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Everything posted by TheQ

  1. The Lytton 850 is an Elysian 27ft aft cockpit with a different deck and cabin, fixed cockpit hard top (front half of cockpit) and quite often a larger engine. As such the hulls of Elysians are plenty strong enough for the broads
  2. Thanks to all who displayed patience and understanding during the event...
  3. I should perhaps, explain that, the bloke was incredulous that he had to avoid sailboats,... Perhaps, he thought he was in Disneyland...
  4. Well that's it, the regatta is over for another year, though club sailing will continue, from next Thursday afternoon / evening, with the sailing school and racing sailing on Black Horse, the following Sunday. The sailing went well, with some trophies given out after racing, others are given out at the prize giving dinner in October. Also the glasses were given out, if you do so many % of your possible races, you get an HSC engraved glass, if you do nearly all your possible races you get two glasses. Three incidents to report, During the mid morning race two broads tours day boats 41and 11 went past, fully loaded with late teens early twenty something's, jumping up and down on the fore decks singing and "dancing" , jumping from boat to boat, obviously already well p****d. Much later they came back, some obviously unable to stand, shirtless males or or minimal cover females, doing good impressions of lobsters. They will be regretting it this morning. Also in the morning a Brinks elysian/maderia went past with what looked like two male bruiser / club bouncer types on board. We showed the keep right, thank you boards, as the racing was very busy, but the look they gave us, made it obvious they weren't taking any advice. So they proceeded on just right of centre and shortly after got stuck well and truly surrounded by sailing boats as the mobo caused chaos. And finally, a lot of shouting occurred as a day boat came through the fleet, well out out from the bank, a very angry man came to us shouting about the sailing boats, and while I tried to explain what was going on and what he should have done, he made the statement. " I'VE hired this boat and "I" have avoid sailboats!!! "
  5. I hope you enjoyed your trip on the broads, especially through Horning Regatta. You had just passed my rescue boat when you took this picture, we were the ones waving the keep right, racing ahead , hug the bank, thank you boards. Appropriately the capsized dinghy is of a class called a "splash" he sorted him self out without our help. Just beyond is a small sailing cruiser called Red Orchid the vicar an his family enjoy their racing at regatta week each year. He must do, it's a slow old tub, I'm often asked to go see where she is, the hunt for Red October is on.... He should still win a trophy though...
  6. Afternoon All, a very good days sailing for all although the wind was very light in the morning. 99% of boat drivers happily went along the bank, 1 or two interpreted "keep to the right hand bank" as somewhere down the middle, then getting somewhat of a mess surrounded by tacking boats. There was the other odd one or two who panicked at the sight of a boat coming towards them and turned away into the river causing more chaos... The only major problem, was the link between the throttle cable and the carb came undone. Leaving me in one of 4 rescue boats to come from near dydlers mill to the club at idle. A long trip.... A simple fix but annoying. There is a disco at the club tonight, once I obtain a can or two from the bar, I shall retreat to the other side of the river... The last day of the regatta tomorrow, ah music has started, my ears hurt, bye..
  7. If you wish to have a view of the regatta with out getting involved in the Mayhem or sitting on Swan green https://www.horning-...lub/webcams.php which, if you look at from 09:30 You See our sailing chaos. Peak busyness about 11:00 or 14:30, though the fleets could be anywhere on a Mile and a half of river. I hear the sounds of beer barrels being dropped, it must be a delivery to the Swan pub in the left hand picture. Out on patrol we have signs to hold out, it's easier than shouting over the sound of their diesel engines, the signs say "keep right", "hug the bank" "racing ahead" "thank you" to which one punter shouted back "does this mean we have to turn round" err where did it say that? Yesterday I rescued grandma and granddad in a rowing dinghy, male and female grandchildren in canoes. They found paddling up river is easy with the wind and tide, getting back was not. They were very undirectional getting out into hoards racing sailors on also amoung inexperienced hire boaters. So we towed them back the mile they had come from... There's a phone going off in the clubhouse, someone will be looking for that this morning.Just as we set off to return to our station, another sailing boat reported a dinghy in trouble, full throttle time.. Just where we picked up the the others was a "solo" class dinghy sailor sat on the bank, he'd capsized, recovered to the bank but had a badly torn sail, he'd only had the boat 2 days....We had huge entry of Yare and Bure one designs yesterday, very traditional broads keelboats with very long booms, half a dozen can block the river, we had a lot more than that.. Today, is the original regatta day, spoons day, tea spoon for third place, middles spoon for second, soup soon for first. As well as the chance of getting your name on lots of trophies.. So Many more boats will be out today, Time to go attach the flags to their halyards the cannon goes off in 25 minutes
  8. Morning all, Monday's evening games night and fish and chips went well, 101 portions pre ordered and few others bought as well. Tuesday's event went very well, just two incidents, Two incidents, First, a single person or two at a squeeze, speedboat was planeing through the fleet on the wrong side of the river, this was a consistent long plane not just avoiding a boat. , I had to put my rescue boat in front to stop him, I reminded him the limit was 5mph at that point. He was on a short stay visitor toll.. But because I was also busy keeping an eye on the racing, i forgot to make a note of his toll number.. He said OK and went off correctly, but I suspect round the corner of dydlers mill he will have opened up again. The other, a hire boat complained at being shouted at by racing boats, since the visitor was going along the river correctly as asked, I reported it to the commodore, who will read the riot act later today, once as a general, announcement to everyone and then again before the start of the suspected culprits, fundamental rule 2, fair sailing, and rule 69, gross misconduct applies and could lead to disqualification. the Tuesday evening quiz night went well, the club was packed, inside and out. There were about 20 teams we came 5th half a point from being 3rd.. The rescue boats are ready, the flags are hooked on, the cannon fires in 40 minutes, time to get a coffee.
