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Everything posted by TheQ

  1. One of the traders has now totalled up and he has damage in excess of £20,000 (many years of display models destroyed)
  2. Not in the Outer Hebridies, from having BBC1 405 line badly. They got colour, 625 line, BBC2, ITV, and Channel 4 all at the same time... about 1981
  3. There is nothing official about a name. Tell the Broads Authority the new name when you register your ownership. Tell your insurer when you get the insurance. Change the name on the boat when you get the chance.
  4. The last time I looked the club had appealed for £500 pounds and have so far generated.... £87,000 including £10,000 from Sir Rod Stewart .(who has 2 model railways 1 in the USA and 1 in the UK), £5000 from https://www.miniatur-wunderland.com/ many other clubs, modellers and widows of Modellers. The Club now have a major headache sorting out the distribution of money,. Many clubs like ours Broadland Model Railway club have contributed. Although most clubs are run on a shoestring, Half the profits from our own show at Aylsham go to the Aylsham ladies (Formerly Aylsham British Legion ladies section) who run the tea bar for us at the show and that gets distributed to charity. Shows themsleves are reducing partly because halls are getting more expensive to hire. Our own Show at Aylsham in October, couldn't go on without the sponsorship of the Bure Valley Railway which effectively pays for the hall. Also partly because of ageing membership, clubs are struggling. This year the Waveny and District Model railway club have had to cancel their well regarded show at st Felix Schoolo after 30 years running, because the club members consider themselves no longer up to the task . This is why we have our own open day at Hoveton on Sunday, it's to try to gain more members. There is a lot of effort in running a show, BMRC is already looking at layouts for the 2021 show and we haven't had 2019s show yet (it's on the 5th of October). The Show committee have to chose a selection of layouts from childrens Thomas come and play, to fine scale modelling, from micro layouts to very large and try to get a good balance of styles. Qualified First Aiders, Pat testing, layout recruiment, Tea Bar, electrical supplies. all need sorting. The Night before our show we clear 100 chairs and a stage from the hall, mark out the floor plan for each layout and traders place, providing tables and chairs as required. Our own layouts, any local traders and visiting layouts may chose to come in with the last being around 20:00. Then the morning of the show, it's all hands to getting the rest of the traders and layouts in from 07:00 till opening at 10:00. 16 :00 close of show. Help all the layouts and traders out, remove all the markers from the floor and electrical supplies. Hoover up, relay all the chairs and stage. Take our own layouts, tables and equipment back to the MRC. During the next week, clear the "wreakage" from the club floor where everything has been dumped. De brief meeting.. Start planning on the next years show,... and get on with some modelling..
  5. We need a GROAN button...
  6. A keel resists in the water side ways push of the air against the sails . I won't go further than that as the maths of it are frightening to me.. Note you almost never sail with the sails dead on the centre line, just with the back end of the sail out away from the wind a little. Getting that angle right gives you the forward propulsion when close hauled. "CLOSE HAULED" with the sail as near to the centre of the boat as possible while still sailing forward.. This is the most used position of sails on a river when sailing into the wind, If the wind is straight down the river towards you. You gradually get pushed towards one bank as you go forward. This is where the skill comes in. Getting the angle of the sail, and the boat right for best progress against the wind. If you hold on to that too long, you either end up stalling the boat with the sail flapping about over fore and aft, because you've tried to avoid hitting the bank with boat side or keel depending on depth. OR you hit the bank. both of which may cause damage but will stop your forward progression. A good sailer will judge it correctly and tack (TACK= wind passing through dead ahead to the other side of the boat) just before either stalling or hitting the bank occurs. At this point you confuse the mafi's by crossing the river in front of them..and then you do the same when you get to the other side of the river. If the wind is not dead ahead, then the mainsail can be further out allowing you to sail straight down the river, however you are continually adjusting the sail and rudder to maintain speed as the Wind angle changes, as the river bends and to avoid other boats who may have right of way over you. You may have to Gybe, Gybe is the wind changing from one side to the other across the back of the boat as you change direction. This can be quite hair raising , as the boom may swing violently from one side to the other with a crash..don't get your head in the way of it occuring.. And finally. now I've bored you to tears, may I suggest coming to our Next open day at Horning Sailing club which will be early May next year, probably in conjunction with the Horning Boat Show. The club will take you out for free, on an experience sail of half an hour ish up and down the river..
