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Everything posted by TheQ

  1. They said it was a hazard and glass may break, it did at one time forbid glass bowled fuel filters in the BSS, whether or not it still does I don't know..
  2. All I know is that while hanging on the the reeds at Stokesby one year, long with a lot of other boats. From behind I could see lights, red light then green light, red light then green light, red light then green light, red light then green light. As a boat approached close to the bank behind us....when then it stopped next to the bank about a hundred feet behind....
  3. The roads works in Wroxham have switched side of the road, and the chicane has disappeared. The evidence from the work they have done so far is, it's a raised section of pavement with bumpy slabs for buses to stop at... I expect the work to last another coule more days. For added fun on Horning Road West, at the junction with Tunstead road there is another set of road works. causing traffic to back up to the railway bridge and the Stalham road.
  4. I have a camera watching my boat, although a little far away, the boat is also the "wrong" side of the river, so you'd need a boat to get to it, there are friends who see it everyday. At the moment there is nothing on board worth stealing, though parts of the boat would be. As I fit the boat out a deafening alarm will be fitted, as regulo says, keeping it simple is good, especially as a home built system can be done in a way as to be unexpected to thieves. The alarm is more if I go to a public mooring somewhere and wander off for a meal.
  5. I don't know where you live but you certainly wouldn't see that range of cars anywhere where I live, I don't think I've ever seen a Tesla., I've a 10 year old Kia and a 34 year old landrover. Putting Hire charge boats back to 3X would hardly make a difference to hire boat companies when divided by 30 weeks hire a year. Putting my Broads tax up to 3 X would mean I'd probably have to sell my boat... if I could find a buyer. As for those tax levels remember there have been hidden and not so hidden other taxes, VAT Is now 20% instead of 15%, National insurance is now 12% instead of 10% and of course we now pay tax on red fuel. Our actual over all tax burden hasn't changed that much. Children were in classes of 30+ when I was at school in portacabins. I think that some on here (not accusing you Paul), have lost contact with the real wages of most people, the average in the UK is around £26,000. That's the average, most people will earn much less as it only takes a few footballers to push the average up a lot. Ps I Have never earned over the National Average in the UK...even with overtime...
  6. I've just looked up the cost of tracker hire and that would add around £15 to the £50 entry charge for a 2 person boat with breakfast. A quite considerable increase. Whether or not that would put people off I don't know.. However next Time I see the committee, I'll have a chat about it. It would certainly show those boats that somehow manage to keep moving during the night, when everyone else has come to a halt with no wind...
  7. I've got three of these to fit (aft cabin, cockpit, forward cabin), though I will mount them on the panels up the right way...
  8. Just to correct things slightly, Kevin Saunders is the New Chairman of the 3RR committee, and Ian Bray has been strong armed into being the new Race Officer. Knowing Both, I'm sure they will do a good job..
  9. NDR= The Northern Distributer Road, Aka The Broadland Northway, aka the A1270, aka the Road to Nowhere, aka Norwich Northern bypass with added roundabouts. The last currently built section was opened Tuesday morning, the campaign to build the missing link back to the A47 has started, so it will be to road to somewhere..
  10. I'm sorry Ricardo but a lot of boats were failed for having Hoses better than the standard, because they didn't have the relevant BS number on them, Including mine. Many boats had been fitted with flexible metal lifetime pipes to cookers and fridges and these had to be replaced with BS rubber hoses that need replacing every few years... I also had to replace the air inlet pipe to the tank because it was to small, never mind with only a 1.5 engine and having been afloat for over thirty years it had been quite sufficient. I also had to replace the fuel filter because it had a glass Bowl bottom.
  11. Ha, went home via Wroxham yesterday and the queues were back to both bridges at around 15:30, they've put a temporary pedestian crossing lights in the middle of the road works,. what the queues are like at rush hour I dread to think. If I remember I'll be going home via Coltishall tonight.
  12. Google will catch up after a few days, unlike Ordinance survey who haven't corrected their maps 40 years after one road change near my parents....
  13. The banks and the rivers are two different things, on the banks it's the land owner, if someone fly tips on a farm, the farmer has to pay to clear it up. On the river it's the navigation, And I really don't know who's is responsible outside of the private broads..
  14. Fibreglass boats on the broads effectively last for ever, I think as the 44footers get old we'll see more total refits done to them by the yards to keep them going. especially if... More electric and hybrids are Pushed on us. I have already seen comments by MPs about stopping boats using red diesel, they are generally talking about trawlers etc but you can guarenttee it will come our way, and as cars move away from diesel I can see boats being forced to as well. This will require many more charging points, petrol boats on the broads with tourists would be a highly explosive mixture...
  15. Well this is my new thread now the NDR is open, to allow members to warn others of road works affecting the Broads, journeys to the Broads, and the surrounding area. So first up the long term one promised to be finished By 2019 The traffic lights and narrowed roads around the Cremmated Swan Pub at Ingham. Sometimes you arrive and the lights are set to "see you" and change when you arrive to let you through, sometimes they are set for defined period Green to let you through, this creating a traffic jam at a minor cross roads with very little traffic. There has been work going on at the pub for some weeks now but no sign of any work on the adjoining properties yet. The Second warning is in Wroxham half way between the bridges just down hill of the flower shop, thery're diging up the pavement / kerbstone but have taken half the road with lights, yesterday it was causing a tailback toward the river bridge. I suspect at peak times it will cause tailbacks in both directions.
  16. Thats It folk's the NDR is open I saw several vehicles heading towards Postwick and one coming the other way, as I arrived at the Norwich road roundabout. One extra hazard is deer, there was a very flattened deer on the NDR between the Wroxham and Coltishall road roundabouts.
  17. TheQ

