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Everything posted by Islander

  1. Hi Vaughan, as a boy my dad took me to Bressingham steam collection. In those days they were running a brittania class loco and could ride on the footplate. I couldn't believe how big it was. The track then was very short but worth every second. Elf and safety have stopped that I've been told. If you read some of my older posts there is as pic of the 5"gauge 70008 built by my dad. as for the bridges. I think I'll just lower the canopy and screen just to be sure anyway. Colin n.b. Emoti working ok again! Gremlin somewhere but the 2singing and drinking one that falls over is still missing. Strange.
  2. I use to like the 'clickerty clack' on my trips into London. I could tell by the rhythm if we were slowing down. Maintenance is one thing but if it ain't broke don't fix it. Colin p.s. Why are these in my emoticons?
  3. Hi Jocave, when we were looking for our first we stayed on a friends boat in brundall and visited many different yards and brokers. All I will say is don't limit yourself to one yard just because their boats are cheap and if it's on the hard ask to see it in the water with the engine running. Ask to see any bills for work done and check to see the work has been done. If there is a survey it would be worth giving a the surveyor a ring. Beware before you part with your hard earned cash and arrange to pay the balance when you are satisfied its kosher or when you collect it. We have been lucky with both the boats we've bought although through NYA and Richardsons brokerages. Colin
  4. 2Lt for a shower..... Don't you just love optimism. I can manage a standup wash but be lucky to get an arm done with 2Lt and get the soap off. we have used the gellert style solar heaters in the past and still have one but forget the shower and use it for free hot washing up water. The plastic hose they come with is rubbish. Change it for one that won't kink. If left on the coach roof on a nice sunny day can produce water too hot to put your hand in so beware. Colin
  5. Hi Vaughan, Ruth and I will catchup with you and Susie another time. As it happens we left Thorpe on Thursday morning at 8 and made our way to Cantley for the night. We don't like to rush things, I'm stingy with diesel, and then onto St Olaves on Friday. Should you decide to do another hire sometime we must exchange tel no so if you don't have time or tide to get to Thorpe we can meet elsewhere. Love the story so far, I only wish we could have made the meet but other commitments made it impossible. Regards Colin
  6. This could fall outside of TOS if we are not careful. I'm sure someone knows how to do it. Colin p.s. Having now consumed the entire bottle, the previous comments are not necessarily those of the management.
  7. Mm, just to throw this a little of topic, it seems my other half is in conversation on FB about hot weather and girls in bikinis spread across boats. That was fine but now they are talking about men in mankinis. If you don't want to take JP seriously than just imagine him in a mankini!!!! Colin
  8. Oh, forgot to add, I think we just had a firearms incident on Prince Of Wales Road, Norwich, which is a conservation area. Just what are they trying to conserve???? Colin
  9. Oh gawwd Peter, not Thorpe Island, I'm on holiday and just enjoyed half a bottle of Lindemans 'cheap' red. i have waded through some of this but watching the world go by is it for the moment. Is this not JP trying to get full NP status. Colin, Norfolk, hot, half p***ed and devout fan of the BA.........NOT
  10. Morning Fred, I would be quite happy to have you as a neighbour, what style of boat would you have chosen. I hope it's not a box thing that floats( I hate the 2 we have here, I'd chop them up given half a chance). Not that this is likely to happen, Jenners basin would have been an ideal spot for modern floating homes of a single story. Placed around the edge of the basin and then leave space in the centre for a limited number of privately owned small boats. Unfortunately that's not going to happen. There are a few places around the broads which have several houseboats next to each other but the numbers are small. I would not like to see 'estates' of 100 cloned boats just to satisfy a housing shortage. Mr Wimpey and others I think make a hash of it. Some form of sympathetic planning control is needed . Before I get my head blown off, I do believe the planning criteria for a residential moor are far to strict and also that local authorities need to look more closely at brown field and small parcels of land in and around their towns. There are 2 plots of land only a short walk from here that could be developed which are within the Thorpe development boundary. I would like to see a few floating homes like the ones in Richmond but even there they have had a problem, in the not too distant past, of slum boats. Well it's gone past 9o/c and I need to get some work done before the tide comes in. Colin
  11. I'm off to bed any way. All of 8 ft away. Colin
  12. Mark, the big barge here is 68ft long and I think more than 12ft wide. The owner is currently doing a complete refit. No bath but the walkin shower will be big enough for 2 or 3 people! The small barge,Lavengro, actually has a small bath. Our boat has the usual boat shower but the refit of our other boat,Lady Linda, is going to have a much larger shower with a seat to one side. Now I've told Ruth my idea I've got to build it. Colin
  13. Fred, all I can say is that living on a boat is not for everyone. It is a totally different lifestyle and as varied as you want it to be. Constant cruiseing or permanent boatyard mooring are as far apart as living life on the road or staying in a caravan park. Having said that unless you try it you will never know. We came to Norfolk to buy a boat to take back to the Cambridge area with the intention of only staying for a few months. We have been here for 17yrs and will be staying. We have had a major change in our lives and income and are far happier out of the rat race. I know our life would not suit everyone but having been on both sides I'm glad we made the decision. Now when I getup in the morning and open the curtains I'm treated with wild life on both sides of the boat and we sit with a cup of tea and decide how to spend the day ( making an income that is). Far better than spending 12 or14 hours working in my basement workshop. We did a calculation many years back and found we only started to earn money for ourselves on Friday afternoon. Being self employed meant any holidays or sickness took weeks to get back to standing still. We decided that we were not going to end our lives sat in a nursing home with a blanket over our knees wishing we had done things. I do have a few things still on the bucket list. Colin