  7. But ideally you realy want something a lot smoother like these,, the numbers being the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (American ) who ran lots of aero dynamic tests to produce the best shapes. NACA 0012 being the general use best shape for boats according to most authorities. 12 being 12% thick compare to the fore and aft length. The top one on this drawing being NACA 10
  8. Dinghies often have a drop keel but without the bulb on the bottom. as they are proportionately smaller and can lift their keel easily to remove weed or clear and obstruction. Hydrodynamics, they should be like a double sided Aircraft wing, as aircraft have wings hold you up, where boat keels produce forward motion against water on both tacks. these are from an explanation on keel shapes for dinghy drop keels 1 being the worst shape, 4 being the best of those shown.
  9. Here is an image of a modern drop keel, totally unsuitable for the broads too deep and weed would catch round the bulb .
  10. Here is one version of a swing keel, they have the advantage if you hit something they swing up without damage.
  11. A fixed keel on most broads boats looks something like this.. note Broad boats "fin Keels " tend to be longer fore and aft and shorter vertically due the the need to keep them less than about 3ft 6 inches.
  12. I forgot to mention Accompanied under 12s free entry. Concessions £2...
  13. Looks like you won't have much trouble... from the NSBA Green book. The below is what I believe the clubs would like you to do, Please, if you see sailing boats. On Barton and Wroxham broads keep round the edges ( the deep water side of any marker posts) Horning keep right and slow through the sailing particularly the Thursday junior training. Hickling stick to the deep water channel most of the racing is outside that. The other places I don't know I ain't been there(for sailing) 19 Mon Aug *WOBYC - Oulton Week ........................................................Oulton Broad* NPC -Junior Week..................................................................Barton Broad sunrise 4:45 sunset 19:10 20 Tue Aug *WOBYC - Oulton Week .........................................................Oulton Broad* NPC -Junior Week..................................................................Barton Broad HBSC - T Sail 1700hrs ...........................................................Hickling Broad sunrise 4:47 sunset 19:08 21 Wed Aug *WOBYC - Oulton Week ...........................................................Oulton Broad* NBYC - Evening Sailing ............................................................Wroxham Broad NPC -Junior Week................................................................. .Barton Broad HBSC - Evening club racing-1915hrs start...............................Hickling Broad RBSC - Wednesday Evening Series.................. .........................Rollesby Broad sunrise 4:48 sunset 19:06 22 Thu Aug *WOBYC - Oulton Week ............................................................Oulton Broad* HSC -Evening training ...............................................................Horning NPC -Junior Week..................................................................Barton Broad sunrise 4:50 sunset 19:04 23 Fri Aug *WOBYC - Oulton Week .........................................................Oulton Broad* NPC -Junior Week..................................................................Barton Broad sunrise 4:52 sunset 19:02 Last Quarter 24 Sat Aug BASC - Series C Club Racing .................................................................................Beccles WOBYC - Summer Series racing - Programme A..............Oulton Broad NRSC - Regatta at NBYC .....................................................Wroxham Broad HSC - Sundown Series - river...............................................Horning *NPC - Open Regatta..........................................................Barton Broad* HBSC - Training Day...........................................................Hickling Broad RNSYC - Ribsters Day.........................................................Lowestoft sunrise 4:53 sunset 19:
  14. Welcome to the site... My warning about Hickling is there are one or two places with a hard Bottom and the mud weight just doesn't stick in the bottom properly. One place is up toward the sailing club on their side of the channel. There is also a hard ridge running across the broad about half way up outside of channel on the opposite side of the broad.. PS if you are on the Broads 3rd to the 9th of August, That will be Horning Ragatta time. About a month before I'll post a guide to getting through with the least hassle..(called... Navigating the Northern Broads 3rd to 9th Aug 2019)
  15. I probably passed you, as you were stuck there, we were in a Yeoman that year.. I've done the 3 rivers race in a bilge keel Lysander 17ft many times, only twice not getting round and one of those was with a broken tabernacle. The maximum handicap they'll give you on 3RR is 25% off your finishing time, a Lysanders true handicap is 35% off the finishing time. On true handicap one year I would have finished 16th. Sailing a bilge keeler can be quite very enjoyable, and if you go agound with a blige keeler it's almost always the bank side keel and heeling toward the middle of the river will normally clear it.. That being said there is something to be said for an hydrodynamic swing keel, you can have 5ft draft in the deep stuff and just lift it a bit if it gets shallow.
