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Everything posted by TheQ

  1. The count down continues, 21 days time it will all be over, so you'll be safe from the mad hoards for another year
  2. Just a bump up as our open day at Hoveton Village hall is just 13 days away (panic !!!!! for us anyway)
  3. TheQ

    My Day

    Ah Reedling class Number 2 Siskin, on it's way on a down river race with Horning sailing club. Nothing to worry about, follow down the right hand bank , when the sailing boat in front turns away from the right hand bank, go forward, passing behind. If they come back for a second try at your side, don't worry, they'll turn away (might be close) they can't win their race if they've broken their boat by hitting you.. My day was however spent building a hard top for my trailer so I can transport my model railway to Hoveton Village hall for our Open day on 26th May 10:30-15:30. Sadly we have to charge £3:00 for entry (£2 for concessions) as we've got to pay for the hire of the hall..we should have 7 to 10 layouts (most running some under construction) our second hand stall, our loco repair expert if you've got a non runner, and a tea bar.
  4. if you were to fit the numbers on the bow of an Elysian 27ft it would make them very difficult to see due to the overhang.
  5. Ranger to hire boater you are being prosecuted for not moving from the 24hour mooring within 24 hours. Hire boater movers off.. Ranger to hire boater you are being prosecuted for moving your boat when it's heavy rain.. The nav regs are based on the sea going regs but are Not the same.. I find any torch or light coming the other way on a night whether moonlit or not destroys your night vision. I have quite happly sailed the 3 Rivers Race on a no moonlight night without hitting anything..
  6. Well it's a week later So I'll just bump this up for anyone who missed it, roughly 100 boats have entered this year..
  7. If you can't work out why the reference to two open days, it was due to the unpleasant weather and high winds on Saturday, so for safety no visitor sailing was carried out, but they were invited to a rerun on Monday. As it turned out my mistype of the 6th instead of the 4th turned out to be correct!!..
  8. I've been through the area again the stripes of tar and gravel have worn away so at least it's a more comfortable drive. The main bit of failure is between the two main entrances to Stalham where there are clear channels through the tar and gravel through to the old tarmac, the road to the north of that to Stepping stone lane only has a minor patch of tar and gravel missing. The southern bit of tar and gravel road near the entrance to Richardsons isn't too bad, just a couple of minor bits where the tar hasn't stuck down. Meanwhile the man with the white spray can has been around, many local roads in the area have been marked out for patch repair. Particularly outside the Cremated Swan which has a large area marked out..
  9. The stuff they've put down today is a disaster, the tar has not spread out and is in thin lines across the carriageway leaving thin ridges of gravel, this has left lots of loosing gravel to pile up, in other places none has stuck to the carriageway at all leaving a trench of shiny old tarmac between piles of loose stuff. I'm guessing the tar wasn't hot enough or the road surface too cold..
  10. They've been throwing gravel at the road surface north of the Stalham it's disaster, it's not stuck down properly, it's lumpy there are gravel drifts of up to 6inches deep in places. Please please be careful going through there... There are roads works on the Stalham - Ingram road in Stalham just after the school, 3way traffic lights..
  11. My insurance (nothing special arranged) stipulates no more than 1 month away at anytime but does not put a limit on how many times away..
  12. Just heard a piece on the radio from Horning Sailing Club, it went well a good advertisment for the club, Seemingly 39,000 went to events round the country last year to try sailing.. Go on you know you want too
  13. Well it's tomorrow so the final bummp, Also I believe Wally Webb on Radio Norfolk is off down to Horning sailing club this morning to do a piece on it.
  14. Just a bump up as a reminder to those who may wish to visit on Saturday May the 4th
  15. I meant to say yesterday the Wroxham roadworks have cleared.. However there are new traffic lights outside the cremated Swan, nothing to do with the Swan though. BT have put in a new fibreoptic cabinet in the field between the Palling and Ingham Corner roads. Probably just the filling the holes left to do..
  16. I picked up a copy of the booklet at the Museum the day it was launched, the Msueum have a display about the YNNR for this summer in one of the rooms. there are several other books availble about the lost Norfolk railways.
