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Everything posted by dnks34

  1. Incompetent drivers usually to be found doing 20 below the speed limit (unless its a 20/30 limit then they will be doing 40). Usually of the mature persuasion.........they make steam come from places I never knew I had!!!! Endemic in Suffolk
  2. Its 14 degrees c out, are you really that cold!!!!
  3. Its not an unpowered house boat then! What I dont understand is why go to all that trouble building the structure then not make the sidings waterproof.
  4. One question.......what is a chocolate box village when its at home? is this just a term used by yuppys for the benefit of tourists.......to make it sound better than it actually is? and 48hr moorings on the southern broads, will they ever stop medling?
  5. We could get a burgee then strike a line through the National Park text with a big thick red marker pen.....
  6. the 4 bolts are partially obscuring the lettering and signs. aswell as it needing a clean!
  7. There is also another small business in Loddon who had to spend out a reasonable amount of money on legal fees over this Broads Local Plan, where private land was being nominated as green space.
  8. Scroll through for pictures of Marina Keys in unhappier times: https://www.28dayslater.co.uk/marina-keys-river-yare-great-yarmouth-july-2014.t91662
  9. With the amount of concrete on display at Marina Keys I think the designers must have had the u boat pens at Lorient in mind, only for holiday cruisers. Great Yarmouth's biggest issue is the rise and fall of tide and the current. It will always be its achilles heel unless a vast amount of money is spent on some regeneration scheme or other providing much improved and safer mooring facilities. I just cant see anyone wanting to cough up the money for it.
  10. Loddon was very high before lunch but receeding this afternoon.
  11. Isnt it about now that Packman releases a picture of himself smiling away and doing something devisive to boaters? Is he keeping his head down for a change? He could be a worried man.....
  12. I watched lastnights apprentice and cant say I was that impressed. They all talk over each other, undermine each other back stab i think the format has had its day. If someone run up to me in the street trying to flog me packs of burgers i think I would be quite alarmed.
  13. Sorry not ferrell, I meant "off grid" Ive just looked for the crowdfunding page relating to that family and I think its been taken down, they had manged a fiver when I first saw it!
  14. It may be he wants to do it as he enjoys being on the river and meeting people, has it actually been said anywhere he needs to provide an income for himself, if its only a case of helping to cover costs then isnt that what charity is for, how many people donate to other organisations "charities" with operating costs! I take it none of you heard about the crowdfunding page for those hideous parents raising ferrel children who felt they didnt need to educate them and expected "crowd funding" to cover the cost of them buying/moving to an island and living naturally............thats what I would call misuse.
  15. Exactly, he must be doing something right.
  16. Or just keep the moorings and install a parking meter :-)
  17. With Ryanair if the cabin crew are treated poorly by the company then that will inevitably filter down and be taken out on the passengers, maybe its not so much Ryanair we need rid of but the management. I must admit I do find a lot of what O'leary comes out with quite amusing.
  18. Why would the freeholder want to sell if its bringing in £90,000 per annum rent? Worried about what may happen at the end of the current lease maybe?
  19. Theres customer service and theres good customer service!
  20. Ive just been and checked on ours and it was more like squeaking at the stern in this wind!
  21. Ive noticed it to some degree on almost every boat ive hired/owned. The weird thing about Norfolk/Suffolk is the wind often calms down at night and the water goes flat calm so you get a decent nights kip.
  22. You could try turning the boat round if your side on it sometimes helps. The water slap can get a bit annoying.
  23. The only development I could see happening is an extension of the ferry marina. I personally dont think anything residential would be desirable on that plot and its obvious that for whatever reasons a pub/restaurant may find it a struggle, what else is there it could be used for? Holiday chalets, permanant moorings.....another temple?!!
  24. I dont pretend to know a lot about the pub trade but it does seem that if pubco were not so greedy it might be possible for someone to make much more of it.
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