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Everything posted by TheQ

  1. Actually quite a few, at the recent Alexandra Palace show both the RMWEB, and N GAUGE Forum, arranged to meet at a certain times at a certain places in the hall. It's probably a lower percentage than actually meet on the broads as we have smaller numbers on the various borads forums, and a much smaller area to meet in. Railway shows are anywhere in the country, but much more popular on line, I read recently that RMWEB has 90,000 different visitors on line per month, and there are many model railway Forums / Fora. One thread on RMWEB ( equivalent to My Day) is on it's 170509th post as I type this, without the thread being locked and that's not counting it's previous incarnations on previous web hosting systems.. The next Model railway show is on Saturday at Hellesdon School, Norwich, 10:00 to 16:30, anyone going?
  2. If you've got Avanti gas there is no in or out, I've run out of gas, and I'm on a scheduled top up contract... why haven't they topped up? I'll find out later with a annoyed phone call no gas for 3 days so far...
  3. Bump, The second posting on this thread is for the Main Norwich Model railway show of the year, which is this coming weekend on Saturday 7th of April, Entry £5 for an adult, free parking in the school grounds. It's a good show..
  4. I have four of those semi flexible panels on the top of my Elysian, and I've been very happy with them..
  5. Opposite problem to the centre cockpit Elysian 27s, hull designed for an aft engine but now mounted mid engine, it's very easy to make it go bow down, then a lot of water collects on the foredeck. With my electric engine set up, the batteries make it worse again, additional ballast in the stern is one of this years projects. Putting the batteries in the stern would be a better solution, but would require hugely expensive cableing to get the power forward to the controller and engine.
  6. I've just looked at the Beccles sailing programme, and it looks like there is no racing sailing on 1st July..( there is the day before)
  7. TheQ

    My Day

    Over the years I've been a follower of a model railway forum which has a similar thread to this one. Amoungst other things, we've been entertained by the tales of a contributers son, as he left school, went to university, got a very good degree, and recently took up a post as a university lecturer / researcher. Today he has to fly to Dublin with his wife. His son was found dead in his University rooms yesterday. it's amazing the death of someone you don't know, have never met, were never likely to meet, can be so upsetting...
  8. Welcome to the A1270 Northern Distributer Route "Broadland Northway". Yep our exalted councilors have decided on a new name for the road " Broadland Northway" this has meant them getting their faces on the EDP and no doubt local television tonight. Along with new signs all along the route declaring its new name, at more expence to us. It's sickening, it even made a tractor sick yesterday, there are carrots all over the NDR oops "Broadland Northway" roundabout on the Coltishall road.
  9. I've seen a swimmer going through Horning from Wroxham, wearing a black neoprene suit, black rubber hat and goggles. He was almost invisible and I was in a rescue boat , ( I radioed the other rescue boats and club with a warning) not in a 40ft hire boat with steamed up windows and having had a few. As for not going near it, if your mooring is on route ( or in Beccles) what are you supposed to do? Hire boat users are not likely to remember / know on which stretch of river they are likely to come across them, If they've been told. I've patrolled the river on many HSC regattas, When i've warned boats whats going on, they in 90% of occasions seem suprised and say they no nothing about it.. (and then ask where they are and where nearest pub is). All the boat yards know when it's on and are warned.. I'm quite happy with them having the event, I'm just not sure they've chosen the right place, or time, A Sunday, July 1st is busy even for the southern broads
  10. A good quality drum cable extesion will have two ratings on it, wound up and unwound. Mine is fully rated for 13amps on the drum.
  11. TheQ

    My Day

    Saturday, Lifting out the yeoman I sail in the winter, Then a visit to the RAF Radar Museum http://www.radarmuseum.co.uk/ it's worrying half the stuff in there I worked on... Sunday, 6 hours clearing brambles and under growth behind the sailing boat I'm rebuilding. The tarpaulins and boat must have created a good micro climate behind there. Getting ready to carry on the work this year. Tuesday, Eye tests 09:00, useless for several hours after as the eyes go fuzzy with the eyedrops they use..
  12. I'd prefer it if you have two buckets, one clean, one dirty. Sloes and blackberries in the clean one. nappies in the other,..
  13. I don't know if they've still got them, but LA Thams did a nice line in glass decanters, with tripple rubber (clear) seals. Which stops the angels getting more than their fair share. Stays in if knocked over, and more to the point are cheap... I bought half a dozen, 3 for on board, three for holding volatile modelling liquids. If your motor boat has shore power, a long extension lead with the correct connections. If it's on a drum, make sure it's rated at full power still on the drum.. If the above applies, a supply of BA electricity cards.
  14. Hmm... swimmers, motor boats, propellors, rescue boats /guardships, rights of Navigation.... I have nothing against swimming and in fact I've been in many times, just worried about: A, the danger B, the precidence, if they close the river for it. PS I thought Burgh St Peter to Beccles was Up river, not Down as reported in the article, although I guess they will have it during an incoming tide...
  15. Rhond anchors, Rear fenders for stern on mooring, The Green Book,
  16. if it were to be able to run off line. Online all those details alternative apps are available if you know where to look
  17. Like discussions of the BA and Mr Sandford, there are those that think Flag etiquette is important and those who don't. there are threads that disappear off into the distance on the subject. I will merely say I try to get it right.. As to those who incorrectly display military ensigns,,,,,,
  18. Can you have a tangent? There are no curves or Circles on a Union Flag or Red ensign...
  19. That could mean a deep hatred of your dad :) those of us who remember being shouted at running round the airfield in the rain and snow....
  20. And they'll still be sold out, I've tried before...
  21. I believe it was in the last couple of years a pipe collapsed under a dyke. There was a canal drain on the Forth and Clyde some years ago when someone found a chain and pulled it draining a section of canal..
  22. un compressable water being compressed not good.... I'm a bit kinder to my 1984 110, it's got a galvanised chassis, Bulkhead and door frames, LSD, Stainless exhaust. a disco 200TDI Engine and transfer box. So now I get 32 to the gallon (diesel). It got me through several of the recent snow drifts on the way to work that a car would have been stuck in.
  23. Land Rovers never Die they just get rebuilt / recycled into other landrovers...
  24. Good news, but I'm betting one of the new owners problems is that a lot of the staff will already have new jobs.
  25. might cost a bit more on Surveyor hours though... I wonder what would happen if you did that today and started scrubbing your antifouling, although years ago I'd bet that was common practice.
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