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Everything posted by TheQ

  1. This is where we need an Agree button. I've seen lights left over from road works several days after the work was completed...
  2. The gas works at the north end of Hoveton have gone, the road works at Stalham to Richardsons have not been a problem so far, but this morning I notice they marked up the piece at the junction of the road that goes past Tescos. That will mean 3 way lights and more complicated work.. I think I'll be turning off earlier at Stepping stone lane. Also this morning the road into Stalham at the other end near the post office, is covered with sand over a fuel / oil spill.. someone didn't get it right and met in the middle...
  3. At the moment I'm going via Coltishall, to avoid the Hoveton bridge. The road works for BT north of Wayford bridge have gone. Not quite in the area But Fifers lane where it hits St Faiths road, is being dug up for gas works from APR 1st..
  4. Horning Sailing club have moorings available, they are across the river, but there are a couple of club rowing dinghies always available. Even with having to be a member, it's vastly cheaper than a normal mooring, and you get the use of the club, car park, showers / toilets and water. if you look at this front page there is the email address, https://horning-sailing.club/ You also get the chance to join in any social events if you should wish..
  5. May I point out in the Koran (Islam is roughly 500 years younger that Christianity) it actually says that Christians and Jews should be allowed to find God in their own way as they are sister religions. So that would in their terminology (infidel) make Jews and Christians not Infidels.. Sadly many confuse teritorial disputes , Israel, Kashmir etc with religion..
  6. if they're stuck behind a norfolk tractor what difference will that make?
  7. Went on amazon to find a new washing machine. Found the one I wanted the cheapest, noticed the company supplying, it was Hughes, so I went to their web site, ordered it from North Walsham, went and collected it and got a further discount!!.. Meantime... I recieved yesterday some micro strip from the cheapest supplier via Amazon... It arrived in a large cardboard envelope big enough to hold a very thick A4 note pad all the way from the USA. Microstrip... ten pieces, 300mm long 0.5mm thick, 2mm wide.. Plastic, for the making of several cattle grids on roads on a N gauge railway layout.. Oh if you go on line and order from: Angling Direct you'll get it from the head office of that company in Wroxham Ropes Direct and it will come from Ropes Direct, Hurst's Yard, Ludham Road, Catfield, Norfolk NR29 5PY Roys of Wroxham, order on line They'll deliver from Hoveton.. Go Online support local companies!!
  8. AÅ‚l the little chefs closed, some have been reopened as Kentucky fried cluck, or burgler king or submarine way, or moonbucks, most are on very much reduced hours... Access to toilets is much reduced to...
  9. For added extra fun two more roads works, Leaving but still in Hoveton toward stalham, new gas pipes, traffic lights Just after the hotel and next door nursery, BT traffic lights.
  10. well there is... on a set of plans for tescos when they were going to take over the abatoir site..
  11. Ok folks the road works at Hoveton bridge are back in full swing with concrete barriers where the men are working on the bridge outside the "liberty". For added fun the A149 between Staham tescos roundabout and the entrance to Stalham staithe by Richardsons is also under traffic light control as it's being resurfaced.
  12. The advantage of North Norfolk, green recycling, black rubbish, brown garden if you need one. And that's it. Amazon and eBay Regularly used, often for stuff that's difficult to obtain locally. I've lived from the outer hebridies, to coastal Somerset to Norfolk, finding shops and obtaining things can be difficult. Even From here on the coast of Norfolk to buy stuff is often a 45 mile round trip either to GY or norwich so add 2gallons of petrol to the higher price in the shops. It's just not economic.
  13. Theres now a sign on their front fence It appears to have opened on time.. https://www.theinghamswan.co.uk/ The cremated Swan is no more, welcome the Pheonix Swan..
