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Everything posted by TheQ

  1. PS broads regulations 16, 17, 18, and 19 apply in this situation..
  2. Colregs do not apply on the Norfolk broads, quoting Colregs just adds to confusion. Broads navigation regulations apply. Yes they are 90% the same, but please stick to broads regs. http://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/boating/navigating-the-broads/byelaws-and-speed-limits
  3. Ok I saw some maximum idiocy yesterday at around 15:15 on the NDR / Coltishall road roundabout.. A VW Golf Stopped on the roundabout to let cars (from Norwich) onto it.....
  4. Personnally for the north circular I'd prefer a MBT... Main Battle Tank...
  5. A different event on the, NDR yesterday... On the Wroxham rd to Coltishall rd section, heading westwards. Parking under a bat Bridge.... A speed camera van...
  6. I think they use chain on the gate about 3 ft of it..
  7. The Broad is in the ownership of the Blofield estate, Back in the 1949 they tried to close it entirely as they did Hoveton Great Broad, Lead by Herbert Woods, about 30 men reopened the broad . The police were involved, and eventually compromise was made that the broad would be opened for the summers. Sadly no one forced the reopening of any other broads that were closed. Blofield Estate hold the Keys and control the water, however for safety and other reasons I believe BA hold a set. Recently we had a club member who had a terminal illness and he requested a final sail on Black Horse / Hoveton Little Broad. We are greatful the The Estate for allowing us in and quite a few Yeoman went up there for a final hours sailing with him...
  8. TheQ

    My Day

    Been sailing in ever decreasing circles today, it was the Martin Dugdale trophy, Tino was taken Ill while sailing some years ago and shortly after died.. His family were there as usual for the event. The Race which was very well attended, was won by a young lady on a laser, we came err ....somewhere. We did have trouble with a large day boat, which decided to go from the right hand bank to the left aiming for horning staithe, crossing in front of us as we tacked in that direction. Instead of going in nose first it suddenly went parallel to the bank in then tried to reverse in, of course that won't happen, so their nose drifted out and hit us, snagging on our side stays.
  9. Hoveton little broad is the proper name for what is known as black horse broad. It gained the name of black horse after the pub that used to be on the Hoveton Horning road on the other side of the road from the broad. The broad , bewilderwood and that section of road down to the dip with the stream is in Hoveton parish. Then programme shows horning sailing club, sailing on the 21st on the broad, IIRC it's open both weekends. It's not the only broad to have become known by something different, what is known as Sutton broad used to be called Stalham broad..
  10. TheQ


    I must admit our cat that was run over a couple of years ago, was the best rat / mice and rabbit killer I've ever seen. I think that she had cleared our garden and was down the road hunting when she got hit..
  11. You're In Norfolk ,,,, THIS is a Punt OK two of them...
  12. TheQ


    With my experience, of rats or Mice.. I've corrected that for you...
  13. TheQ


    We had rats eat throught the floor, of the model railway shed I was building, I hadn't even got the doors or roof on!!!! It's been a constant battle with them. The last lot that broke in, also chewed their way into a tub of rat poison!! They've chewed a hole in the conservatory door, and into the door frame of the from door of the house. Every year when harvest time comes we get invaded..
  14. For those who are visiting the broads, motoring or sailing, wishing to watch or avoid or just find a passage through, events on the waters of the broads. Go to: http://www.thegreenbook.org.uk/ Click on Diary Dates, and select the dates you are coming.. Note, that all the events are not yet entered, this diary will fill up as the season approaches. There are up to a dozen events happening any day in the summer, particularly weekends.. If you find an event of interest you will then have to look at that clubs website to see timings etc. PS that darnned film "the green book" is a right pain you have to be quite precise to find the Real Green book..
  15. The Swan owns, the Car park, the sailing club car park, the Swan green, the Sailing club island, the grass in front of the Swan, and the land under the parish road which goes round the Swan. 12 ft depth from the bank, from the end of the gravel path on Swan green, round to the SC car Park and the Island are leased to the Sailing club. Which costs a fair amount of money. (that's a battle when that gets revalued every 5 years IIRC). The Sailing club has some security of tenure due to one of the clubs founders being an owner of Norwich breweries, which at one time owned the Swan, setting the terms of the original lease, . They do however have to pay a market rent for the lease... The Tarmac'd Swan Car Park is leased to a parking company, which I believe makes the Swan around £50,000 a year.. PS, I'm not on the committee or held a "official" role, this is just information I've picked up over the last 40+ years at HSC..
  16. For those who have entered before, your invitation for this years race should be arriving. If it doesn't in the next few days, or you wish to enter for the first time, then time to visit the web site in the first posting for your application forms..
  17. I've had the same, sailing down the River Ant. As the motor cruiser was going up river in the middle, there was just a small bit of space both sides..
  18. Yes it's foggy and slippery out there, hence a new set of tracks across the Wroxham road roundabout, and a very damaged Ford Focus parked on the coltishall road roundabout...
  19. Same applies to a recently landed Aircraft.. When I worked in Saudi, the locals opened the tanks for de-fueling then connected the ground spike... Bang. Exit one F15 and hanger..The idiot got away with minor burns..
  20. Hoveton village hall is more expensive to hire!! £3:50p for full adults, with reductions for some age groups
  21. My fore and aft mooring ropes are always led back to the centre cockpit, as I normally single handely moor up it's the only safe way. Springs are added after if required.
  22. And if you haven't got a stern? I see the river inspectors now know who they are, either that or the support a Glasgow football team.. The launches now have the word Ranger in two foot high letters emblazoned on the side.
  23. Motorboats If you leave your fenders dragging then they get very dirty and are a pain to clean.. Sailing if you leave them dragging, then you are loosing speed. Also if you forget they are down when you tack, you can come to an abrupt halt against the quay heading...(bashing the bit without a fender)
  24. Motorboating Down, adjusted so they don't drag. Sailiing, up, as every time you heel, you'd drag fenders..
  25. A new one to Add, Broadland Model Railway Club Open day Hoveton village hall, Sunday May 26th 2019 10:30-15:30 There will probably a small charge to cover the cost of hiring the hall, (last time at Stalham it was £2). A variety of club and club members layouts, in a variety of Scales. Some layouts will be running, Some are under construction and modelling will be being shown. Our "loco Doctor" will be there if you have a failed loco. Our Secondhand stall will probably be there as well, books, and some railway stock and accessories.
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