  14. Cor, I go away for 5mins and suddenly we have a debate about residential mooring. Ok, so here we go. There is a yard in Wroxam which after an appeal to a planning inspector gain residential status when the inspector stated that it was not possible to discriminate the between boats being lived on and others used as holiday accommodation. Before you ask I cannot remember the name of the yard but it does contain house boats( big square things). Brundal riverside and the other side of the road to Brundal bay marina has numerous residential boats including an ex member of the navigation committee. Today, we have been confirmed, the east end of the island has residential status from the head of planning and development, Cally Smith, as we are past the 10yr point of enforcement. We will not get planning permission or a certificate of lawful use as the planning regulations have changed in the past few years which we can not now comply with being an island. Ruth and I will have been here for 13 yrs come August bank holiday. This information was made available only after a FOI request through the local council who held onto it until after the recent AGM where Thorpe island was a major subject on the agenda. Now Ruth and I know we can stay we will invest more in our mooring space. We have already spent several hundred pounds on having dangerous trees removed and reduced, with BA consent, even though this should be our landlords responsibility. The Brundal area, with its many boatyards, has several 'live aboards' in most yards. Most keep their heads down for fear of being evicted ( and having nowhere to go). The yards won't apply for residential status as most have made changes without planning permission and don't want the BA sniffing around their yards. Almost all the yards in Brundal would be past the 10yr rule of established use. I'm sure ther must be other yards around the broads that could use the established use rule but seem to prefer to hold their few 'liveaboards' by the s...t and c.....s with no contract. James Knight at Waveney River Centre is at present proving how difficult it is to get planning permission for residential mooring but the restrictions and conditions are almost insurmountable. James and I have been in contact but with only temporary status available the offer was not acceptable. We will now be staying at Thorpe. I think I have said enough for the moment but I will say I will not be forced into a marina where when I open the curtains my neighbour is only a couple of fenders away nor would I accept living in a tower block of flats. I have no intention of going 'quietly into the night' and will live my life afloat for as long as I am able. I'm going to finish my bottle of wine now so anything from this point is not necessarily the opinion of the management. Colin
  15. Jill had been a great friend to Ruth and I over the years we have lived on our boat. We were fortunate to have spent time with her drinking tea and putting the world right while sat on her boat at ABC wharf on several occasions. Our thoughts are with Becs and Lisa. Colin and Ruth
  16. Cor, new dive site. Any portholes? Colin on my way.
  17. dnks34 thanks, got it now. Grey moment. Colin
  18. dnks34, link didn't work but I think this is what you mean. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/abandoned-boat-catches-fire-in-loddon-1-4977614 Colin
  19. dnks34, Thanks for the link, I was not aware of the situation or recognise the mooring from the picture. The PC have got 5 months to organise them selves, let's hope they don't follow thorps proposal of no return in 48hrs and car park like contract law. Colin
  20. Any pics of before? Where is this? Colin
  21. Only spent £6 on a box of brushes. Nothing much else to buy ( I really must clear out the shed). We bought more at Julie's car boot in Burgh Castle. Hopefully better next year. Colin
  22. Hi Dnks34, I'm sure I made someone's day when they found it. Probably one of the last boats to leave Jenners on the 1st. Having now used these new meters the top 2 are ok but the bottom one means getting on your knees to read the meter, not something you want to be doing in the wet. Secondly, you do not need to place your electric card absolutely flat against the meter. Holding the right hand end of the card and touching the other end on the meter sensing area brought the green successful easily on without any danger of loosing the card in the meter post. All in all, we had a great weekend with the family and a positive result with the electric posts. Colin
  23. Having just used Whitlingham moorings electric posts so far ok. Arrived to find 65p credit on no:1 post, added another £1 card to meter and display went up to £1.65p. No problem. Added extra so SWMBO can keep warm as she has arthritis. Returned 24hrs ish later having had a great day out with the family, too find loads of room, so moored up to find, posts reading zero , promptly waved a new card across meter to get 99p, added another just in case too £1.99p. We left today, having waited for the tide until 11:30 to get under Thorpe bridge, having left over a £1.00 on the meter. I think this is a small price to pay for mains power hookup for free mooring. We had a wonderful weekend with grandchildren from Hampshire that we only see once or twice a year. Priceless. Colin p.s. Just to say when we left there was enough room to moor 3 or 4 boats unlike Bramerton where there were several moored 2 deep.
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