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Everything posted by TheQ

  1. The temporary scaffolding roof has now been removed from the cremated Swan, and she looks resplendant in her new thatch. She is still surounded by scaffolding though, and the outside needs painting. The properties next door still have their scaffolding roof, and I can now see their roof is being boarded out..
  2. TheQ

    My Day

    Well, I spent the weekend mostly lying underneath my 16ft sailing boat sanding, the area where the rudder box was has been rebuilt, and has been glassed, filled, sanded, filled, sanded, and just needs a little more sanding before painting. My arms gave out..,. OH why don't I turn it over.... it weighs about 245kg... My boat is just a little 16 footer, having admired the river cruiser classes on water and in the photos on another thread, My arms and wallet could not afford a river cruiser.. For the rest of my free time this year, work on the boat will be on inside. The next project will be rebuilding the helming position and modifying the tabernacle for the new mast (Well it's probably 30 years old, but new to me). I now have old sails, to use during development, and found a boom that fits that was hiding in the shed.. The only problem being the boom is rigged for an aft traveller and mainsheet. I need to get my end of the mainsheet forward to in front of me, sat in the middle of the boat, facing forward and I'm not drilling holes in a near 50 year old aluminium boom (ex Lark Dinghy 158).
  3. Beautifull Modelling, I remember the LNER Buffet cars, Back in 1977 the SRPS acquired one, just out of use from BR. We had just got it and I believe restoration to teak had occured when BR borrowed it back again!! It was used on our railtours till recently but is now undergoing a full restoration..
  4. Ah B17 "Woodbastwick Hall" Oh and the Broadland model railway club, show is 6th October 2018 10:00- 16:00. Jubilee Centre Aylsham
  5. I've so far refused to have a smart meter because of this coclup in being unable to use the same meter across several suppliers. A year or so ago they sent a letter to us saying a man would come round to check for the installation of a water meter but would would not be required to use it, a few days before the date they cancelled... we've never heard a thing since...
  6. TheQ

    My Day

    Religious Swallows, having a fry up, what ever next, the terrible things you see on the broads..
  7. Just a bump for the above show, my task list for the show has arrived!!
  8. TheQ

    My Day

    Afternoon All, Another weekend of working on my Sailing boat, apart from more sanding of the join, I decided to rebuild the rudder box. It was set us as a cassette that you could withdraw the rudder while afloat. Something that was needed when i was in Saudi. Now however it's not needed, so I'm changing it to a convemtional external rudder with shaft through a tube. this will save weight and complacations. At the moment Im considering the tabernacle, it was built for a wooden mast 4 inches square at the bottom. She will now a have an alloy mast that is only 2.5 inches wide. Some sort of holder to fit in the tabernacle will be required and maybe some sort of changes to height. Meanwhile in a couple of weeks time is the RAF Neatishead reuniion, which is part of the RAF 100 celebrations. For any former members of RAF Neatishead , here's the details and how to get tickets.. https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/raf100-neatishead-reunion-september-23rd-2018-tickets-48249464447
  9. TheQ

    My Day

    Really, it's Single seater, although I could carry a passenger, But as a single seater it would not be permitted in the 3RR. Also I'm doubtful it would be ready, As I have to redo the deck surfacing over the joins, (clear fibreglass over wood) and we are runnning out of warmth for fibreglass work. Also once I have the weights, I have to get the keel modified, and then fitted to the hull, once that is done I have to get the trailer modified to fit the new layout... I am hoping to have finished in time for regatta week next year, if not certainly by the time of the Tri Icicle. The latest revision, of the details of the boat, in the computer programme, gives a target weight of 0.463 Imperial tons (470.4KG).
  10. TheQ

