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Everything posted by TheQ

  1. Not just North Norfolk but suffolk as well, This is the same Government body that proposed abandoning the coast from Sea Palling to Hemsby and allowing the sea to flood as far as Potter Heigham. apart from the loss of everybodies homes their logic didn't include the over doubling of new coast line in the area that would have needed protecting. Natural Idiots department...
  2. No national park has a right to roam, The UK has a right to roam with limitations, the right to roam only applies to uncultivated land designated as such. You can't go walking across gardens, land that would mean intrusion into the owners private life, MOD land, and cultivated land. https://www.gov.uk/right-of-way-open-access-land/use-your-right-to-roam. http://www.openaccess.naturalengland.org.uk/wps/portal/oasys/maps/MapSearch/!ut/p/c5/pZC7DoJAFEQ_6V4QViwXMLyWRRFkoSH4CIGAUBBUvl6MtVowU05OTjKQwdxbMVZlMVTdrWhAQEZyZiGxZQM3QRRu0UEnMJnrSAEq856SHL-E4h86AYFKfqi13n8Ogk3GGNXTQfbN88RruvLN-MG52F2OYaxTQ0y0kRcal9EuZGXTneZfkvdTJCcW0yQ9wA3uuYaOtlZkanuIK_Wz_zBxu2uvkEK2_mq0FIggNaBv49Fjqmvfkb4AqY0QTg!!/dl3/d3/L0lDU0lKSmdwcGlRb0tVUm1abVkhL29Gb2dBRUlRaGpFQ1VJZ0FJQUl5RkFNaHdVaFM0SlJFQUlCR2lJQVFDREVRQWdFV0lnQkFJY1JBQ0FCNGlBRUFBQSEhLzRDMWI5V19OcjBnQ1VneEVtUkNVd2chIS83X0xHMDZIMkMwOU9UUkUwSTBJT0RMSkkxT0c0L2s3NGw0NzEwOTAwMDQvMzg3NjMwNzE4ODk3L2phdmF4LnNlcnZsZXQuaW5jbHVkZS5wYXRoX2luZm8vJTBqc3AlME9wZW5BY2Nlc3MlME9wZW5BY2Nlc3NNYXAuanNw/
  3. That sign sort of contradicts itself, PRIVATE LAND NO ACCESS and separately Access to village from Somerleyton Moorings... You can't read it as one sentance as it makes no sense. Private land no access access to village from Somerleyton Moorings...
  4. AA traffic shows the Acle straight to be operating normally now..
  5. Looking at the pictures in the EDP, it wandered off line, once you've got a front left tyre on the verge it will drag you in, and in this case upside down in the ditch. AA traffic is reporting the whole road from Acle to GY is closed, the rest of the 47 round Norwich is showing clear of jams
  6. And replaced by lots of cars waiting for the Primary school, even though they've built a car park round the corner..
  7. Opps my error, you should have received an Email acknowledgement of receipt, the packs are about to be sent...
  8. If you notice the in Happisburgh lighthouse pictures, the two lighthouse bungalows are on the seaward side of the lighthouse as are the chalets so they've definitely gone over the cliff.
  9. A few of the race entries have gone astray if you haven't received your race information please contact the organisers. 3rr.uk They are back tracking any payments to try to trace the missing entries
  10. TheQ

    My Day

    There used to be a big fleet of enterprises at Horning of which 6 belonged to the RAF sailing association, I used them a lot. The military after the bosun's, went to any boat available commercially. They don't last as long.. I've sailed bosuns, wayfarers, lasers, albacores, enterprises, mirror dinghy, belonging to the RAF SA, in places at the outer Hebrides, the Falklands. and many places between. The big one was owned by the military, HMSTY Racer, a Camper and Nicholson 55..
  11. TheQ

    My Day

    Congratulations on the course, the bosun was the military sailing dinghy at at one time, built like a tank and not fast. I've been out in one few times. l'd recommend something a little faster for the 3RR. Though saying that I've completed it a Lysander, which has a similar handicap to a mirror dinghy. One advantage of learning to sail is you'll understand what the lunatic Wafis are doing when you're out in a mobo.
  12. I take the bow rope to the ring or post preferably behind the leading end of the bow. and back to the fore deck, preferable . Put bow fender in suitable place. Drive the boat forward steering into the bank. The stern swings out, when far enough, remove bowline and pull back aboard, return to helm position and reverse out. If you have a strong tide then undoing the end of the boat In the direction the tide is coming from may over come the wind.
  13. TheQ

