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Everything posted by TheQ

  1. it was clear at 06:15 this morning as it almost was most mornings when the lights were there
  2. Rum, Yes, not so sure of the lashing..
  3. Congratulations, Something I tried about 45 Years ago, when the exam was much more difficult. although I never took it as everytime I got it arranged I got posted or detached by the RAF. I used to help RAF Locking's Amature radio station G1FC (Flying Corps !!! that's an old licence) and G3RAF) Often putting the morse learning tapes on for transmission. I tried an online version of the test last year and it didn't seem too difficult, maybe I'll have another go when I retire.
  4. Depth guage on the broads?... Stay inside the channel markers and there is no problem.. You'd need a gauge that registers in inches, as the normal depth is about 5ft. Very rarely 10ft A depth gauge on the broads won't help you, by the time the gauge registers shallowing waters the bow has run aground. If you're less than 30ft I don't see the need for a bow thruster either.. You should have an air draft (cockpit hood down) less than Potter Heigham bridge, There's no point having a boat on the broads and not being able to get to much of it.. led lighting is an easy bulb swap later.. An electric mud weight might be interesting for the fishing. But I think an electric winch might be better at getting the mudweight up..
  5. Actually this time the old bridge wall had been hit and displaced by several inches towards the resturant.. Ps I note the A149 road south of where the relaid the tarmac at Stalham has also had it's cats eye removed as well as the north
  6. The good news is the traffic lights on the bridge have gone.. The bad news is there is a new set of traffic lights just north of the new roundabout in Hoveton the works themselves are not on the road the traffic chaos is caused by making a pathway on the road while they dig the pathway up..
  7. The concrete safety barriers round the brick work have been removed from the bridge. But this morning the traffic lights were still there. There are more gas works at the north of Hoveton, even though they are well off the road, there all sorts of warning signs on the road..
  8. I notice this morning the new wall is actually finished. It's much taller than the old one, I suppose so trucks can see it better.. however it will mean more to knock down next time it's hit.. Hopefully the traffic lighs will be removed shortly.. The Wayford Bridge side of the tescos junction on the A149 has had all it's cats eys removed as far as Stepping stone lane, I suspect another outbreak of road works shortly...
  9. The club doesn't have the 1/2 million or more that cost...
  10. There is another drone film, but just of the area around Horning Sailing club it's on the front page of their web site.. https://horning-sailing.club/
  11. And for once that one is NOT an April fool..
  12. I'm not actually involved with the decisions on how the building will be built but I'm sure they will go into all options. The big pile next door to the club and the little boat house were built not that long ago with some very large piles... Back in the early 1970s I was living in my parents Married quarter on Benbecula which were built on the bottom of an old sea loch / peat bog. The row across from us was still under construction. They dug a deep trench around the foundation line filled it with concrete, Dug out the peat from the middle, which was refilling with water rapidly, Stuck a pipe in and kept the pump running emptying the water, back filling the hole with large ballast. Capped the lot with concrete, pump still running, Removed pipe in a hurry and capped the hole. So the married quarters were floating on their own open bottom hull of concrete..
  13. When the block of terraced houses was built on the old Southgates yard, just up river from Horning Sailing club, they test piled and hit solid at 25ft, when it came to build the block, some of the piles went down 90ft+ Meanwhile the Sailing club is slowly subsiding itself, the end nearest the flag pole is several inches lower than the rest of the building. About 5 years ago the club were told that the current building has less than 10 years life left. The Club has been busy trying to increase the piggy bank and get things organised ever since. The new building will have to be very different because BA has said they will not permit new portacabins. It will have to be a piled proper building not a group of porta cabins sitting on railway sleepers.. So it will be expensive...
  14. Wow going via Maine, that was one heck of a diversion..
  15. No that has an orange top, fake tan and twitters a lot..
  16. Sorry not listed, but a Scheduled Historic Monument, which has even tighter controls than most listings... https://ancientmonuments.uk/102216-wroxham-bridge-hoveton#.XJ31geQ3afA as is potter heigham bridge https://ancientmonuments.uk/102254-potter-heigham-bridge-repps-with-bastwick#.XJ311-Q3afA As is RAF Neatishead Type 84 radar.. https://ancientmonuments.uk/119597-raf-neatishead-type-84-radar-modulator-building-and-four-radar-plinths-neatishead#.XJ32DuQ3afA That makes me feel old being qualified to work on it!!!
  17. One month till Entries close, Get your Entires in NOW (Please)
  18. No Change to the Stalham road works, There was a just off the road works just north of the North walsham turn off yesterday afternoon, but I suspect it was a short one as a man was busy brushing the coned off area and the digger was heading back towards it's trailer.. I notice, it looks like they've used new bricks and concrete mortar on the lIsted Hoveton bridge built with lime mortar.....
  19. Went through the Stalham works this morning, and it looks like all tha actual tarmacing is completed. The roads do need to be White lined though.
  20. Oh BXXXXXXr https://www.edp24.co.uk/motoring/yarmouth-and-ingham-roads-in-stalham-closed-in-april-1-5960417 That'l give me grief every day, the official diversion for anyone going to or from Ingham, will no doubt be via Happisburgh again..
  21. I'd agree with only minimal delay at the Horning upper street lights, especially as they seem to notice the flat square front of my landrover before I get there and change... The Stalham lights and cones seem to be removed when they are not working, a nice change from most road works..
  22. Oh err. no Map from https://roadworks.org/ Ok lets just say the world is cut off from North Norfolk...
  23. Acle, martham, winterton, waxham sea Palling Lessingham.?
  24. In Norfolk you're a "furriner" even if you've lived here 50 years...
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