    My Day

    My day, well really the past 3 weekends, have been rebuilding my sailing boat. a couple of years ago I took 28 inches out of the middle. It's now all glued back together, and the join has had it's fill /sand/ fill. This weekend will start with another sand, then followed if required by another fill /sand. Other work has been creating the control panel. Control Panel on a sailing boat? Well when you are sat in one position you need space for all the control lines to come to you like this... Meanwhile a 1 ton strain gauge has arrived, so I can weight the boat, then the current keel. After that if I add my considerable weight to the total, I can see if it matches the 500Kg total a computer programme says I need to be correct on her lines... I'm hoping to add a lot more ballast to the keel..
  11. A rail or a stauntion on a GP 14?, I'd be tempted to stick them on the boom rather than risk ripping paint off.
  12. The Managers ( and Staff) at Tescos used to hate it when the Easter eggs arrived. They knew cages of them would sit in the back of the warehouse blocking space. While all the punters were buying 4weeks food for 1week over the Christmas new-year period. The huge increase in through put over the period means they end up with cages of food, lining corridors and every available space. Many stores hire in a freezer container just for the turkey.
  13. It's now the count down to the Broadland Model Railway Club Show 6th October 2018 10:00 till 16:00 Adults £5 children / concessions £4 under 5s free Free parking at the Bure Valley Railway Ticket holders on that day, on the BVR with Full return. Free entry to the show. EXHIBITORS and TRADERS Due to building works our show is at two sites this year, with a free routemaster bus trip between the two At the Jubilee Centre Longstone – Gn 15 South Town – OO Nibley Knoll – 009 Fen Lane – OO Crabbies – N Coldfair Green – P4/4mm Thomas and Friends – OO Beyton Bridge – OO Peckston – N Yoxton – N Alsop en Le Dale – N Hindenbach – N Daconby Town – 3mm Nigel Fisher – Trees and Track Loco Doctor Traders in the Jubilee Centre Bob Pearman Books Joe Lock Models Train Terrain Train Tech Just in Case Coast2Coaster At the BVR Station Oma Park – BMRC ‘N’gauge Advent Modellers DCC Advice North Norfolk Model Engineers B17 Steam Trust Friends of the BVR BVR Second Hand Stall
  14. It's the count down to our show, Saturday 6th October 2018 10:00 till 16:00 Aylsham Our poster... Aylsham%20Model%20Rail%20Poster%20A4%20V3.pdf
  15. TheQ

    First Ever Time

    For the record my fastest time Near Stalham to Rotherham 3.5 hours, My slowest 7 hours, it just takes an accident in the way.... Note the NDR is open, so you can reach Stalham either by going to Acle roundabout, then cutting across to Repps then up the A149 or you can come off at Postwick Along the A1270(NDR) and take the Wroxham road Roundabout and go up the through Wroxham to Stalham. If you are at a busy time on the roads use Acle, if it's quiet use the NDR. (mostly because of the traffic through Wroxham)
  16. They are actually thatching the Swan now without taking the plastic away. The houses next door now have their roof beams in place.
  17. Tornados? Coltishall had Jaguars, Marham had GR4 Tornados, and Coningsby Had F3 ADV Tornados.
  18. Having worked at RAF Scampton, I've seen this many times.. I hope it survives, as Scampton is likely to be sold off for Housing / industrial use...
  19. Sadly 50 years ago there were no local, first flight teams near to me in Deepest Wiltshire, and even less when we moved to the Outer Hebridies. So in Wiltshire it was the usual support of the Big name teams or in the Hebridies , it was Celtic or Rangers depending on your religious persuasion, So I avoided that.. I have no intension of paying vast amounts of money into Rupert Murdochs pocket, However I have used Deliah's facilities but not in a football related matter...
  20. A little bump for the J50 model railway show shown above.
  21. TheQ

    Acle Bridge Inn

    I think there is such a tradition of bombing boats in the 3RR with fish and chips (by the boats support crew) there is an exemption in the rules for that. However, Until Applications open for the 2019 race, the race rules are not on the website.. http://www.3rr.uk/ so I can't check it..
  22. Not the slightest interest in 22 over paid men chasing around after a bit of leather on a plastic (partly) pitch. Or however many men it is that fight over a strange shaped ball. I had never lived close to a first division team and never could understand people getting attached to clubs to which they had no connection. The nearest I've lived to a top flight club is now, with Norwich City, But after 60 years thing to avoid watching sport I'm not changing now. As for attending round ball sport it's much more expensive than sailing, I'll stick to that.
  23. Just caught a glimpse of the car that went down the embankment on the Eroxham road /NDR roundabout, It's a large estate, possibly a Peugeot, not exactly the type of car you'd expect to be thrown around at roundabouts, I suspect he /she lost the back end and so oversteered...
  24. Well they've been at it again another car has gone off the embankment at the Wroxham road round about. Managing to go through the police aware tape from the previous one. This morning I thought the tape had just broken, but coming back to night there is a new skid mark from the road centre raised triangle of kerbs across to and through the tapes..
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