. Not always the case, budget tyres can be as good as and in some cases have out performed the premium branded tyres, anyone who says budget tyres are a false economy are usually brainwashed and mostly incorrect!! I purchased my car with conti sports fitted and the rears lasted less than 10000 miles. My second older car gets fitted with budgets, not the cheapest available but they are still budget and I get 15-20k miles from them easily. Despite what industry experts would have you believe in my opinion its far from an exact science and budget/mid range can be just as good, and if you dont do much mileage its probably a no brainer. Why have £125 a corner sat on your drive only going to morrisons twice a week!!!
  2. I think Dash cams are a great idea although I havent yet purchased one myself as its the whole fixing to the dash and having to put it away each time you leave the car to deter thiefs thats been putting me off, its a faff and if your doing it with your satnav to its double faff! I would like to see the technology built in to new vehicles with it being always on and just being a case of removing an sd card directly from the vehicle to access the footage.
  3. I took it completely tounge in cheek I presume as it was meant! Even if the equipment did have BA logos on it the OP would still somehow have been made to look bad, all I can say is whoops!
  4. How on earth did they manage to get a car in the river from Pits Lane, unbelievable!! There must be an element of undesirable living in Loddon for things to keep occuring in the area.
  5. Each time you change a gas bottle you break a gas tight connection! Aslong as you are competent with a set of spanners I would remove it if it is only a case of the water and gas connections to contend with. To be on the safe side when refitting you could spray some leak detector spray on the gas connection. https://www.screwfix.com/p/flomasta-gas-leak-detector-spray-250ml/4520v You could always run non toxic antifreeze through the water system to. http://www.marinesuperstore.com/winterizing/antifreeze/starbrite-antifreeze-non-toxic?utm_source=google_shopping&utm_medium=pcn&utm_term=99499648&utm_campaign=MSS&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI1cTkzYyo1wIVXZSyCh05FQQpEAQYAiABEgJ0j_D_BwE We always put some of this through our engine each winter.
  6. Please dont shoot me for saying this but typing "chet dredging" into google would have found the nsba snippet and answered your question much faster!
  7. I agree, I would think they are more likely to tart them up cheaply and then sell them on rather than put them in their fleet but ive been known to be wrong.
  8. There is a fine line between patrotism and racism. Unfortunately anyone pro British/English/Christian or patriotic about their country is often seen as racist and this for me is where the real sadness lies. We are encouraged to be so accepting of others that we are fast loosing sight of what England and the British Isles is all about!
  9. England, famous for giving its country away......... Its an outrage
  10. dnks34


    You can buy a short visit toll if you are just a visting boat but if your boat is in the water (broads) all year and you only manage to use it for 3 weeks your still paying for the full year. The only way round it is to have your boat lifted out and dry stored (equally as expensive) or when they are selling a boat at a brokerage it doesnt need to be tolled.
  11. dnks34


    For our boat at 37ft by 12ft 6ins it was around £526 for this year and will be up 3% for next by the sounds of things. Not fair being charged for months you cant/couldnt get any use.
  12. dnks34


    Yep, thats about the size of it!
  13. Was it me or did I hear Pru say "Pi*sing Rain" when referring to it raining? I saw quite a few boats I recognised, they seem a lovely couple and I really enjoyed watching.
  14. I agree, providing I was confident I had priced competitively anyone offering me 25% below an asking price may well not be taken seriously from that point onward. At the end of the day dont expect people to give their boats away! If you were the seller you wouldnt appreciate it!! I think you have offered very fairly Robin and I wish you the best of luck and lots of enjoyment with it!
  15. Im am surprised Tesco's havent managed to install an express somewhere there though!
  16. I doubt wroxham/hoveton has the population to justify one, or spare land.
  17. Its a fact that there is a housing shortage so new homes do need to be welcomed but........ The thing for me is that there is a real risk (and many online horror stories to back that up) that these new builds are built to a terrible standard, usually overpriced, built on top of each other and modern room dimensions especially childrens bedrooms are ridiculous. What you get for your money is in my opinion diabolical. Buying off plan allows unscrupulous builders to cut corners and knock things up shoddily and they are even using this help to buy (government help) as a sales tool, a tool designed to make housing more affordable only pushed prices up even further. The whole system is yet another industry driven on greed less interested in turning out a good quality family home than it is knocking it up as cheaply as absolutely possible.
  18. Ive said this before but fisherman who turn up and park themselves on a BA 24hr mooring, what do they contribute? Its happenss at Beccles, about this time of year when the holiday makers go home the 24hr moorings before the bridge are generally used by fisherman who come by car and park in the layby. A sailing boat has been on there atleast 3 days now but thats for another thread!
  19. Deciding on your budget is usually the best place to start. Only thing is the boats I look at never fit my budget!
  20. What rules never changed?! Red Diesel is still in use but thanks to our soon to be ex friends in Brussels with now have to pay duty on it! Thumbs up for Bailey & Stone, we have used them a few times for repairs and they are always spot on.
  21. that one lock many toll payers would never ever use! (no offence to those that do) It also should have been left in the care of its previous carers.
  22. Your quite right Alan but if nobody applied any pressure at all where would we be then. If increasing the Toll year on year was seem more as a failing on Packmans part then maybe he would treat it differently, we can all see how much the Toll has increased during his tenure. At what point will someone step in and say enough. He cant continue to make questionable decisions then grab more from boat owners to pay for his cock ups. He needs to concentrate on the job in hand and stop empire building and if he wont or cant do that for hurting his ego then he needs to go.
  23. I am under no illusions but my perception is very different. I dont look at a 3% as dodging a bullet I look at it as taking yet another liberty. Looking through the BA's monthly expenditure sheets its easy for someone like me to severely scrutinise expenditure, unfortunately for them Im the sort who wont take everything on the chin and will voice my opinion!
  24. Thankyou Paladin, 110970 i was way out! Footballers can be paid obscene amounts but atleast it isnt coming out of the public purse!
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