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Everything posted by dnks34

  1. Probably because it was free! £5 might be just enough to guarantee a bit of peace and quiet!
  2. By the time they have set up a working group and had the multiude of meetings to decide everything from what to have in the sarnies to how many pairs of safety gloves and hard hats they need it will be winter time and they would have to postpone till spring anyway........
  3. How long do we think we will have to wait for the BA to post up a video of them doing that with their tent.......
  4. I think these Ezydog jackets are the best by far, there may be cheaper places to get them, this was just the first link relating to the brand I found http://www.petsathome.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/en/pets/ezydog-dog-flotation-device-red-(online-exclusive)?CAWELAID=120267720000005253&cm_mmc=&ito=GAG45725983364&itc=GAC205084823492&itkw=nil&itaexid=&itawnw=search&itawmt=&itadvc=m&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIwPeWlri21gIVEJSyCh08AQEeEAQYASABEgLJ5fD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
  5. As far as the Yurts are concerned who in terms of residents can see them?! That is apart from the resident the Broads Authority have taken it upon themselves to persecute for other matters. Ive looked really really really hard from my house and I still cant see them. You cant have a campsite and then disallow a tent!
  6. No not for me thank you, Im still holding out for the Chief Exec post coming up. Its either that one or Jean-Claude Juncker's role it really depends which one goes up first!
  7. The article read to me that Packman felt their actions were damaging, damaging to the Authority or to his authority?!
  8. Why would there be threat of a compensation claim? If a review uncovered wrong doing on his part he wouldnt have grounds for unfair dismissal in that sense or have I missed something. The press has states that certain members were removed due to their actions being damaging to the Authority. It seems to me the damage to the Authority is mostly caused by Dr Packman himself. Is it not about this time of year we all start waiting to hear about the latest toll increase, would he dare?!
  9. What I find most worrying is how long his reign has continued, I sincerely hope the end is in sight.
  10. When all said and done his boat never leaves the basin, I fully support him. If the Authority learned to use discretion where its appropriate to do so rather than consistantly act with such petulance they wouldnt have wasted any money on it, if the barge owner had been professionally represented it may have stopped them in their tracks long ago.
  11. Just make sure the cattle is in a friendly mood or you may benefit from wearing running shoes! I was refering to the boatyard on the basin side of the river, things seem to get dumped at pyes mill from there . Ive not noticed any weird feelings in that area myself but on the basis of what gets left there and the sort of person capable of doing that I dont want that type having access to my property so I would not stay there on that basis. Appologies if in this instance im wrong and someones pride and joy sank for genuine reasons.
  12. Atleast we can now all discuss the CEO's hopefully immenant resignation in a fresh thread......
  13. Oh dear has there been a meltdown!!
  14. I think im with you JanetAnne not sure I would want to risk mooring up there either, something or possibly someone must be a bit jinxed as things keep occuring in that area. Rather odd but Im happy to be corrected.
  15. Surely this subject warrants a thread all of its own and not lumped in with a thread that started about electricity!
  16. We do a self service consisting of oil change (gearbox included) oil filter and all fuel filters at the start of each season. The belts and impellor get visually checked and changed as required but spares are carried incase of breakdowns. This year we had to go a bit further having to remove repair and then clean the heat exchanger. The casting had to have proffesional attention but we carried out the remainder of the refurb ourselves. Any hire yard worth its salt could easily do a full service in a change over period if need be. You would think servicing their engines at the recommended intervals would be in their interests.
  17. It isnt a Gledhill system by any chance is it?
  18. Personally I would feel wary and be checking myself if these parts can be sourced anywhere, even on second hand sites etc, could save you a bundle!
  19. Its happened to one of ours before, the thimble probably got damp, condensation would be enough over time. Its unlikely servicing would prevent it.
  20. Its Teachers I feel sorry for. Spending their working days with the little cherubs and then having to go on holiday with them aswell and paying extra for the privilege! Unless your old school and been in the game years the pays not all that either!! Still, someone has to do it !!
  21. The term trial by forum that is often banded about is just a barrier to discussion in my opinion. Without discussion why bother!
  22. A few years ago I found myself living opposite the bodyguard who wasnt involved in the accident in the tunnel that night. Seeing him in the footage of Dianas final hours at the Ritz and then having him move in across the road was a bit weird!
  23. Trust me for the occasional indiscretion we are all capable of the mods round here do a good job! Do it on A N other forum and you will know what punishment for a cardinal sin feels like! tongue in cheek of course!!
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