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Everything posted by dnks34

  1. Didnt Jon from Wayford Marine used to post on this site regularly.
  2. I wonder if it has anything to do with the hot weather.
  3. I would guess at 300w dc in a hot water tank of boat size its going to take a very very very long time to heat up the water and in dc terms use an enormous amount of energy in doing so. Depending on tank size it may not even be enough to make the water luke warm before it flattens the batteries anyway. It says it can be used to stop livestock water freezing, unless they are having a brew I dont think the animals drink hot water!!
  4. Apart from overheating the block and ruining the impeller the exhaust hose is going to melt if there is no raw water going through it for any length of time. Its lucky you remembered the valve when you did! Unless a boat has an underwater exhaust you can also tell by the sound of the exhaust that somethings wrong. Just making sure you have a flow of water from the exhaust (if its visible) should do rather than checking the filter everyday, as others have said with the clear type filters you can also see the flow of water through them to use as an indicator.
  5. I honestly have never had an issue with "angry santa". Hes always been perfectly helpful and pleasant with me!! Maybe he just has bad days, we all get those!
  6. From what Im reading it sounds to me that even though there are benefits to having a galvanic isolator you may be putting your life at risk by fitting one off the shelf if it goes wrong and disconnects your mains earth. I dont think Im convinced I need one just yet!
  7. But none of my underwater metal is bonded to the shore earth so unless I bond everything I could put a galvanic isolator in but it wouldnt really be doing a lot would it?! Am I right in thinking then that unless I bond everything I dont have a problem? I thought a galvanic isolator was more for metal hulled boats.
  8. Im sure i have commented or read about this before but in my case as all metal parts on my GRP boat are not earth bonded I dont see how a galavanic isolator is going to be of any help to me. I could easily install one on the shore earth but I dont quite understand how this helps my rudder, skeg shaft or prop.
  9. I had 4 official driving lessons and then passed first time. But I was taught to drive at 12 years old by my father and by the time I had reached 17 I'd experienced driving cars, vans, tractors and a 4ton Army truck in the evenings sometimes. It was a lot of fun growing up as a military child! They wouldnt ever let me at the controls of a helicopter though but after a hell of a lot of pestering I eventually got a few hours in as a back seat passenger! I also took a bus test in my early 20s which did take me 2 attempts to get through. I can fully relate to the exam nerves MM has mentioned.
  10. I agree theres pros and cons with the different types of units but ive fitted 3 of the combined units in a 37ft space so I feel pretty confident ive got it covered! Id certainly rather have the combined units than none at all. Before the combined units I had 1 smoke alarm and 1 monoxide alarm in the main living area and nothing in any of the sleeping areas as having 6 seperate units dotted about the boat didnt seem practical so I just sited them centrally. The main thing for me was getting rid of the unit Id seen the piece about on fake Britain.
  11. It might be because I copied the links in the app rather than on proper tinterweb. try these Avoid these: http://m.ebay.co.uk/itm/Sell-CO-Carbon-Monoxide-Poisoning-Gas-Sensor-Alarm-Detector-UK-stock-JKD602-/171307191932?hash=item27e2b44e7c%3Ag%3A-CYAAOSwBLlVUWdx&_trkparms=pageci%3Aa91339fb-46f9-11e7-8fa8-74dbd180be73%7Cparentrq%3A64f4ac5d15c0a9c4530833e4fffc3b1c%7Ciid%3A7 I now have these: http://m.ebay.co.uk/itm/Kidde-Combined-Smoke-and-Carbon-Monoxide-Detector-Alarm-10SCO-/121870907516?hash=item1c6012787c%3Ag%3A0ToAAOSwGotWn~Df&_trkparms=pageci%3Aed512b25-46f9-11e7-9651-74dbd180b226%7Cparentrq%3A64f66b9415c0ab6b44438ec5fffee51e%7Ciid%3A1
  12. Be wary of this type of carbon monoxide alarm sold on ebay: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/291985534761 I had one untill I saw a piece on Fake Britain about them being unfit for purpose when tested by the experts. After exposure to high levels of carbon monoxide this model could be permenantly damaged and give future false readings. Mine went in the bin. I now have 3 of these onboard: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/121870907516 They are the well known trusted kidde brand and I like the push in battery drawer feature as they can be deactivated if im leaving the boat for a long period with just 1 finger! You have to be very careful with ebay for fake products, even the big brands get faked and sold on there.
