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Everything posted by TheQ

  1. The Boat, 240V Fuse / breaker / RCD Box is a separate Item. After the supply choice switch mentioned above. There will also be: A breaker / Rcd at the input into my cable from the post. I don't trust something in the pillar that could be interfered with..... On incomer side, is it connected round the right way LED indicators. The galvanic Isolator will have LED indication that it hasn't blown.. LED indications to show power is on from any source. A breaker / switch for the Inverter Supply. Notes, 40+ years in electronics helps, A galvanic Isolator is in simple form a very easy to build circuit, the circuits are available on the net. Added refinements to improve safety and use, are a bit more interesting. Commercially Galvanic isolators are about £70 upwards, I can build one for about third of that, but that doesn't include my time..
  2. The club webcam isn't showing any activity yet, but I note there is a space on the village green at the pub end, so I guess the no mooring sign has gone up for that bit, where a couple of exhibition boats will be. It's a bit early though, as most will set up Saturday Morning just a few late Friday. See you tomorrow,,,
  3. I leave the phone at home, When I get on the boat, I press a button and off we go, charts not needed, the broads arn't that big I need a chart. I know exactly where I am unless it's foggy in the middle of Hickling broad
  4. I've a couple of those for my to be fitted installation. One for Shore power, off, generator. The other for: Input socket Port, Off, Input socket Starboard. One thing I've not seen mentioned is galvanic isolation, I'll be building my own galvanic isolator, but for those not in Electronics, there are plenty of commercial units available..
  5. Picture one is for an inverter supplied with 12 Volts Picture two is for an inverter supplied with 36 Volts. You can get a higher voltage supplied inverter, and that would give more overall power available.. volts X Amps = watts you must have an inverter rated for the correct input power, I will have a 48volt input Inverter on my boat when I get round to it. if you connect a 12v inverter over 36volts, if you are lucky you'll blow a fuse, unlucky and you'll find electronics is powered by smoke...
  6. Ah... I missed viewing from Thurne Dyke, where you can moor up or park somewhere in the village and walk down to the end of the dyke.
  7. Afternoon Folks, this is for those who are Navigating / Holidaying on the Northern Broads on the 2nd and 3rd of June 2018 and haven't experienced the chaos before.. If you Don't know, that is the day of the "3 Rivers Race" when about 100 sailing boats from 14 ft to 40ft will race round the Northern Broads. They MAY GET IN YOUR WAY, so even if you're not interested Please read on. You have the right to Navigate wherever you want, but noting the advice below may save yourself palpitations in the crowded waters Sailing Boats have "right of way" over motor boats in most circumstances, however please don't go weaving around in the middle of a large fleet of boats trying to keep clear. You won't manage it . If there is a large fleet of sailing boats, keep close to the right hand bank, slow down, go forward when there is a gap, stop if there isn't.. Overtaking sailing boats, if they are going from side to side on the river (tacking), overtake by passing behind them close to the bank, as they turn away from it. It gives you the maximum time to get clear and them more time to decide where to go next, when they come back again.. The sailing boats are their pride and Joy, they will not try to hit you, but they will use all of the river to sail to the best of their ability and get very close. If an incident occurs that may require insurance or some sort of reporting, make a note of: The day, the Time, Where you are, the number of the sail, any symbol on the sail, the name and number on the hull ( maybe on the bows or stern). Individual Boats have to carry their own insurance. So if you want things to be sorted out, don't come back a month later to the club, saying it was a white boat with white sails, as we have no chance of Identifying the boat and putting you in contact. The race. Starts At Horning at 11:00 in fleets of about ten boats at a time, at 5 minute intervals, they will be on the water from the Swan Inn up river towards Wroxham on the first straight from around 10:30. The last start is around 12:30 as there is a small gap in the middle of the starts, to allow the boats to clear a bit.. They have to Sail to: Ludham bridge without going under it. South Walsham Broad, Hickling broad, The Stracy arms, a couple of miles below Acle Bridge. ( near the bend in the Acle straight) There will be traffic jams on the river, The Start Line, you will see a group of boats sailing across the river and back in an increasingly agitated manner as their start time approaches, If you are going down river, hold back keep to the right hand bank, and as they start, follow them round the corner, going through when you see a gap. If you are coming up river slow down, Keep to the right hand bank and let them go past