  9. Monday, winds much lighter, but it rained all. Morning. 05:30 to clubhouse, SSS, 06:00 get the rescue boat out load with buoys, then have coffee 07:00 prepare other 3 rescue boats, 07:30 hook flags to halyards, get another coffee 07:50 I start count down, 07:59:50 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. 08:00 canon fires as I haul up flags. 08:05 depart to place buoys 08:30 return to collect, major regatta signs. 09:00 return and order bacon butties for breakfast. 09:15 as first buzzer goes, depart munching bacon butties to up river of start. 09:25 first start starts, head up river, diverting non competitors to the right hand bank. Continue diverting tourists while keeping an eye on competitors until.. 12::00 return to the club for a cheese roll and coffee. 13:30 back on the water for the afternoon races 16:30 radio failed returned to club for another, radio messages now received and understood 17:30 start collecting buoys 18:00 return rescue crew, go to motorboat, get changed. 18:30 to clubhouse, have sausage and chips Games going on, lots of socialising , I'm on my first cider. Only one incident to today, one incident today one competing boat attempted to mount another, no injuries to people, one boat damaged. That's my day at Horning regatta so far, time to go to the bar again...
  10. The concern about lack of wind was unjustified, we had too much Saturday and Sunday and wetness from the sky. Only 10 boats competed Saturday And 12 Sunday. Many capsizes from the dinghies, but the only one needing rescue was nearer another rescue boat. He capsized stuck his mast in the mud and broke the mast trying to right the boat. After racing on Sunday, we had a rescue dory skills competition out side the club on the river ( regular dory drivers banned from competing.) I was rescue boat for the rescue boat, we also had a fully qualified instructed sitting along side each novice just in case. Everything was on skill, speed was not included or allowed. Pick up a fender hooked on a buoy reverse to another buoy hook fender on again. Bring dory to club house quay heading touch balloon with bow of dory without bursting balloon. Rescue football from river Manoeuvre boat the finish. Just as we were to start I saw 3 green canoes approaching 150 yards away near the BA village moorings, so just as I moved forward to ask them to go round one capsized. Full throttle time, waving down a tourist to stop, I reached and recovered one man, while the competing rescue boat with two qualified crew, rescued the other who had swum to and was hanging onto a moored broads cruiser. The canoe and paddles I towed to the club. The two men used the club facilities to recover and get cleaned up. The canoe hire, we're phoned by the club, An hour or so later a boat , came and collected men and canoe.. After that excitement we held the competition,
  11. I would try one of the sailing clubs, they are much cheaper than commercial moorings, Eg at Horning SC your fee would be £120 family membership and mooring something like £300 -400. (I haven't got the figures exactly for the moorings, but that's half my motorboat mooring) (Note Hornings moorings for NON racing yachts are across the river and you'd have to row across, 3 rowing dinghies are provided) https://horning-sailing.club/webcams.php (right hand picture) There isn't a requirement to race but, a gentle Sunday race down and back to the Pub at Thurne or Acle can't be that bad. If you look at the green Book, http://www.thegreenbook.org.uk/default.htm under clubs and classes. there are mabe a dozen clubs that could help..that could help.. Joining a club will often give you free car parking, showers and toilets, a water supply to top up your on board water, plus The option of joining social events. On the other hand there might be duties required, such as at Horning once each summer a galley or rescue boat duty would be required. If you are around, from tomorrow for seven days is Horning regatta, pop in and see what's going on..
  12. Might make it easier to get the rig down if the Wind is strong though, can't see from the images, But I'm supposing there will be footpath / walkway / moorings between the river and the building or there will be a significant loss of moorings..
  13. Tomorrow the Regatta starts, so this is the last bump up of this year, the wind is forecast to be good on Saturday, but it may rain during set up. Sunday there may be to much wind for some...
  14. We got a visit from the police, they were looking at me very suspiciously... They were looking for SWMBOs EX, we had moved twice, and She had not seen him for over 5 years. it shows what the poilice can do when they want to track people down.. even when they get it wrong.. There was a case when they, the police, were looking for violent criminals, they raided a house by smashing down the doors of a pensioner couple.. How did they get the wrong house? they had looked at ANPR /Speeding cameras on the route that the criminals were known to use on certain days, and the pensioners had used the same route -ish..
  15. In 1976 we had a similar period of hot weather, In 1979 we had snow on the ground in May...the snowiest May on record...
  16. Not surprisingly they've pinned back some of the plastic protecting the buildings to let some cooling air in for the workers. This has allowed me to see that the cremated Swan, has it's under roof on, so effectively it is now water proof. No doubt thatch will be put on to of that once the plastic comes off.
  17. Just about every tree I see has gone brown, We'll see if any survive next year.. Mean time on the Norwich Exit of the roundabout from Wroxham, two cars were stopped yesterday after noon with Side panel damage. Either both were trying to exit and there wasn't enough room due to insuffcient merging length of road, or the inner car tried to exit and the outer car tried to go round the about..
  18. I see my Prediction the heat wave will end at the start of regatta week is coming true.., XCweather predicts rain when I'm getting the rescue boats out on Saturday Morning and again when I'm putting them away on Sunday afternoon...
  19. It's probably cleaner than what's already in the river....
  20. TheQ

