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Everything posted by TheQ

  1. Talking about cameras, this morning they have set up a camera on each exit of the Wroxham Rd NDR round about. There is also a camera on each exit of all side roads on the Wroxham road toward Wroxham itself from the NDR. I note also there have been those rubber tubes across the road near the Wroxham road railway bridge. These are only very tiny cameras on very tall wobbley poles so I suspect it's traffic monitoring. Yesterday when I went home someone obviously didn't allow for braking on wet roads, as there was a fresh set of tracks across the Coltishall / NDR roundabout , from the Norwich Direction. An already partly demolished road sign was completely flattened
  2. Oulton broad , I'd say taken just the the right of where this picture stolen from the Waveney Class web site was taken, but looking across to the same set of trees.
  3. There has been a model of White Swan Yard. Heres some links. http://whiteswanyard.blogspot.com/ https://www.world-of-railways.co.uk/brm/information/brm-cake-box-challenge-the-hole-in-the-wall-white-swan-yard
  4. A new model railway show has been announced, 17th August 2020, at the Atrium , Spencer Avenue, North Walsham, NR28 9HZ in support of the M &GN Society. Further details to follow when I get them.
  5. And back to the 3RR. The things brought up by people in this thread. With answers from the committee. Ludham bridge, The turning point was sited where it was because the boat yard could and kindly did, move moored boats on both banks to give the biggest turning circle. They don't own the bank further down and couldnt do that there. All the competitors had been told where the turning point was some obviously didn't listen. Richardson's said they would put a notice on every boat about the race, also the club put warning notices up the other side of the bridge, some people obviously didn't bother to read. For both ludham and South walsham, the club will look at some thing like a flag pole and flag to give a better warning of the turning point. The south Walsham turning point was sited where a motor boat could be moored and get a site line to check boats had cleared the turning point. Another thing that came up. Lifejackets are not carried on ambulances, ambulance crew have been therefore told not to get onto boats. They must call the humber Coast Guard, who will call Hemsby lifeboat crew and the fire brigade and only with their presence and assistance are they allowed to go to and remove a casualty from a boat... Every guard ship has first aid crew, and luckily the club rescue boat attending the 999 casualty at the incident at Acle bridge had as one of its crew... A GP on board. Our people removed the casualty from the boat to dry land for the ambulance to take away.
  6. Starboard and water calls only apply between sailing boats. It's highly unlikely you would hear a call from a sailing boat to a motorboat because you won't hear it over the engine. Normally they will just point in the direction they would like you to go or point at you first then point at where they want you to go. If you come across a sailing boat tacking from side of the river to the other whether towards you or away, stick to the right hand bank adjust your speed and as they tack away from your bank pass behind them to go forward. If they have the wind behind them going in a straight line in your way only move across the river for them or you to pass, if there is room. If there are a lot of boats doing one or the other, slow down, stick to your bank let them tack past you. If they have the wind behind them only cross the river to pass or let them through, if you are certain they are not going to go that way.
  7. Good job the race was't this weekend , forecast of gusting 40+mph .. it would have been cancelled. Most River sailers on the broads are used to this sort of argy bargy close quarter sailing. occasionally you get a newbie from wide open spaces who comes and joins in.. They get often get very uptight about the knocks and bangs and then go away .. they can't cope with it. It's very rare a broads sailor calls on their insurance or the other parties insurance in these matters. it would have to be something really major like a dismasting, or the other competitor deliberately ramming..
  8. but wil we then be able to keep red diesel?
  9. The old office at DRL went years ago, they were in an office near the ferry Inn last time i saw an advert.. Though that address has gone from the website, the telephone number 01692630530 is a Horning one.
  10. read the statement about DIY work on page 5 that is a statement by HSE not a discussion.
  11. The problem is finding out whether the uruguayan company has got itself permission to insure in the UK (it might have if they do big ships). When they used a greek company that wasn't problem.