you. Particularly keep to the right hand bank on the Swan Inn corner. On the River Ant to Ludham bridge, I'd avoid that if you can between around 12:00 to 15:00 on the Saturday, really PLEASE, it WILL be chaos. IF you HAVE to be there at this time, if you can, keep to the right hand bank and slow down, if necessary stop, they are much more manouverable than you, don't try weaving around. On the River to South Walsham Broad around the same time, it's slightly better as it's wider and less bendy. Potter Heigham Bridges, there will be lots of Lunatics lowering masts across the river, and paddling like Mad to get under the bridges. This can occur anytime in the 24 hours of the race, but peak times will be daylight hours on the Saturday after 14:00. If you need to go through the bridge, please look very carefully that someone isn't coming through the other way. There will almost certainly be a log jam somewhere round the course when wind drops, all we can ask is you carefully and slowly feed yourself through when you a large enough gap appears .. We APPOLOGISE for the inconvienence. Other than that, the Fleets will be all over the rivers between the above points, the general rule is keep to the right and let them go round you and please slow down. However if you see boats coming towards you on your side of the river with none of them zig zaging across, then moving out into the river might be helpful they may be fighting the tide. IF you wish to view the race by boat, Moorings. The village Green Horning, Cockshoot Dyke Moorings, these will be filled up 24 hours before the race, so if you want a place, get there early. The Pubs in Horning, you will probably have to pre-book The Church Mooring Horning, We will have a ***guardship there and there isn't a lot of room for other boats, all racing boats have to call out their number as they pass, so please don't moor there overnight if you want a quiet night. St Benets straight probably the most comfortable place to watch the boats go by plenty of mooring places. Acle just up river of the Bridge, we have a ***guardship there as well , so please don't moor alongside the ***guardship if you want a quiet night, but there are plenty of moorings along there, a bit further away from the ***guardship.. Potter Heigham, there are a few moorings just down river of Pheonix boats. Another ***Guardship just south of the bridges, but on the Herbert woods side of the river, quite noisy with all the competitors lower masts and the cheering from the crowds on the bridge as boats go through. Quite spectacular as the boats go through the hole in the wall though. If you wish to watch the race by road, Horning, the village green, the Swan Green, any of the pubs, car parking will be limited as so many come to watch. Ludham Bridge, limited parking in the bay to the Horning side of the Bridge and the toilets Ludham side of the Bridge,, walk down onto the riverside for hair raising turning just before the bridge. Potter Heigham, plenty of parking generally owned by Lathams. the Broads Haven, now Norada pub is open at last. Lots of people watch here to see the lunatics dropping masts and paddling like fury to go through the hole.. Acle Bridge, limited parking and I'm not sure what parking will be available as the cafe is now closed hopefully the Broads authority will open the car park for the day., a good view of the boats going through.. ***Guardships are Identified By a big orange sign saying Guardship and a flashing orange light overnight. Thank you all for your patience, enjoy your time on the broads and hopefully the race...
  8. The dredger has just motored off down river from Horning sailing club, to where I know not..
  9. The club is running try a boat day, keelboats will be available to take people out for 20 minutes - half hour sail for £5 per adult (discounts for children and families will be available). Life jackets supplied, please wear flat shoes...(ie no high heels Grace). Keelboat = sailing yacht, without a cabin 20ft to 25ft, lump of lead underneath so they don't fall over, a expert helm will be with you in control.. There may be dinghies available for those who don't mind the chance of getting wet, and are a bit more athletic than me...; Horning Sailing club run a sailing school May to September , adults and children(8 or over) ask at the club . https://horning-sailing.club/tccourses.php
  10. First job I had, was 8 weeks training with the company, 8 weeks with a local training college, for two years. Only I got made redundant, even though I passed the first year, I had been sick for 2 weeks of the last block of training so had one of the lowest marks, too many of us had passed, so they kicked some of us out...... The Second was with the RAF which wasn't Their 3 year Apprenticeship, as they had just stopped them, but about 14 months doing the same trade training in that time and a lot less "RAF" training. Every company I've worked with since, don't really do any training, they depend on a lot of EX-military people having already got the right training. They are now finding real problems recruiting qualified people as the military is so much smaller and not putting out enough trained people..