    Spotted In Beccles

    Insurance though I believe, only has to cover 3rd party, Not to get your own boat out of the water
  18. Trying to electrocute the drivers on the NDR may not be a good idea, the does give easier access to remote locations
  19. Done that many times, I do prefer the water to be hot, using cold water from a bucket in the military is a distant memory, I don't want to repeat...
  20. I'd second that on my boat. for propulsion as well
  21. It's not the supermarkets that dictate the perfect spud or carrot, it's the public. When they go to the fruit and veg counter the first thing they do is sort through the veg taking the best that is there, at the end of the day al that is left is the misshapen bruised left overs that have to be skipped. By requiring the best fruit and veg in the first place they are saving the coast of buying / transporting and then skipping the veg that would be skipped.
  22. Things are begining to get ready for the race, We have new sponsors Yachtmaster Insurance Services, http://www.yachtmasterinsurance.co.uk Kevin Saunders has taken over as Organiser. The web cams are starting to be got ready, Martham boats webcam is showing a china cat with a HSC members book.
  23. All the plants and trees are opening, flowers are appearing everywhere. Tonight the NDR should join them, signs have appeared just before the Wroxham Road roundabout saying "Caution New Road Open", shortly followed by a closed road sign. The numbers of cones have reduced again...
  24. Almosr all the wooden masted boats had wooden tabernackles, and a wooden mast is a lot hevier than a alloy one. That being said I just drew up what I wanted, took it it to a stainless steel fabricator and he cut and welded it up for me. (long time ago in Northunberland)
  25. I noticed a team of men removing cones and signs on the way home tonight, although the through road itself is still shut off. In actual fact the full opening, will make my journey home worse as the extra traffic will make the bit I need busier. However I welcome it opening, as when I need the A47, which is fairly often, it will save around 8 miles driving each way. It will reduce traffic through Repps, Billockby and the Acle A47 roundabout. Also reducing traffic on the boundary road round to Trowse. I guess the traffic will gradually build along the NDR as people find a use for it. They are going on about the cost at the moment on TV, but a lot of the extra costs are the hidden extras such as the diversions to Rackheath rd and various cycleways being put in. Tuesday morning and evenings trip to and from work will be interesting.
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