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Everything posted by TheQ

  1. Circular ones with three sections have been available for years..
  2. From where I live... what's a bus?
  3. Dog on bed no, dog on couch yes when covered in blanket. Of course I pat the dog first, he comes running to the door when I arrive home, SWMBO is sat in the living room or cooking. No we don't change plans for the dog, we only make plans that look after the dog.. As for the rest 100%
  4. When I came home from work, the scaffolding had gone, when I went to the model railway club at 18:30, the traffic lights were being loaded onto a lorry.. Yippee!!!!
  5. The road was closed past the cremated Swan yesterday, as they craned the scaffolding roof sections off of the adjoining building. They have at the moment still left all the vertical scaffolding and the traffic lights in place..
  6. Or arrive at a junction where there are two signs pointing in oposite directions... Diversion and Diverted traffic.
  7. Morning, there is another car on top of the NDR / Wroxham road roundabout, it's been there since before 15:00 yesterday. It's taken out the road signs from the airport direction. However there is a lot of damage to the left hand side of the car, which suggests it may have had help getting onto the roundabout from another vehicle. As an aside to this there is water pouring out of the undergrowth at the A149 / Stalham- Palling road junction, by the Tescos petrol station. This will cause major chaos when they no doubt take most of the road to fix something that is not on the road. There was a Anglian water man investgating kicking the mud with his boot yesterday..
  8. I note your disappointment about the Wroxham Model exhibition, I suggest you visit a real model railway show rather than a commercial operation. So for the Broads area, I've just posted "Model railway shows 2019" in the Broadscot Lounge. Being a bit biased I can recommend our Broadland Model Railway Club show in October that's only £5 to get in and we will have 13 to 16 layouts plus traders and demonstrations (and a tea bar). Also our friends at the Norwich Model railway club have a slightly bigger show in April at Hellesdon High School also £5. They also have demonstrations, traders and tea bar as well..
  9. This year I thought I'd just give a list of shows at the start, and then present the details as the shows approach. No doubt there will be shows I've missed and will add later. Saturday 2nd March, 10:-16:00, Norfolk and Suffolk Narrow gauge modellers, at Blyburgate Hall (Former St John Hall). Saturday 9th March, 10:00-16:30, Norfolk Railway Society, at Poringland Comunity Centre. Saturday 13th April, 10:00-16:30, Norwich Model Railway Club, at Hellesdon High School, Norwich. Sunday 28th April, 10:30-16:30, Stowmarket Model Railway Club, Mid suffolk Leisure Centre Stowmarket. Saturday 5th October, 10:00-16:00, Broadland Model Railway Club, Jubille Centre, Aylsham. Saturday 19th-20th Oct, 10:00-1600, Halesworth and District Model Engineering Society, Ormiston Denes Academy Lowestoft.
  10. I do hope the interior will be upholstered appropriately., As subjects of HM The Queen, anyone can use this one. Royal Stewart. You won't get this second tartan without permission of HM The Queen. Balmoral tartan designed by Prince Albert in 1853.
  11. According to Shorebase /tides it's neaps today.
  12. The second hole in the ground has been filled, most of the plastic wrapping round the adjoining houses has been removed. I predict in the next few weeks they'll close the road for a day to crane off the scaffolding . Once that's gone we may loose the traffic lights...
  13. TheQ

    My Day

    Sailing again today, forecast wind westerly 5 to 15mph, we got 0 to 6mph, and a strong outgoing tide all day. So I'll just say we supported most of the others...
  14. My last music teacher loved" land of hope and glory" didn't go down well with many... This was in Inverness...
  15. TheQ

    My Day

    After noon all, Been sailing in ever decreasing circles, at horning with snowflake sailing club, came 4th in the first race 1st in the second race. Howevever when the dinghy fleet was added in for the Boxing Day trophies... 9th and 9th...
  16. Turkey is now in the oven, for me SWMBO and the dog. Sprouts are on top... The phone calls have started, mine to my parents will be in an hour
  17. You know that big green square building at RRH Neatishead, well when it was still RAF Neatishead and it had a big green dish whirring around a 4 revolutions a minute on top. The two main floors had 6ft rack after rack of electronic equipment and 99% of it was wired in pink... PS i Remember an officer knocking his 3 sugars tea down the main control panel for that radar (Type 85)....The next days radar test didn't go well...
  18. or just read it online then it's always up to date... https://www.gov.uk/browse/driving/highway-code-road-safety PS, I won't have a car without a full size spare either, having had an exhaust sized hole punched in a tyre, a six inch nail through a new landrover tyre ( on the A140 Boundary road junction!!), and several others over the years that a mere can of gunk wouldn't fix. As for space savers, the cost of a duff tyre when 400 miles from home at night with no tyre place open is just not worth the risk.
  19. This one does, 1000mm plus hull draft..
  20. Well they dug up road outside the swan, did what ever they needed to do, having taken out one of the new fence posts. Then filled it in and tarred it all. Then a couple of days later dug and hole in the new tarmac and put the fence post back. The hole outside the other houses is still there. Today I saw steam coming from a boiler exit pipe on the swan Next door they are doing the fancy thatching on the pitch of the roof.
  21. TheQ

    Low Tide

    Standby for the Big fish kill when someone lets all the salt water back in..
  22. TheQ

    Low Tide

    It took a rescue boat to tow us ( yeoman keelboats) out of the moorings. As our keels dragged in the mud and that was at high tide. When we returned 4 hours later we needed two rescue boats, and a rope to the shore to manoeuvre us back into our moorings with me stood on the bow to keep the rudder out of the mud to stop it being bent. We and several other boats had hit mud during the racing.
  23. I have a diesel generator on board, that is to keep the batteries charged for the electric motor on a long journey, when the solar power isn't enough. It can of course be used for anything shore power would provide. There are several hire boats I believe, with hybrid power for drive, but it means the boat can be all electric . Some of the big gin palaces have independent diesel generators so they have all the electric facilites of home. I Have a small portable petrol generator, ( bought before I went diesel electric, ) which I can run from the bank or foredeck, normally used to run power tools when working on the boat. ( or emergency starter battery charging via a normal battery charger) . Note precautions are taken to avoid engine exhaust entering cabin, mine or anyone else's, and to make sure the generator stays on the foredeck..
  24. I did buy a secondhand caravan where the lighting didn't work, I traced the cabling back and found the 12V lighting had been connected to the 240 input....Not surprisingly none of the lighting ever worked again Until the caravan was rewired and the lighting replaced... They were lucky not to burn the thing down..
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