    Electric Boat

    I've taken A kingline day boat out. Electric powered, lift on the back for wheel chairs, easy to control.. no more expensive than other day boats
  21. One week to go and the first cannon will have fired Half an hour ago,, I'll be just coming back from putting out the buoys. looking forward to a bacon roll.... ore two.. First start on the river 1 week and 54 minutes..
  22. Ok which Bright spark has decided this weather is perfect for planting more trees around the Wroxham road roundabout yesterday, when already many of the fir trees planted along the NDR have died..
  23. A quote from Wiki something Ray Greene, who had studied plastics while a student at Ohio State, had been working with Owens-Corning on fiberglass composites. He had made composite boats as early as 1937, but was searching for just the right plastic to use for boats. He received a shipment of the polyester resin in 1942 and produced a daysailer. I believe the first Production fibreglass boat in the UK was the Kestrel dinghy, designed By Ian Proctor in 1955
  24. It's interesting that of the four roundabouts I regularly use, two of them now have the cameras on, and one will have reduced speed limits while they do repairs. The fact that the repairs are scheduled to take 3 weeks, shows you the amount of damage caused by the accidents in just 3 months of use. I've not spotted all the cameras but certainly they have them on all the approaches, I hope they have some looking at the roundabouts themselves. it's the only way they'll realise having up to 3 lanes of traffic merging into one exit lane over one car length is a recipe for accidents. Meanwhile they were shoring up the embankment on the Wroxham road roundabout again yesterday, ( on the left as you exit for Wroxham)
  25. TheQ

    Hickling History

    cousins were involved..
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