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Everything posted by TheQ

  1. Just a little bump up as it's now down to 13 days till we start.
  2. The Heat wave will end on 28th of July.. How do I know this? That's the Start of Horning Regatta week and I'll be sitting in an open resuce boat for the week..
  3. TheQ

    Hickling History

    Not 100% sure but Highly likely, he was fairly short lightly built and practically lived in Overalls. He did a fair bit for the sailing club as well..
  4. If you have let the glassfibre / resin go off it's advisable to wipe down / clean the surface with acetone before putting the next layer. As some resins have a wax in them which floats to the surface, and may prevent bonding of the next layer.
  5. The Moorings are not the Bridge pilots to let you stay on, they are council / parish owned for the picking of the bridge pilots and the dismasting / re-masting of yachts..
  6. Drove down the NDR to the A47 on the NDR for the first time over the weekend, although the design of the A47 junction seems wierd, I went both ways without problem
  7. TheQ

    My Day

    Saturday left home 12:00 ish, drove to Yorkshire, Knaresbrough to be exact, got there at about 16:30 which in a 34 year old landrover is good going.. very hot trip though, Imediately given I nice cold pint by my brother, and we sat on his verandah overlooking the river.., 18:30 wandered along waterside under the railway viaduct up to the venue for my Brothers 50th birthday party. They had hired a hall, which luckily has a enclosed court yard out the back. The court yard was all decorated up, a band (in which his wife sings occasionally) and disco on. Vast amounts of food available, large amount of their friends plus their daughters friends. A very good night. Got back around 12:30, to bed in the back of the landrover, (they had so many visitors their daughter was in a tent in the garden). 04:30 sunday morning got up, setup the woman in the black box with instructions for home, and set off in the nice cool air, by 08:00 all windows and vents open in the landrover. One idiot Porche driver coming down Leadenham bypass the wrong side of the double white lines... Got home around 09:00, went to bed for a couple of hours...
  8. TheQ

    Hickling History

    I've found out why you confused , according to Hazel, there were three Harry Nudds in the area all related. The one on the Hickling voices site, was Hazel's Harry
  9. TheQ

    Hickling History

    Hazels family came up from london-ish When she was a teenager, and ran the shop in Hickling. What she did once when the shop closed, I don't know. But recently I know it was not retail..
  10. TheQ

    Hickling History

    That's because Hazel is a Londoner (near enough somewhere between there and Watford I think) I should see her Friday...
  11. TheQ

    Hickling History

    A friend, Harry Nudd, was one of the first to be recorded for it, (wearing the brown hat, on the meet the voices page), Sadly he died early last year, If he was in full Norfolk mardle mode not many will understand him.. A genuine Mashman he was Born in the house alongside a windpump as his father was the keeper of the pump.. I've inherited his model railway and a few of his tools..
  12. There was one in Hoveton for a couple of weeks cluttering up the pavement, I've regularly seen then Around Norwich usually abandoned blocking pavements...
  13. As of 06:15 this morning there were manually controlled stop go signs on Hoveton / Wroxham Bridge. Other men were inspecting the wall of the bridge by the New Restaurant. It looks like something has hit the parapet hard...
  14. My engine bay is about 5 ft fore and aft and 9ft 6inches wide. but with the fuel tank for the genny one side and the genny the other, they had to put the batteries in a U round the front of the electric motor. Centre cockpit Eysians are a bit nose heavy anyway, this has made it a lot worse...
  15. Not so many trees but the section between Martham And Heigham sound, or the river Ant WIDE?
  16. I've spent many hours out there in the dark sailing around the 3 rivers course, I've never used a torch / lights nor felt the need to. The only time I've ever had a problem was on Hickling broad when the fog was so thick you couldn't see one telegraph pole to the next. In that Case a torch / lights would have made it worse .
  17. Many roundabout I have been on, Have left hand lane left Right hand lane right, Right and centre lane straight on. Most of those on the NDR have left and centre going straight on this means with someone coming on from the right to turn right you can have 3 cars /vehicles, trying to exit into two lanes. But my personal opinion is the main problem is many of the roundabouts have very tight turns and not consistant. If you join the NDR from the Coltishall road (heading towards Taverham) it's a simple curve round to the left. if you leave the NDR at that roundabout to head into Norwich (from postwick direction) it's left sharp bend, curve to the right, left sharp bend.
  18. some birds know exactly what to do with bread...
  19. the highway code doesn't tell you which lane to take, it tells you to read the road signs, sadly this seems to be impossible with some people. not helped by there being no consistancy between all the roundabouts..
  20. I recon you'll need a note to Yoursel, RN know nothing about sailing, they're too busy floating around in tin cans
  21. Yes there was a very noticeble lack of wind during the 3RR, only 15 finished the course, out of the 93 entrants. Not the worst number of finishers ever though!!! I prefer a nice gentle breeze for regatta week, The beginners can be allowed to sail, We don't fighten the tourists as much, Much less likely for sailing boat equipment failure.. I have to rescue less people.. Oh there will be less boats out this year, Wroxham club are having the regatta late this year, due to late schools finish, so it's on top of our week. Therefore those that to do both normally, will be split between the clubs..
  22. The good news is, builders are now working in the two adjoining cottages.. Down stairs windows and doors are being fitted in the Cremated swan
  23. Another accident at the Wroxham / NDR roundabout, there is a section of fencing missing that protects pedestrians from going over the 20ft embankment into Dobbs Beck. A large section now has police aware tape over a missing bit of fencing, so someone took a flyer..
  24. TheQ

    My Day

    I spent Saturday, adjusting, trimming to size, then cramping up the two halves of my sailing boat together. Sunday, I Sanded down the first section to get bonded back together. Then went to the shed to find.... Guess, who forgot to order a new 25 ltr barrel of polyester resin..
  25. I hope you can get all the batteries where you want them, they aren't in mine. I still have to get some bags of something heavy, to get the stern down about 4 inches.. Being centre cockpit limited the choices of getting the weight where I wanted it..
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