  13. Im sorry Wildfuzz I just couldnt resist it!
  14. Ive never seen a red Nanni but ive seen a red Beta!
  15. In 2002 the engine was grey so Im assuming it was a BMC as most BMC's ive owned since have been grey, as you know Nanni units tend to be blue. It also had the square eberspacher heating control with a dial and a switch. I saw Omega in Wroxham stripped out over the winter while we were moored there in 2010 and it had a Nanni unit fitted then but I'd be very suprised if it hadnt had an engine change since the time I hired it in 2002 and it was built/added to the fleet in 1996. It also doesnt have the standard Nanni engine instrument panel on the dash which I would imagine it probably would have been fitted with if it had a Nanni unit from new as they usually supply one with a new engine. That is unless it had a Nanni painted grey!
  16. Wildfuzz is gloved, lubed and hes got the horn........anyone else scared?!
  17. When I hired it back in 2002 I think it was fitted with a BMC engine and it didn't have a bow thruster. It had an eberspacher heating system that wasnt really up to much to. I remember ending up pinned side on to the quay in salhouse by the wind. We eventually asked some guys on a sailing boat to help us get away and they helped by pushing the bow off the quay. Cant believe how many years ago that was now but it was a nice boat and we really enjoyed having it.
  18. I thought an anti syphon was to stop water being syphoned in to the toilet and flooding the boat rather than it being syphoned out from the toilet?! If you do go down the road of fitting a holding tank go for the biggest tank you have space for otherwise you will be forever getting it pumped out! I fitted one to another boat we once had years ago and within a week wished I had gone for a much larger tank!
  19. If enough people choose it it would put a strain on the moorings we all use when moving around, theres only so many to go round isnt there. It was not a remark, its my opinion, anyway Im leaving this here.
  20. Ricardo, I see this as a downside of having continuous cruisers. There are downsides and upsides with everything. I dont have an issue with liveaboards and the only thing I can say about constant cruising is the Broads to my mind are not really geared up for it. If enough people choose it as a lifestyle choice current facilities wont cope, that is all. I think you may be a bit oversensitive to my mention of constant cruising (which I had no idea you are) so I dont feel your rant was deserved nor do I feel I have condemned any group as a whole!
  21. How have you been grouped Ricardo, I dont know anything about you!
  22. Loddon is being let down by these characters. Nobody should need to suffer people laying about drinking and swearing in a public place its just not on. Boat fire and reports of intimidation at pyes mill it could all be connected. This I can only think is a downside of having constant cruisers. To be honest I reckon I would have moved on to, if only to ensure I wasnt moored up next to it when it eventually ends up on fire. Theres no excuse for the soap dodging either, I wonder if he availed himself of a nice warm shower in the refurbished toilet block! Just out of interest, how much did he want for the battery?
  23. The land nominated as greenspace in Chedgrave is owned by various partys/businesses. The land is stagnant marsh in places and is also used by the boatyards and other landowners in connection with their businesses. It appears this nomination has been a result of a neighbourly dispute, someone wishing to block future planning and potentially affecting current uses of this land. I was made aware of this one and Im glad its been met with the resistance it has. I cant comprehend how privately owned land can be nominated as greenspace without the landowner being made aware, even at a consultation stage. If someone hadnt let the cat out of the bag on this one how could any of the likely affected parties dispute what they didnt even know about. Also page 147, a potential Hotel development site in Beccles at the Morrisons roundabout owned by a charitable trust. It seems to me from the BA comment they may seek to block any development on this site. Its a good distance from the river, why are they even consulted!!
  24. The thing that stands out to me is the Authority are involved in such matters that I wouldnt have thought require their involvement. Their remit seems so far and wide that I need my Binoculars to see it all. I cant understand why their purpose needs be any more than a waterways maintenance board aswell as collecting river tolls. Its also clear they are not supported by local councils or parish councils and they are noted for not communicating with local business or landowners when discussing matters affecting them! Wait till you get to page 132 Timbo! It all appears extremely over complicated, no wonder they want nothing to do with bins!
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