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Everything posted by Islander

  1. Hi John, looks like a useful app that. We are signed up for the EA flood line for both the Yare and Waveney. Phone went mad today with automated phone calls, text messages and emails. Tide level not too high at the moment, now a waiting game to see if it drops much. Colin
  2. Hi Richardo. We've had flood warnings for both Yare and Waveney. Tomorrows morning tide seems to be the higher tide referred to in the warnings. Just hope my lawnmower at St Olaves doesn't get flooded again. I can't get there until tomorrow afternoon. Lowestoft tide is a little high but not excessive but if the morning tide goes over 3m we could have problems. Colin
  3. But if they've done nothing wrong? Colin
  4. Webcam back online again. Seems the camera angle showing the new moorings has been deleted! Shame as it was the best view of the river towards the bridge. Colin
  5. I lost count of how many friends I offered free bookcases too. In the last week hardly anyone came to see us for fear of what they would be lumbered with. They all wanted to visit once we were on the boat. We packed everything we wanted into our old Citroen BX estate. We seem to have a lot more than that now. Colin
  6. I must agree with Mark, there is nothing more annoying than spending time clearing the area to access something that will only take me a few minutes to repair. Residential boats are the worst but a lot of private boats are not a lot better with fenders, ropes, mud weights etc etc. If we are due for a BSS, I will remove all the clutter and make all access easily removable or already open for inspection. Make it easy for your examiner and you stand more of a chance of passing, make it difficult and they will become more picky. One of the biggest problem with moving from a house to a boat is where will every go and how much can you keep. Our last house had 10 bookcases 6 ft high. Ruth has her kindle but I still like a book in my hand but we do have to be strict over buying books now. Basically one book in another goes to charity. Clothes were not a problem for me but Ruth had to trim down to just the one small wardrobe but she is very good at getting rid of clothing she no longer wares. Gracie, where would you put all your shoes. Could you manage with just five pairs. There is a lot more to living onboard but when keeping warm the key word is VENTILATE. Colin
  7. Hi Gracie. Keeping a low profile is not an option when you live on Thorpe Island. We, I.e. Ruth and I, do our best to keep within the law but it doesn't help when your landlord has his own ideas. We came here having had to move from John Brooms yard at Brundall while it was redeveloped and consequently sold! Thorpe island was advertised as residential moorings. Having had open views of the river at Brundall, Thorpe was not perfect but then 'beggars can't be choosers' in fact you have to be very wealthy and know the right people to be choosy in the Broads (not) NP. We have now been here for 13 years now and effectively have established use. That won't stop the powers that be making life more difficult than it has to be. That is the price you pay when you don't fit into their little boxes. Keeping warm over the winter is not that difficult but you do have to find what suits you best. After many years of trying different forms we now have a multi fuel stove but we are lucky enough to have land storage for wood pellets, logs and coal. Diesel heating would be better for those who have to moor in marinas. Vaughan I'm sure will be able to relate what life was like being brought up on a boat. Colin p.s. Off shopping now, back later
  8. Hi Maurice Mynar. Sorry to hear you are about to become homeless. We became residential boaters out of choice some 17 years ago. The lifestyle does not suit everyone. Your first priority will be to find a mooring/marina that will let you live onboard. WRC has a few moorings available but with temporary planning permission. Other yards maybe sympathetic but you may have to have post sent elsewhere. The boat you are going to live on is the next most important decision. Will it be the one in your avatar? There are a few of us on the forum that live aboard. Some will like to keep a low profile, the rest of us will be only too pleased to answer any questions you may have if we can. Colin
  9. So why was SOB at Thorpe. I thought they bought it just to patrol Breydon or was it there for more repairs!!! It seems it's never where it's needed. Just my opinion of course. Maybe those height markers could have a flip sign for Breydon open or closed. I thought the waiting pontoon by Breydon bridge was the answer to bridge clearances at Yarmouth. Closing Breydon because of poor viz i.e fog, makes sense but not when it's a little choppy. Colin
  10. Congratulations Griff. Now your a grandad Christmas is going to get expensive . best wishes from us both Colin and Ruth.
  11. Islander

