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Everything posted by TheQ

  1. The salinity of the broads has varied a lot after over the years, Hickling broad has effectively been salt several times, in 1953 and before back in the 1930s and many times before that.. each time the sea has broken through at palling or waxham. Mans intervention has actually reduced the number of times it has gone salt and is changing Nature..
  2. TheQ

    My Day

    I collected My 1984 Land Rover from it's MOT and service yesterday, the new back door and Back axle rebuild dented the pocket somewhat..
  3. if you had the bench front seat, as well every time you went round a corner you had to cling onto the steering wheel or you'd end up sitting on the passenger.. Take out the spare wheel from in fornt of the engine and get in with the engine to do the servicing...
  4. Well, the slightly cremated (the roof and upstairs) houses next door are being thatched, it doesn't look like it will take long to finish. They have however dug up the road outside the Swan and Houses but inside the barriers. I reckon there is a good chance all the barriers will be down before C********s.
  5. Morning, Coltishall road /NDR roundabout is surrounded by cones today (27/11/18) there were two Highway traffic control Transit lorries there just begining to place them when I went through. Also 27th, 28th 29th the road down from the cremated Swan through Ingham Corner will be closed for waterworks, again the highway traffic control lorry was just arriving as I went through.
  6. The figure given for the number of houses over 1 million was early on this year, 768553. Not my view from work but near enough my view for today, https://www.horning-sailing.club/webcams.php
  7. it would be very difficult to do so, there was a hydrographic survey some years ago. That showed more water came down the rivers than flows out of the GY river mouth, it was found a large amount of water flows out under great Yarmouth as its built on a gravel spit.
  8. TheQ

    My Day

    Not my day someone else's bad day near Sheringham yesterday. Advice to a new driver, Robin don't ignore flashing reds...
  9. Congratulations now you have to watch out for tacking boats cars on the river road it's is getting near Christmas and New year... Hic . PS you thought you had problems getting boat insurance, wait till you try Car insurance for a new driver...
  10. Going home yesterday (15:15) there was a car parked on the Wroxham Road / NDR roundabout. This Morning there is a Car parked on the Wroxham Road / NDR roundabout. A different one.. So much for the much vaunted new signs and road marking. A few bits of paint and palstic signs doesn't make up for making a complete cock up of the design..
  11. TheQ

    My Day

    A little late, but Sunday of course was sailing day, after we had lowered the flags for the 2minutes silence. This week it was our turn on duty I was on the rescue boats, while my sailing compatriot ran the racing. Due to the strong winds, several small dinghies capsized. Most sorted themselves out, we had to rescue one laser with a broken mast, another that washed up on a Lee shore. The other rescue boat collected a few boats too. In other news, Broadland model railway club is getting ready for the October 2019 show with 13 layouts, 6 traders and one trader booked so far.
  12. The Cremated Swan, doesn't look so cremated now, the outside has been painted, lighting installed on the front of the pub and the fencing along the front has been replaced. There is now an out of working hours security man staying in a motorcaravan guarding the place, I saw him wandering around with torch while I was waiting at the lights. So I guess the expensive stuff is now being installed inside.. The house next door has had it's roof battoned out ready for thatching..
  13. Today at 11:00 11/11/2018, I have the Honour to lower the flags at Snowflake Sailing Club, Horning, as we do every year .
  14. The view from Work this morning.... No I haven't forgotten to post a picture, except for about 5 years mostly during training some years ago (out of 43 years so far), I've never worked where I can see out of a window. in fact most places had no windows.. Time to ...head to the window less laboratory..
  15. The problem with that is after a few years there will be a need for a bypass of the NDR, IIRC much like Newbury needed a bypass bypass. There is a crash this morning on the NDR Wroxham Roundabout, since the recovery vehicle was there along with 3 police cars I suspect by 08:00 it will be cleared. It on affects those wanting to go from there westwards on the NDR from Wroxham or Postwick. It looks like a black Audi has gone straight on from the Norwich road, into the signs and the round about. Oddly there is an optical illusion that when you come from Wroxham, the accident looks like it's beyond the Norwich exit. so you get in lane for the right hand turn round the bout, to find you are diverted into Norwich. Now of course being totally in the wrong lane with cars coming up from Postwick blocking your exit..
  16. sadly faydens map of the late 1790s doesn't name the dyke. But is does show that what we call Potter Heigham was called Potter Furlgate, whereas Potter heigham was that part near the church. Also what we call Sutton Broad was then called Stalham Broad..
  17. From the EDP yesterday 12,000 lives were lost in Norfolk during WWI, the greatest sacrifice made by any part of the country PUBLISHED: 13:56 04 November 2018 Derek James The 12th Norfolk (Norfolk Yeomanry) returning home Picture: Archant library You'd have thought the EDP could have least honoured the men by getting it right 12000 me were Lost BY Norfolk in Northern France and Belgium, not IN Norfolk
  18. Most British Legion Clubs have a pensions Officer, My dad was one in his spare time. A great many servicement were overlooked for a variety of reasons. During the 1980s he was still arranging for ex far east prisoners to go and have specialist tropical disease treatment because both the military and the NHS had missed treating them. Ireland had a particularly bad record of treatment of ex WW2 servicemen. They were being deliberately denied normal benefits, as were their families through till the 1990s.
  19. TheQ

    My Day

    Saturday, Went to Spalding MRC Model railway shows, 31 layouts, loads of traders and society stands as well. Spent too much money, some very good layouts on display. very crowded later. Probably the effect of the great Model railway Challenge on TV, which has been give a contract for a second series for next year. This years final is 20:00 Friday channel 5. Sunday, sailing three races, the middle one marred by a couple of sailors who need to brush up on the racing rules. Then A private Ex hire motor cruiser barged it's way through the fleet shouting and swearing at the sailors, causing much evasive action. The strange thing was it was towing a beautiful wooden sailing dinghy with mast. You would have thought he knew how to go through a fleet of sailors. I believe he was probably drunk, as after he cleared the fleet, the boat started head nose first towards the wrong bank, before violently correcting it's course on up river.
  20. Following his gps? (some used to show there was a crossing there)
  21. WD 40 being a water dispersant not a lubricant, However I don't think you can spray enough to keep the water out.. PS you forgot the Duct Tape..
  22. Not quite, the law is, if you don't know the speed limit the default is 30mph. Technically to go above 30mph is a permission not a right.. Meantime Back in costing us money land 'cos they got it wrong first time but will never admit it.. http://www.edp24.co.uk/motoring/repair-works-planned-norwich-ndr-roundabouts-1-5755928
  23. There I was about to say "Protest!!!! improper propulsion of a sailing boat." International rules of racing rules 42.2 Prohibited Actions Without limiting the application of rule 42.1, these actions are prohibited: (a) pumping: repeated fanning of any sail either by pulling in and releasing the sail or by vertical or athwartship body movement; (b) rocking: repeated rolling of the boat, induced by (1) body movement, (2) repeated adjustment of the sails or centreboard, or (3) steering;
  24. just had a look at the map and Finemere woods (with a group of others) are a piece of land roughly in the corner of the junction of the Milton keynes - Bicester railway and the old Great Central railway, both of which still exist and are used though not as much as it's planned to be..
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