  12. opps the link went missing.. www.hse.gov.uk/consult/disdocs/dde14a.pdf
  13. Considering I used to change 1000psi Gas pipes safely at Bacton, 30mbar is not a problem..
  14. You really must stop quoting inaccuracies, I suggest you read this document from the HSE, page 5. (yes it's old quoting Corgi not gas safe). you are allowed to diy yourself
  15. Noting of course, that Edward william is not an insurance company, it is a brokers, it is based in Spain, but the insurance company they use at the moment is in uruguay. They have in the past used a greek insurer. Depending where you go some are brokers, some are insurance companies. My sailing boat used to be insured through St Margarets a brokers, Noble marine are a broker, Navigators and General are part of Zurich insurance. Same with cars, Saga are not an insurance company, neither are Arian Flux, but with both you could end up with LV, my landrover insurance from Adrian Flux says Highway, but thats part of the Liverpool and Victoria group.
  16. 1 That's a code of practice not law, 2 The gas safe regulations (or what ever they want to call them) are for people working on other peoples property, as put out by Capita a company with a poor reputation running the Gas safe register to make money. 3 if you seriously think every engineer with his apprentice /s is going to do all the work himself with them just watching, you are very misguided..
  17. Run by the Worstead Guild of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers, Woolly Worstead, is coming up on 15th and 16th of June 10am- 4pm. At Dilham, NR28 9PT, their hall is on the recreation ground. A display and demonstrations of all things woolly. There are tea / coffee and cakes, and on Saturday "The Occasional Ceilidh Band" I'd Like to be there supporting SWMBO, but I'm told I'm on Dog sitting Duties.. The above is probably why I found six sheep had been in the tin shed, How do I know they had been in there? They left their coats behind...
  18. There were 4 way traffic lights outside the Pheonix Swan yesterday as they repaired the road. They were gone this morning, but the roads close to the swan are marked up for further repairs..
  19. Please don't blame Horning for a company based in birmingham. Company address: Vintage Inns Mitchells & Butlers plc 27 Fleet Street Birmingham B3 1JP UK
  20. Yep you only need the 1 gas safe qualified man, the rest don't have to be, he just supervises.
  21. Only for commercial boats is it a law, and it doesn't say a "gas safe registered person", The law says a competent person. Even then the company could be "gas safe registered" but the person not. It is perfectly legal to do you own gas work on your own house or boat, however if you are not competent, you are even more liable.. and even more of an idiot..
  22. Boat under another... Technically it looks like the red sailed 95, is in the wrong, and is coming into contact with the punt going away from the camera, the boat with sail number 87 is clear of the action, coming this way. The general rules of sailing, trying to keep it simple, with out too much jargon.. Starboard = right hand side facing forward (but it stays starboard if you face aft) Port = left hand side facing forward. tack = one set of wind directions with wind one side, To tack = change sides with the wind passing round the front of the boat. To Gybe, change direction with the wind passing behind the boat. A sailing boat with the wind coming from it's right hand side has right of way over a boat with the wind coming over it's left hand side. the boat with the right of way will shout "Starboard!!!" if two boats are on the same tack, the one nearer where the wind is coming from has to keep clear of the other one. the leeward boat will shout "windward boat" If two boats are approaching the bank or an obstruction (a motor cruiser), the inner boat calls for "water" or "room to tack", the outer one has to tack and give him room. There are more rules and refinements but the basics cover most situations We sail on the broads often less than 6 inches apart, looking several boats ahead choosing a route between the traffic. Those used to wide open spaces, sail several feet apart, and choose their route depending on the wind. We have a guardship debriefing on the event on Friday, I will bring up the info on boats claiming not to know where the turning point is. Though the competitors are told, what a guardship looks like and where the turning points are, so they should keep sailing on until till they see the guardship sign, and with the big orange banner on it's side. (flashing orange light at night) Technically anyone replying " it's up there", means the boat receiving the information, is disqualified for "Outside Assistance" great photos by the way.
  23. IIRC The A Rater that retired at Ludham was due to a torn mail sail, I guessing the shortend rig is to below the tear. It was the first over the water in the race last year.. I put warnings on this and another web site about the race, all the boat yards know it's on. yet some people claim they didn't know about it...
  24. I got bored and looked up the tide table for 2020.. Low water at Acle (12:41) a little earlier for The Stracy arms... just as the the last boats are starting. it is however near enough neep tides.. Everyone to Hickling first in 2020?
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