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Everything posted by YnysMon

  1. It does feel unreal. At least I’m well set up for home working, with laptop and good secure networks. Must be really difficult for people like Ian in other more ‘hands-on’ industries, and I really feel for small business owners. The latest this evening for us isn’t unexpected but slightly depressing. Dog training cancelled, band practise sessions cancelled, stained glass evening classes cancelled and even church services cancelled. That must be a first. Elderly people without family around them and who aren’t connected with people over social media will be isolated.
  2. I appreciate both Paul’s intention in setting up this thread (though my ‘ol brain still refuses to engage!), and also Wussername’s concern. We all react differently to times like this.
  3. The OU is now advising staff to work at home if possible, and that it’s okay to take monitors, laptop docking stations home. I notice that I and my colleagues are quickly getting more savvy about how to hold meetings via Skype. No.2 son has been in contact today to say someone who has visited their student house in Bournemouth has been confirmed as having Covid-whatsit. He has has cold symptoms since the weekend. As a household they are self-isolating. He’s reporting that they have plenty of food but are running short on loo roll. He also added he shouldn’t go hungry as he’s sharing a house with 5 other people. He’s always has a wry sense of humour. Elder son has meanwhile been trying to calculate roughly how many people he came into contact with on the till at yesterday’s shift in IKEA. He’s been wearing disposable gloves and trying to follow other advice. One of his online friends is a bank manager in Wisconsin and has been talking about her worries about the number of elderly people continuing to visit the bank. She and her staff keep cleaning down surfaces. It’s a weird old world, but hopefully we can look after each other.
  4. Thanks Jean. Lovely photos and I loved the YouTube video too. Great photo of the daffs...was that down Horsefen Lane, the road toward Hunter’s Yard? Sounds like you had a grand relaxing time.
  5. Loved Wusser’s post in the concern expressed, but have to agree that we need some distraction. I still can’t get my head around this one though! Just got back from church, just about all our frail and elderly members were still present. We have been told not to shake hands etc. though, so we’re taught how to say ‘peace be with you’ in sign language.
  6. I notice none of the clever clogs have chipped in yet. Probably all retreated for deep thoughts. Me, I just think ‘what!’ and the ol’ brain shuts down. Good thing I’ve never had to apply for a job that involves phychowhatsit tests! Had an interesting time recently as a volunteer observer for part of a recruitment process. They had almost 60 candidates, divided into teams of 6 and subjected them to a type of escape room exercise, except it was the opposite as they had to guess the clues that enabled them to break into a safe. Observers were asked to score a couple of people on team working , problem solving etc. I was a bit sceptical beforehand, but afterwards thought it had worked quite well. The jobs they were recruiting to were to join a team piloting a new IT system, so anticipating needing to work together as a team on solving problems if all goes pear shaped!
  7. Hmm, my husband’s niece is planning to get married in early April. We have already bought a train ticket for my father in law (who’s in his ‘80s) to travel down to stay with us. I’m starting to think that it’s not a good idea for him to travel down by train. Worse, my brother in law is due to fly in from the States, also to stay with us before his daughter’s wedding. Well was... So many unknowns.
  8. Well, it might be easy for those who like cryptic crosswords, but for us mere mortals!
  9. I’d heard that kids are less likely to have serious symptoms, but that doesn’t mean they don’t catch it or won’t pass it on...bit like chicken pox, where their more elderly relatives could get something more serious.
  10. So, today’s lesson. Never combine car mechanics and cooking. 😂
  11. Made me chuckle too. Seriously though, the idea of actual detectives based at Wroxham!
  12. I can just imagine the burning smell. You obviously weren’t working on something near to the kitchen/cooker.
  13. I think David might be right. The cottage in the background looks like that house that’s on the opposite bank from Cantley.
  14. Yep! Managed to get a couple more books on a visit to the chandlery in Wroxham last month. Not read them yet. I might save them up for our next cruise.
  15. Roll on summer! You never know, we might get an Easter heatwave. (Hope springs eternal!)
  16. That takes some doing. How did you manage that Peter? Nodded off during the cooking?
  17. How about the north bank of the Yare somewhere near Strumpshaw? I’m trying to place that shed-like construction in the distance, as well as the mill.
  18. I usually want to know whodunnit too...in this particular case I found myself really conflicted between that and not wanting to read any more. Ho hum. I still have the book. If you can promise me that it doesn’t get any worse I might actually go back to it. In the first book, did you find the setting of the murder in Wroxham a bit confusing? I thought he’d got his location a bit muddled.
  19. Yes, I know. But I’m reading for pleasure and relaxation. The great thing about reading is being able to pick and choose. Escapism!
  20. Is it somewhere on the lower Bure?
  21. I’m assuming that Alan Hunter lived in Brundall. All the books I’ve read so far have the postscript ‘Brundall’ and the year it was written.
  22. I read the first David Blake Broads book but gave up reading on the St Benet’s one half way through. I just found the description of a death too gruesome. The method of killing was just macabre.
  23. Has anyone else come across this crime novel by Alan Hunter? Written in the early 1960s. Although the author has given alternative names to the places on the Broads, the central location of this novel is clearly Potter Heigham, with the murder taking place near one of the bungalows north of the bridge. The victim is the owner of a successful boatyard there. I’m very much enjoying this read...am roughly half way through. I meant to do stuff today (non-working day), but so far have got completely distracted with reading.
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