    My Day

    The old fittings probably are BSP, but in mobile home that was secondhand when installed about 1980, so many things have been altered over the years.. The black plastic water supply piping comes out of the ground about 3/4 inch outside diameter. Goes to brass fitting to copper 1/2 inch OD, goes to brass stopcock (failed), goes to Brass drain valve (failed) , goes to 1/2 inch OD plastic piping and off to various taps, boiler etc. The Blue pipe going down the garden is 22mm modern blue plastic pipe. The garden tap now fitted to the wall, but awaiting connection has a 15mm OD copper pipe inlet. Whilst some imperial fittings are available, and some imperial stopcocks, not what's in the Mobile home. Also much of the connections are under the Mobile home next to plastic covered or polystyrene insulation. Soldering up connections while lying face up in a confined space is not an option. So reducing the range available to be used, to compression connectors. So the plan is, main house stopcock off, cut the copper inlet pipe, then fit an adaptor 1/2 inch to 15mm, then a new stopcock. Then I can turn the water supply to the house back on. After that, various Ts, each output having a separate stopcock. Then adaptors back to what ever size the various outlets require. Oh and a new drain valve for the mobile home needs fitting as well. As for Horse exhaust, I collect mine for free bagged up in bin bags or old horse food bags, whenever I pass the yard in the Landrover, I pick up a few bags though less are available in the summer as other gardeners get enthusiastic.... It then gets piled up in the garden till I'm ready to use it.. The rubbarb is looking good.. The yacon we won't know until the autumn.
  14. TheQ

    My Day

    This mornings stroll around my estate with the dog, showed the Apple trees are now in flower but the pear trees are loosing theirs. The grass needs cutting again, and I need to fix the chainsaw on a stick to do some pruning. The coming weekend promises, Filling a raised bed with Horse Exhaust, covered in soil and sand. The sand is to break up the very clay soil. I estimate about 1 ton to shovel...... Start rebuilding the front garden wall destroyed by a storm earlier in the year. Measure up for plumbing changes so there is a garden tap at the mobile home and another two 50yards and 100 yards away for watering. I've already buried the blue pipe undergound. The problem is the mobile home is imperial piping and 99% of parts available for the job are metric...
  15. Help from the Forum... someone will be along to help...
  16. Just a little bump for anyone who missed my post and are planning their time on the Broads that weekend. Enjoy your trip...
  17. That tweet looks like Karen's work, Karen and her family do a great deal for the club and the 3RR. Karen will run the radio network for the entire race. 25 days to go...
  18. Given Timbo a lot of employment?
  19. Barton Broad – 19 May 2018 Another opporttunity to try sailing... Try sailing on Barton Broad – 19 May 2018 Calling all would be sailors. On Saturday 19th May Norfolk Punt Club are offering you the chance to sail (free of charge) in a range of boats including the very fast Norfolk Punt featured on the BBC recently. You may also sail in a dingy, keel boat and River Cruiser. Experienced skippers will take you around the beautiful Barton Broad to see the wildlife, including Marsh Harriers and other reed bed dwellers. Sample the delights of a ‘Punt Club afternoon tea’ on the pontoon in the middle of the broad. The club will provide “water taxis” from Barton Turf Staithe to ferry you out to the pontoon at 12.30 and 2.00pm. Taxis will bring you back at 4.30pm. As it is also a Royal Wedding Day there will be a ”bit of a party” on the pontoon so bring a picnic if you want to and a few pounds for tea and cake. We can lend you Buoyancy Aids but please dress in suitable clothes that will keep you warm and can suffer splashing. Children must be accompanied by an adult. For further information please contact vicecommodore@puntclub.co.uk
  20. I remember Poole, been there many times but under sail only once. Did they ever sort out the harbour where the council removed the mooring rings as a trip hazzard to the public, and then got upset at the sailors mooring to the very heavy plant pots they put there instead?
  21. My Mobo is a support vessel for sailing as are many at the sailing club
  22. it's pretty obvious many yards (except richardsons) have given up with going through the bridges. It may save problems with damage and pilot fees. but the customers that want the quieter side of life will go elsewhere with the business.
  23. I notice it's for NBCY's 80th Birthday, that means several other clubs are 80 this year. Horning Town Sailing Club for instance was founded in 1913, but closed down as part of the formation of NBYC and several Horning Trophies ended up at NBYC. However very shortly after Horning Sailing club and some other clubs were refounded in 1938. Sounds a good do, but I doubt I can make it..
  24. it comes up with "this attachment is not available", try this one. https://www.nbyc.co.uk/proms-on-the-pier-nbyc-80th-anniversary/
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