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Everything posted by dnks34

  1. 90k rent, Cant be much meat left on the bone for the tenant after shelling out for that.
  2. Ah right well fingers crossed it wont be that difficult or costly to sort out. It might not be as bad as you think, some things are easily sorted. Would your boatyard not allow you to get your own BSS inspector in so you could deal with him directly?
  3. Putting it like that and after reading Vaughan's thoughts I am actually inclined to agree. I was looking at it from the angle that mooring facilities need to be maintained and the money to do that needs to come from somewhere but then on the other hand we are getting charged for absolutely every little thing possible these days and its fast become a culture of greed.
  4. As your boat has had a BSS issued previously you shouldnt really be getting that much flagged up on the new inspection unless there have been a lot of changes since the last one was issued. My re inspection was an absolute doddle.
  5. Shoddyness like that is inexcusible, they were obviously aware of the problem for the absorbent pads. If the pipe wasnt repaired it would eventually have broken and caused a breakdown which would have been avoided with preventitve maintenance. Lets hope they fixed it before that happened!
  6. Or quite possibly the boatyard knew there might be a fault and thought they would sort it out on your coin and not theres, did you recieve any money back for that Andrew? We hired a boat advertised as Top notch once from a large some may say unpopular Wroxham yard and it just broke down all week, they did redeem themselves ever so slightly by giving a bit of cash back at the end of the hire which was appreciated. The annoying thing for us was we had taken some relatives who had never been on a boat before and they have never set foot on one since!
  7. At least you can share any added cost burden amongst your owners! We really did pay an extra hundred quid for nowt. Im still waiting for the next years toll increase rumours to start, even a rise inline with inflation will be to much as far as im concerned.
  8. I cant see the issue with the parking meter, the timings could be asjusted to better suit boaters but why on earth would it need planning permission, Its a black box on a post! To circumnavigate the BA planning gestapo erm department they could just have erected a sign with a number to pay by text containing the boat reg number or devise an app or something like that. Mind you phone signal would probably put a stop on that!
  9. Dont get me started on fireworks!!! When we lived up north there was a guy at the end of our garden who used to set off display grade fireworks from his garden each year, must have cost him a fortune!
  10. It was the same sort of thing with the business (care home) that was burning the waste near us, the council were on to it almost immediately. It did take a bit of detective work on my part to pin point exactly where it was coming from as we are in a built up area and there was no visible smoke trail to follow just a very strong smell that got you at the back of the throat. Then one evening recently I went to my 12 year old sons bedroom to see if he was asleep just after 10pm and he had fallen asleep with his window open and again his room was thick with this burning smell. I rang the care home (which is about a quarter of a mile away) and asked if they were burning anything as I was trying to pin point the source of it to report to the council. The answer was no..........and suprise suprise it hasnt happened since! I suppose I should think its fine that my son might have been being poisoned!!
  11. Over the last year or so the boat yard over the river from us was regurlarly indulging themselves and setting fire to anything they could lay their hands on. What do we think white GRP ends up looking like when thick ash particles fall all over it. Our boat (and others) may aswell have been black, and it was only a few weekends before that happened we had spent a great deal of time cleaning it. Yes we were livid but we didnt start throwing insults out!!
  12. Is that an insult aimed at me? If it isnt Ive just taken it as one.
  13. Im not anti smoking nor do I smoke.......anymore! (Still miss it every day, not the cost and health implications or the smell.....just the feeling and relaxation of having the cigarette) Anyway. In Carols case she was able to move the boat away from the bonfire smoke/smell but having to actually move house to get yourself away from a garden fire is a bit extreme isnt it!!!!
  14. and mine! Have you read that comment back to yourself and considered how it sounds. The people not setting fire to things are certainly not the selfish ones! As a society we cant in one hand treat smoking the way we do and then accept people starting fires in thier gardens and have smoke and fumes affecting others......
  15. I think thats a bit different If you need it for heating Ricardo and personally I dont find the solid fuel odour so strong on the senses! Its people burning whatever detritus they can chuck in a steel bin I find the problem giving off whatever untold maybe cancer inducing fumes that can then end up hanging in the air in peoples homes. Obviously if you have a secluded property and not many neighbours it may not be much of an issue to others but in built up residential areas it ought to be banned. Status symbol wood burners can cause as much of a nuisance in residential areas when people chuck any old plank in them and dont use properly seasoned wood.
  16. It amazes me that you obviously think its acceptable to undertake such an activity in a place or at time thats going to encroach or infringe on someone elses enjoyment of their own property or have a misunderstood you? Its not so much about me objecting as to why do you need to do it?! Are you confident none of your neighbours dont object? Has this actually been discussed individually with each person or are you presuming there is no complaint as they havent said anything to you? Maybe your local environment is more condusive to bonfires than mine is. Near me theres been a Business burning building/green material waste overnight thinking they would get away with it..........they havent!
  17. "Im" not "Er" Surely when your on a boat you would treat a small dog the same as you would a small child. If you hadnt seen him/her in 2 hours..... I dont imagine for one second it was anything other than an accident and im sure the owners will be glad to have it back.
  18. No life jacket and not noticed missing for 2 hours, Im not sure I would give it back if it were up to me. Lucky little fella im glad he/she didnt drown and is warm now.
  19. When its 28 degrees outside why should I feel forced to close a window to stop a neighbours acrid bonfire fumes filling my home? Glad I dont live near you.......
  20. Theres always been intolerant folk about they just havent had internet forum to discuss it. Whether its intolerant or inconsiderate depends on your own personal opinion. I wouldnt call myself intolerant of others but when I cant find peace from noise or smells in my own property then I do reserve the right to get anoid about it!
  21. I must admit that I find the smell from bonfires (unless its an organised event on bonfire night) very irritating to the senses. It can at times be annoying enough living amongst other folk in this modern world where no one gives a damm about anyone else, hearing is one thing but when people in my vicinity start filling my home with the smell of their burning rubbish it makes me boil over. There are less anti social and I hazard a guess at other more environmentally friendly ways of disposing of waste rather than burning. BBQ's on the other hand just make me hungry!
  22. A short visit toll can be up to 28 days and can be deducted from the cost of the annual toll for the period. http://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/boating/owning-a-boat/tolls/short-visit-toll
  23. Who does the mooring its on belong to, is it the sailing club or is it squatting? Ive seen it being worked on a few times as Ive passed and Im sure it spent a lot if last winter on the edge of the basin in Loddon. It wouldnt be my idea of fun anyway.
  24. dnks34

    Dog Poo Bags

    Go to Morrisons at the end of the day when they are selling the cooked chicken off cheap then go home and in the dark leave shreds of it dotted about on a road in the vicinity of where the cat lives. You might need to do this more than once but with a bit of patience your cat defecating problem should sort itself out!! I joke, I do like cats but I detest the mess they leave behind. In some cases it may be because they have no litter tray at home, having a tray atleast encourages them to do it in privacy. The cats I had growing up always seemed to use their trays. Ive mentioned this before but a relative of mine before he moved house came out every morning to cat poo on the roof of his car with the paw prints so it definately was the cat that had left it there! A lady across the road had 2 or 3 of them with no litter trays, it used to infuriate my relative. Very irresponsible in my opinion having cats but not wanting to have to buy litter or deal with the tray.
  25. dnks34

    Dog Poo Bags

    On our local news once im sure it said your better off not picking it up rather than leaving full poo bags all over the place! Now I can see why that is the case but really, is that good advice? Er NO Personally I think its a very easy to grasp concept by most people over the age of 7. pick it up and put it in a bin, and if there isnt a bin hold onto it till there is.
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