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Everything posted by dnks34

  1. But does the average insurance policy cover for bridge damage, Im pretty sure our policy doesnt!
  2. I dont see it as naming and shaming or trial by forum. I see it as educating others. If you do something stupid and someones there with a camera, I think thats called tough luck! Without a bit of healthy speculation what would we have to talk about! We are only human after all!
  3. Ah ok i understand now. With any luck it was a falling tide and will "buff" out!
  4. Why has the guys face been blanked in the image? If he didnt want folk taking pictures of him he could have jumped in!
  5. I can think of one excuse for this happening, Approaching the bridge with the tide to find you dont have enough clearance then as you make your turn to come away the engine fails and the current takes you under the bridge. Probably not what happened here but it could!! Are Brooms on the damage waiver wagon with all the others? I think an actual cash or card deposit may make people be that little bit more careful but as most wont want the added stress of the responsibility of looking after someone else's asset I imagine cash deposits cost the yards bookings.....who knows!
  6. I remember one sailie even having a go at me for getting out of his bloomin way. You just cant win! I dont intend offence to any members here but I now initially treat all sailies with equal suspicion until they are safely passed me in the interest of my vessel and crews safety!!
  7. Rather than sticking the reg number onto the inflatable tubes I just stuck one onto each side of the transom.
  8. There might be cheaper places but I nearly always find Norfolk Marine have most things I look for, ebay is probably worth a look also.
  9. Theres a few different items that may work from here: http://www.norfolkmarine.co.uk/shop-online/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=Pedestal&submit=Go&inc_subcat=1-page-1&sort=3a&page=1 should be 3 pages to look through if the link works as intended!!
  10. I often hear the term Brundall Navy but who are they? Is it a specific group of folk all with grey hulls from Brundall? Or is it anything twin engined and opulent moored in Brundall?! Ive come to grief on the odd occasion with sailing boats on oulton broad but not atleast trying to stay out of thier way is a bit ignorant. However I do feel at times they aim for you and then wherever you go to try and avoid them aswell!
  11. But in saying that how long has the ex Brundall Angling plot been disused.
  12. I do wonder if that reprieve came about because the boats listed by the auctioneer may have been attracting incredibly low offers compared to what they would have been worth in better condition. I still dont think anyone would want to buy it as an ongoing business so cant call where its heading this time, the land must be of more interest than everything on it.
  13. Link to company dealing with Auction. http://www.lshmachinerysales.co.uk/business-sales?task=getitem&sale_id=415
  14. I think Snowy meant a GPS device that can track the location and speed rather than a helm fitted gps speedometer. I think it is a good idea, I also dont think its a bad thing for the hire yards to have the ability to keep tabs on things if necessary either.
  15. We have a whale gulper 220 on our aft shower. I also changed the original push to make momentary switch to a solid on/off type so we can switch it on at the start of a shower then off again at the end. As another member pointed out it can run dry with no damage and we dont find the sound that noticeable. Not when comparing it with the large Johnson impellor pump fitted on our fwd shower drain anyway. If and when that ever gives out it will be replaced with a whale gulper.
  16. I think it was Thursday evening Lowestoft Asda and Dunelm Mill had to be closed due to trouble from travellers. They wonder why they get a bad name.
  17. I have a photo of the boat I was filmed from, some nimby on the moorings by the pub.
  18. A boating holiday with a baby of that age would not be high on my to do list! Which makes me think its possible they could have been local visitors and the waiting transport took them home. Our son was atleast 12 months before we took him on a boat. Im not judging any parent but at that very young age there are very specific needs that im not sure a boat environment caters for very well. Given the baby the lifeboat was probably the right call.
  19. Before moving house a relative of mine had a cat defecate on the roof of his car.........daily
  20. Theres a boat always on the floating pontoon at Oulton Broad with small dogs onboard that go nuts whenever someone walks past on the jetty. Been the same for years. Dogs in the wrong hands are a bloody nuisance, theres a terrier near my house thats often shut outside and it yaps constantly, it probably annoys its owners doing it inside so they shut it out. Dogs are like children, they require attention not just shutting away when you cant be bothered with them. We are on to our dogs in seconds if they bark to see what and why they are doing it. Dogs wil bark but they shouldnt be allowed to do it constantly.
  21. I found this online calculator: https://www.vicprop.com/displacement_size.php however my vessel displacement weight would be a guestimate so my result wouldnt be very accurate!
  22. Thanks for the propellor info Griff. How would I know what pitch to go for? We also have a 50hp unit, would the same pitch as yours suit our boat to? Our rudder will be getting some attention with a wire brush wheel on a grinder this winter! I think it might end up needing replacement before much longer.
  23. We have started to take all our belongings to and from the boat in those supermarket style bags for life, the large sized ones with the cloth handles. It saves wrestling with unwieldy holdalls or suitcases trying to get through narrow passages and removes the risk of chipping the gelcoat or deck and best of all you dont need to cart them back to your car for storage as they will all fit in a drawer ready and waiting for going home.
  24. I agree they do look incredibley attractive from the rear, but what were they like from the front! I hope you took another photo?!
  25. Do you find the 4 Blade Prop to be better than a 3? Will it produce increased thrust at lower revs compared to a 3 Blade given the extra surface area of the prop? Its a upgrade I often consider making but I dont understand the technicalities to weigh up any benefits, we also have a 50hp on a 37ft hull,
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