  14. My own experience is most fishermen are good, however from St Benets down river there are often competitions with spots pegged out for hundreds of yards. They are very reluctant to remove their rods when you are struggling against tide and wind to tack up or down the river.. We all know few boaters, of any sort, have read the Broads Navigation regulations, and I suspect Fishermen even less , Navigation what has that to do with them? So I'd love to be able to go to each pitch before their competition and post on it.. FISHING 29 (1) Subject to paragraph (2) no person shall conduct any fishing or any associated activity from a power-driven or sailing vessel which is underway or cause or permit any net or fishing line to hang from such a vessel into the water whilst the vessel is underway. (2) Paragraph (1) shall not apply to a vessel which is: (a) engaged in the handling of licensed eel nets; or (b) under the control of the National Rivers Authority in connection with its fishery duties. (3) Any person fishing from a boat or the bank shall show reasonable consideration to any other person using the navigation area and shall ensure that his rod or line does not obstruct the passage of a vessel along a channel. Ps Fishing poles with the advent of carbon fibre have got longer and longer, they are now on sale at over 40ft in length and this for me is a large part of the problem.
  15. That is certainly one problem we already have.. in the open season...
  16. I'm sat here on a fairly new pc (though this one doesn't have a solid state drive many of them do). The internet connection is fibre to the building.. The EDP is still slow to load as are all the newspapers, it's the fact they load all their adverts with pictures that are often moving...
  17. Wouldn't work at Horning, we're a self help club, we'd just suppose you were an intruder from Worxham... that would make you a target...
  18. Actually what the stinkies do is moor at the upwind end of the broad under the trees, leaving the open broad with more wind for the flappy things. This has the advantage for most stinkies is they can sit in the back and watch us go round in every decreasing circles while you sup your G+T... Also being under the trees wind shadow you have less chance of dragging your mud weight across the broad..
  19. I can confirm avoiding the areas mentioned above you'll have no problem, White boats, Rebels, Reedlings, Yeoman, many sailing cruisers and a hoard of Dinghies, race around on the broad. All with keels from 2ft 9 inches to 4 ft., The top surface of the mud is very soft, and the worst you'll do is leave a trail of muddy water.. This year Horning Sailing club will race on Black Horse broad on the following dates., Apr 21, May 26, Jun 16, 22-23 Jun, 30 Jun, Jul 6,-7, Jul 14, Jul 21, 3-4 Aug, 18 Aug, 31Aug-1 Sep, 15 Sep, 21-22 Sep, 29 Sep, 12-13 Oct. The club would be happy if you wished to visit the broad during sailing, but would prefer it if you keep to round the edges (avoiding the shallow bits mentioned above). It's easier for visitors and them, they have had the odd boat drop their mudweight in the middle of the broad and get very concerned when a huge fleet of boats get close both sides to pass.... Single day sailing is normally about 10:00 till 16:00, two day sailing normally starts lunch time on the Saturday, and 10:00 to 16:00 Sunday.. if you wish to stop and watch then motorboats normally go to the windward end of the broad and drop the mud weight.. It's a nice quiet place to mud weight overnight..
  20. in that case you would not be obaying the by laws because by law 18 (2) (2) When for any reason the master of a vessel required under these Byelaws to keep its course and speed finds his vessel so close that collision cannot be avoided by the action of the give way vessel alone he shall take such action as will best aid to avoid collision.
  21. just to be Awkward it was from Squadron Leader Day TO Douglas Bader, many many years ago I corrected a teacher on that one in front of all the other teachers I had just read the book the day before... He wasn't happy...
  22. TheQ

    My Day

    You may have noticed Glenn Johnson's post on NBN facebook with photos of us sailing.. if not, here's one of what you missed.. I like this one.... We're in the lead!!! PS all the motor boats passed us carefully and easily yesterday..
  23. Yes rule 19 is what you are expected to do in normal circumstances.. 17 is what you should do all the time, 18 tells you when you should take avoiding action. 16 tells you how to do it..
  24. TheQ

    My Day

    Sailing not in circles for change, it was the Ramuz trophy , this traditionally went to the Ramuz's home on south walsham broad from Horning sailing club . Since their departure it's been to a variety of places. However we now have club members living next door so that was our stopping place. The wind was a little light, so we started at the waterworks, but it was a wonderful day sailing, race down there stop for lunch, then race back.. No problem with anyone coming out of side rivers, that was reserved for driving home, someone tried a Prince Phillip on me in Horning. My brakes worked.. So I avoided them..
  25. 19 would come first, that gives boats on the Bure, right of way. 16,17,18 only then come into play as the boat from the other Dyke or river has failed to observe that rule and caused a possible collision. Rule 16 then comes into place in avoiding that collision.
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