  11. Hello, the dredgers back, having worked it's way up the river from the club, it's now back where it started just up river of the corner. Hopefully it will now work the other way along that bank as that's where the shallow is. Only if it's on the corner on Saturday for the Boat show that could make it rather narrow.. See you Saturday... Must make a name tag...
  12. Yes they are both still there, the farm shop has a cafe as well. https://www.agmeale.co.uk
  13. Maybe JP thinks he's a property developer, put up a "land mark " property on the broads where you wouldn't normally get permission, and then flog it off in a couple of years for a fortune... one of the problems is they are allowing new buildings all over the place that don't '"mean the Broads" there used to be wooden sheds and houses all over the place. That was part of the broads. These are being replace by identikit modern buildings..
  14. Darn thing recons I'm an architect (very wrong) and 0.8% of the population. It reckons I work in Lone wolf positions.. which has always been correct, although I'm supposedly in a team, I've always been the only one working on a particular subject. It was correct on one thing as a child I was a bookworm, I read about 10 books a week. I still can read a book in a single session and they are almost always technical rather than a novel. Currently Reading, The History of the Highland Railway..
  15. I like the hand drawn maps...Oh I see the Swan Pub moved onto the Sailing club Island..., Funny none of the Sailing clubs to my knowledge was mentioned in the S&A series... I also have a drawer stuffed with maps, as I used to buy a new OS map for where ever I was living. even if only for a short Time. I also have a couple of old Linen printed OS maps of where part of the family comes from. I have a small UK atlas in the car, but always on a long journey have the nag in the box switched on. I don't need her to go anywhere, as I used to travel the country for work. However, if you get a crash they divert you off onto some minor road, she is handy for getting back onto route without stopping digging the map out and haveing a read. I'm also a fan of the Norfolk County council site for local maps. And a fan of the NLS, the National Library of SCotland which has online OS maps from when they started till today, for the whole of the UK. https://maps.nls.uk/
  16. A landmark building would be a disaster, they are supposed to be preserving the broads not making statements. Another wooden shed, if slightly larger and in better condition would do and be a lot cheaper than some landmark costing a fortune.. I believe the speed limit is NOT advisory, there was a change in the law a while back so things like roads works limits became law not advisory. They would do you for care and attension anyway or reckless driving under the old laws. If they bothered to watch the bridge..
  17. 5 -3 to the Hibs you certainly had something to watch... I had a whisky last night, remembering Iain
  18. When in the RAF they required you to keep fit, someone 6ft tall was supposed to be 11stone. In order to keep fit I played sport, I now have. A damaged big right toe ( sailing). Damaged knees, ( volleyball) Damaged left elbow ( sailing) Damaged lower back ( baseball, reawakened by sailing) So much for keeping fit for health. Meantime accordingly the docs I've lost an inch height over the last year. My bit of string keeps getting too short...very short...
  19. I prefer Anne Shelton, https://youtu.be/N_kY114hF2M Also my Dads Influence, My grandmother that side was in charge of accomodation for Ensa at Aldershot Barracks, and one of my uncles was in charge of the Garrison theatre there ,until he went off to fight in Burma. Dad met most of the big stars of the period.
  20. On the Day I was born, Mary's Boy child, by Harry Belefonte, This was followed By Jerry Lee Lewis, Great Balls of fire.... The combination of which I make no comment...
  21. which is why my model railway shed is now 63ft long...
  22. The problem with the firebrigades statements is they are not there when it happens, no one going in could mean an unneccessary death. For me personally, I know I float and can do so for hours. I know I was taught to rescue people from water right from school days, though unfortunately I don't carry a pair of pyjama trousers around with me.. I've been round the broads for 40+ years and have been in many times, including in the centre of Norwich, remember the Norwich raft races? Unless in the depths of winter, I wouldn't have a problem. The only problem would be therefore, getting the casualty to a bank where there is a ladder or some other way to get out of the river. So yes I would go in, unless there is a life ring and rope or similar I can get to the casualty without getting wet.
  23. Not for a while, the dredger is at Horning, still on the clubs up river camera, it seems to have moved a bit more up river since yesterday...
  24. It looks like the top "cockpit" should fold down, which means it would go under the bridges. would look good in Hickling broad...
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