    Not Good

    Hopefully not too serious. Just found this on the Norfolk FB live feed. 012747 29 Sep 2017 17:58:39 Brundall Crews from Carrow and Sprowston assisted with the rescue of a person who had fallen in the river Colin
  12. Islander

    Not Good

    Fire service are showing an on going incident for Brundall. I don't know if they are connected. Colin
  13. Having a closer look at the pic of the BA 'tent' is it not bolted down onto lengths of steel piling? Moveable, easily transportable, temporary??? Colin
  14. Well, I think it's time to put the gazebo back up for the winter with my outdoor workbench and my mirror dinghy under it. So 28days doesn't apply to white party tents if you keep changing its use. My gazebo is green and is hard to see from the river or the green unless you live on the top floor of the flats and use binoculars when all the leaves have fallen. Anyone come up with a nickname for Cally Smith head of planning. One from the Dallas series for a short blond actress comes to mind but I couldn't possibly post it here. I bet these yurts are easier to move than the BA 'Party Tent'. Colin
  15. Don't we have a NBN trip advisor section Colin
  16. Islander


    Definitely go for the chiropractor route. Mine has kept me upright for years now. We go once a month and costs about a £1 a day. Much better than popping pills. Love the pulley idea ChrisB, will add to list of things to do Colin
  17. MM, from Google. Vessel operators must make sure that their vessels are equipped with the proper navigation lights and use the lights during these conditions: When away from the dock between sunset and sunrise During periods of restricted visibility such as fog or heavy rain Colin
  18. Hi Alan, I have not looked at Richardsons site but I'm pleased that they are trying their best. Having never been a hirer but always had use of boats on the broads all my instruction has come from family and friends. Having started at 10yrs and now 50+ years on I can still get it wrong. Any instruction is worth every minute. Having said that,' You can lead a horse to water.....' Colin
  19. High tide and strong offshore wind at Cantley. I don't want to talk about it....yet. A DVD sent showing the basics and a bit more I.e. Some of the mistakes made on YouTube, would cost pence to send to each hirer by Richardsons or HB's. Maybe the BHF could produce this for all hire companies? Colin p.s. Still not been told what time this happened.
  20. Hot water? Easy, I boil a kettle in the morning, usually 3 or 4 times. 1 make morning tea. 2 boil for a wash. 3 boil for other half for wash. 4 boil for next cup of tea. Start engine and warm for as long as it takes to remove mooring ropes. Leave. Arrive at next stop off, moor up, stop engine. Have proper wash/shower. Easy. hi Griff, not been up to the Ribs in our boat as need 8ft to clear bridges but looks really nice with loads of room to turn. We also need min 3ft water. We normally moor by the first new bridge as you come into norwich and go shopping on riverside (morrisons). It's free to moor there and easy access to the town. Sadly The Ferryboat pub now long gone which had good beer, decent food and an interesting mix of bands over the weekend. Colin in a rather damp St Olaves
  21. Going by the shadow from the post in the pub garden and allowing for BST plus the surface of the water. I guess about 1:30 pm. That would be the remains of the flood tide so if engine had failed they would have drifted away from the bridge. Fail. Colin p.s. I have a little stick on my pulpit set to our clearance. Simple. p.s.2 Sorry John, the fail was aimed at the Broom helm
  22. Looks like you had a grand day out. My mouth is watering with the thought of those herrings. Why don't we all put our boats on trailers that way round??? Colin
  23. If an electric launch runs out of battery then there is no way of mending it on the river bank. You have just got to come out after it, and tow it home. "Come in number 4, your time is up!" Why not just put a bracket on the back and put a nice old British Seagull with a 10:1 mix to get it home. Colin
  24. I watched this lady on the news. My only thoughts are what a waste of an expensive education. What would here freedom of speech been like without Drake, Nelson or Churchill? Colin
  25. Don't let the BA see that. They will want us to triple moor at Bramerton next. have a good time. Colin
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