  17. Yes it's that time again, If you are navigating the Northern rivers on the 1st and 2nd of June 2019 this information is for you. Whether you wish to watch , avoid , or navigate through the 3 Rivers Race on those days, it will affect you. First I'll point out there is nothing to stop you navigating wherever you like on those days, This information will hopefully ease your way. The race Starts at Horning on Swan Corner at 11:00 (weather permitting), there will probably be around 100 sailing boats (150 max), starting at 5 minute intervals in roughly 10 boat groups, with a 15 minute gap in the middle of the starts to allow boats to clear a bit. The last start will be around 12:30 depending on how many entrants there are. The course, which can be taken in any order, From Horning to, Ludham bridge but not going under it, To South Walsham broad ( if there are light winds the turning buoy may be in the wide bit just before the broad), To Hickling Broad which means of course going through the potter Heigham Bridges, the Buoy should be Near the Sailing club. To the bottom mark, which in very light winds can be just before Acle Bridge, More normally at the Stracey Arms (Now a Hindu meeting place I believe) that's at the bend in the Acle straight on the maps, in theory it could be as far down as six mile house.. then once you've done all the above points it's back to the club. The main problems for navigators are. The Start line, the 100 boats will paddle up river from about 10:30 beyond the entrance to the old South gates dyke (just beyond the brick houses) most will tie up to the bank until 10 minutes before their start. Advice, if coming from Wroxham, ease your way down the right hand side, if a start is rushing around on the corner, hold back till they go and follow them through. if coming up river, keep to the right hand bank unless ALL the sailing boats are going down the right hand side. If they are it's safe to move across the river to let them through. Once at the Swan corner Keep right, when you see a gap go forward . The River Ant to Ludham Bridge, the if there is a good wind the boats will start arriving at around 11:30 and the river will be a mass of tacking boats for a couple of hours after that. Advice, It's one area /Time I'd avoid this myself even as a 40 year experienced helm on the broads. Light wind's and it's anyone's guess when they will arrive. South Walsham Dyke, same mass of boats only slightly more room on the river. Advice, keep right, go forward when there is a gap. Let them go round you when they are tacking towards you. Potter Heigham Bridges, particularly the old bridge, Saturday evening I'm thinking this will be the busiest, as lots of boats dismast and paddle through, and they'll be hoping to be coming back in under 2 hours from the Hickling Buoy. Advice be very, very, careful going under the bridges remember to sound your horn , as they may be paddling behind the bridge piers to the last minute if the tide is against them. Not a good place to moor overnight1st/2nd as even though they try to keep the noise down, they are lowering and raising masts. Log Jams, if there are light conditions sometimes there are log jams of boats, there is not a lot they can do about. Advice, a lot of patience is required, keep right unless there is a definite large gap the other side, just go gently, PLEASE Do Not roar through, it will cause the boats to bounce around, hit each other and maybe you. High Tide is around 12:00 at Horning meaning little tide for the start and for the later boats they will go down on the tide. If the wind is GOOD, / Strong I'd expect Most boats to do Ludham, South Walsham then Acle, then Hickling. but there are always those who chose to do something different.. If the Wind is light some may miss Ludham bridge till the return journey. Viewing, The Swan Inn, Swan inn Green, Horning Staithe the New Inn the Ferry Inn, moorings may be had at any of them if you're lucky. Also good for viewing by land. Cockshoot broad moorings, Ludham Bridge, Limited parking but good viewing as they tack round the buoy. St Benets Straight Moorings by boat or by a wander down the lane / footpaths, to the river, Thurne lion Dyke moorings, and walk down to the river end from the pub or moorings Acle bridge some parking by the shop while it's open, moorings on the river and at the pub. Stokesby moorings and pub. Potter bridge, hordes watch the chaos here, at least the pub is open now, plenty of parking. Hickling viewing from the Pleasure boat inn at the end of the dyke.. I hope that's covered everything, Enjoy those days on the rivers. PS any questions?
  18. The entry list is now officially CLOSED, however for the rest of this week if you have everything ready to go , they might just let you in.
  19. TheQ

    My Day

    I got over in two or three weeks, SWMBO 3 months, on a model railway forum I frequent which has a thread like this. There are a reported similar range of sufferers. Some people took really badly to this virus.
  20. You'll Be telling me Santa Claus is real next..
  21. The iceberg will if the your cruise ship is called Titanic..
  22. Here's one for the climate change enthusiasts, the CO2 and Temperature chart for the last half million years.. I think we are due an Ice age.....
  23. And at the same roundabout yesterday afternoon, a new set of skid marks from Norwich direction, up over the approach triangle across the bout, and into the curb of the roundabout itself, but not onto the mud or into the signs. they'll now have very square wheels..
  24. As I went to work this morning, going through Wroxham at 06:15, between the funeral home and the bridge. A man was setting up barriers and had traffic lights in the back of the wagon. Time to go home via Coltishall again..
  25. Just reviving this, because I've just found something out which may have relevance to the name of coke oven reach They used to make Peat Coke... , dried and coked peat, in later installations the gases driven off were used to heat the ovens themselves. The peat coke was used to make iron and power things like blacksmiths forges which need an intense heat.. The notes I've just read said this was done from at least the 1300's through until coal coke and modern iron works came into common useage..
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