  16. Traditional Broads boats were running agound in the centre of Heigham sound channel before they dredged it. Most of the Pegasuses Pegasusi? on the broads are Bilge keel and Draw 3ft 1 inch.. As for westerlies, there are about 60 different boats from Westerly, but, up to 30ft a bilge keeler would be OK. Some of the smaller boats up to 25ft would be around 4ft draft fin keel, OK on the main rivers but you'ld have to be careful elsewhere. I know I've had a "discussion" with a motor boat(private) that wouldn't keep to the bank.. He said he drew 2ft 6 inches. I tried to explain his 2ft 6 inches in the centre of his boat, that would be 6ft off the bank where as our dinghies and keel boats were racing with 3ft hanging beneath only 3 ft off the bank..
  17. More pictures of the wreckage at the Market Deeping Show.. https://www.mdmrc.org/stamford-show-2019.html The 9 layouts that hadn't put their layouts in place overnight, will be greatly relieved..
  18. In Horning the moorings at the Swan will almost certainly be booked up by the competitors and their supporters. The village green will also be jam packed Cockshoot dyke is a good one at the start, but taken unless you get there very early or the St Benets straight opposite the dyke to South Walsham if possible. Between the bridges at Potter is a good one, Most visitors won't get through and you can moor by the pub for some refreshment and wander over to the old bridge, to watch the usual panic of lowering masts and paddling through.
  19. This sad news has been all over the Model railway forums, a just giving page was set up for uninsured losses by Market Deeping Model railway Club. and has raised £40,000 so far. Although I doubt that will pay for what has been lost. You don't get paid for the many thousands of hours hand making layouts, locomotives and rolling stock. The club it'self will have lost not only their model railways, but the loss of the event. Most clubs like Marklet Deeping or our own, Broadland Railway Model Railway club use their Shows as a Fundraiser to help pay for club expenses. Market deeping will still have to pay the travelling and hotel costs for exhibitors with no income from the show. In our case we Broadland Model Railway Club have permanently on hire an industrial unit in Catfield for our club room and our show profits pay around a tenth of the rental for that So ... Next Sunday is our open day, charging Just £3 to get in to cover our expenses in hiring Hoveton Village hall NR12 8DU 10:30-15:30 as we are more interested in recruiting more members. Note, there is a car Boot going on in the field Behind 11:00 onwards. The entrance for that is through the Hall car park, you'll have to say you going to the Model railway event to get to park in the Hall car Park.
  20. Just 12 days to go till the big race, another bump for those who may not have seen the notes. The forecast is just a 7 mph gusting 11mph northerly, at the start swinging round to a ignore that, it just changed.. As I was saying, 12mph North westerly gusting 27mph, thats about perfect for the start as in the sheltered river at Horning you won't get that much but it will blow everyone straight down the river, so no log jam.. Sunday staying North Westerly but dropping to 11 mph for the many tacks back to Horning..
  21. Unfortunately the chip was in the passenger side top corner that progressed to a crack a foot long 45 degrees out from the corner, and then overnight has aquired a u bend at the end of the crack. Hence new windscreen required..
  22. the above mentiond traffic lights on the Hoveton Stalham road have disappeared by this morning, so they weren't there long.. There were two lorry vacuum cleaners flying in close formation on the A149 hoovering up the excess on the repaired gravlly bit this morning, so it should be better by now.. Car booked in for windscreen replacement through insurers, next appointment available... next Wednesday..
  23. The road outside Tescos Stalham, was gravelled today, they were finished before 06:10, when I went past. The disaster on the main road between the two entrances to Stalham on the A149 has been regravelled during the day. Lots of loose stuff around. A new set of traffic lights has appeared on the road north of Hoveton, just before the hill up past the round towered church. No idea why.. Many of the minor roads in around Stalham have been gravelled they've used tons of the stuff... I wonder why I've got a cracked windscreen...
  24. Grendel just reported lots of room under Potter bridge..
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