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Everything posted by TheQ

  1. Bassett Lowke were definately at the expensive quality end of the market....
  2. Well the Road works in Wroxham have gone, the only Sheep that may be hurt will be pedestrians who don't use the newly built pedestrian crossing. Yes I thought they were building a bus stop, but no, it's a traffic lighted pedestrian crossing, that will bring more joy to those caught in the queues to the Roys Pedestrian crossing..
  3. The dredging has started, the barges are in sight of the HSC cameras https://horning-sailing.club/webcams.php, I can actually see the digger errr... digging. Hope he doesn't splash mud on my boat... I didn't know there was a shallow there.. Though there is just on the inside of the Swan corner on the down river camera.
  4. Bassett Lowke were a major manufacturer of model and live steam locomotives including all those shown. They also made scale model ships and boats. They were in business from1899 to 1965, a couple of buy outs later and the name is now owned by Hornby and used for their 0 gauge models..
  5. It must be dark in the pontoon how did he see out?
  6. Remember if you are fishing, this broads regulation applies. Broads regulation 29 1) Subject to paragraph (2) no person shall conduct any fishing or any associated activity from a power-driven or sailing vessel which is underway or cause or permit any net or fishing line to hang from such a vessel into the water whilst the vessel is underway. (2) Paragraph (1) shall not apply to a vessel which is: (a) engaged in the handling of licensed eel nets; or (b) under the control of the National Rivers Authority in connection with its fishery duties. (3) Any person fishing from a boat or the bank shall show reasonable consideration to any other person using the navigation area and shall ensure that his rod or line does not obstruct the passage of a vessel along a channel.
  7. BatraBill, is correct on the interpretation of what I was trying to say, although if the wind is super strong or super light all bets are off. One year I started in light winds from one of the last starts, sailed round the Sawn in Corner, to see the entire fleet between The Swan and the New Inn. Just not enough wind for anyone to sail against the tide, so we all sat there and drifted about, till the tide changed and we drifted down river out of the trees and got some light breeze...
  8. I remember Out of Town, used to love it, especially since we lived on the edge of the New Forest then. Dad went fishing with Jack...
  9. It could be worse you could have a president, thatcher , corbyn, clegg, Sturgeon, depending on your particular hatred..
  10. The final Entry date has been extended to May the 4th so you've only got 10 days to go. Get your Entries IN!!! Please
  11. The only shallow I know of in that sort of distance is, Going towards Wroxham up from the club., on the first right hand bend on the right hand side Down towards Turne Mouth on the right hand bend after pass the richardsons yard and going past the last chalet. is the first shallow that way, unless they cut some more trees back and you can approach the bank.. Neatly avoiding down stream, up stream, up tide, down tide and the Duke of Wellington. ( I didn't think we had a pub of that name in Horning...)
  12. That looks like a danforth Anchor on the bank, I wonder why?
  13. It Looks like the Broadshaven / Norada is now open, according the the other place and the outside has gone all black. Bet that will warm the place up in the sun. I feel a trip to La Thems coming up for SWMBO...
  14. Well that was a waste of time, and if Anita repeater says " I'm here in Norfolk" any more , I shall scream, half the program was repeating itself clips from before, Not in Norfolk and every time it came back to her every 30 seconds she said....
  15. The Road works on Horning road west in Hoveton have been cleared, Unfortunately the road works near the Florists in Wroxham are still in the way. No sheep were involved with these traffic jams...
  16. The tidal range may well be just 6 inches, BUT, that range is imposed on top of the water level in the river. The water level in the river is most influenced the water level in the North sea. If you get northerly winds blowing down the North sea the water level rises. If you get a low pressure weather area crossing the southern North sea the water level rises. If you get heavy rain over Norfolk, the water level rises to a lesser extent. If you get all three we get floods.. Of course if you reverse the above the you run aground in odd places but more people can get under bridges..
  17. They might throw their water dish at it, but more likely they'll just let you know about it, which an electronic burgler alarm wouldn't.
  18. Did you mention talking to the trees...?
  19. So for a broads boat you need someone on the front swinging the lead, shouting " By the Mark Half" (3ft). Samuel Langhorne Clemens might have been at home on the top of Southern Comfort...
  20. The bridges were put in place for CRAFT navigating the rivers, there was no distinction between commercial or Private Craft..
  21. Teak and laminate flooring can be surprisingly tough. AC5 standard can take being in the entrance to a shop, where it will get wet with rain, be washed down with a mop and bucket or industrial floor scrubber. Have thousands of feet with high heels hitting it and show no wear for many years.. Our boats are nothing compared to that...
  22. Not yet road works but they will be, at the double mini roundabout in Hoveton there is water coming out of the ground up one of the legs of the fences, they recently replaced after vehicle damage. I get the felling they went a bit deep....
  23. I think Timbo has been sniffing something strange...
  24. I much prefer this... 6 weeks till the 3 Rivers Race
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