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Everything posted by YnysMon

  1. Hope your Dad will be okay. New Inn is so dog friendly, no wonder your two relaxed.
  2. Another option is to hire from Whispering Reeds, based at Hickling. In a day (9 to 5) we got through to Horsey, had lunch in The Nelson Head, an afternoon trip up to West Somerton and back and spent the final hour exploring Catfield Dyke.
  3. So, what would raising it achieve? Just to make that area no different to every other area of the Broads. You do have the option to visit the place, as we all have. Do what we did a couple of years ago and hire a day boat, or as Grendel has shown, hiring above the bridge is still possible. It’s special, why destroy that? By the way, when we had almost completed our day boat outing and were returning to Whispering Reeds boatyard, we passed Broad Ambition as she was reversing out of the pub dyke on Hickling. (Dare I whisper...Wroxham Bridge?)
  4. I cant see that raising the bridge would be allowed due to its protected status, and even if it was allowed I can’t see where the funds would come from.
  5. Thanks for posting Warren. Have a good week!
  6. Well, they can’t be solitary all the time... otherwise we wouldn’t have any little otters would we. Sorry...couldn’t resist.
  7. Thanks Griff, that was a delight. Mind you I’ve got a bit of a crick in my neck now after viewing it. You do realise that you’ve now made Irstead an even more desirable mooring, if that’s possible.
  8. Brilliant post Tempest. Lots of options, and lots of different reasons why they are good in their individual character. I must put in a word for the wild mooring near the entrance to Womack Dyke. We also love overnighting in Hunter’s Yard (sorry, only sailies allowed).
  9. LOL. That’s what I do too! Remind myself how good the Broads are (not that I need reminding, but any excuse). Have a good week. Hopefully the weather will behave itself, and the heating!
  10. That’s what I do too, except as a Word table. It’s so handy to be able to check out high tide at a glance when planning to go somewhere on the far side of a bridge.
  11. Yep, I know he would! Have been told off more than once for even referring to the low alc stuff. LOL.
  12. Low alcohol stuff on tap? Is that a first? Must tell my Graham. He loves the bottled low alc Ghostship.
  13. Check out the tides before your visit. http://www.norfolk-broads.org/tides/tide_report.asp?
  14. I find the RAC site quite good. Started out using it to plan out routes but found their warnings of planned roadworks good. Our SatNav has a mind of her own on roadworks. Occasionally helpful, but more often not!
  15. I’m not keen on stern mooring either. We haven’t done it much, as we didn’t have the best experience on one of our first Broads holidays. Womack Staithe in May. The people who squeezed in next to us went off to the pub, returned after dark and promptly fired up their engine. Grr. Love wild moorings up the Ant. Irstead is special too.
  16. We moored on the north bank BA moorings at Acle last summer over lunchtime. They are near the new cafe. The moorings used to belong to the old Bridge Stores but are now BA moorings, and I gather from recent news that they are being extended and electric posts are being installed. That’s good news! In August we also had a wild mooring between the Pedro’s moorings and the Yacht Club hut. It had access to the footpath that passes along the Pedro’s moorings, but no fee. It was also very peaceful, being further away from the road.
  17. I’ve been wanting to get onto the Whiteslee mooring. It’s a bit like Irstead though...even worse in fact...hardly room for more than one boat. Must be bliss if you strike lucky.
  18. Thanks for all the contributions so far. Not surprised that Mark thinks his home mooring at Brundall Gardens is the best, having been past several times. We like the Brooms mooring that Moonlight Shadow is on too, with stern facing the river. I’m with Grace though, those first impressions of the Broads never leave you. Our first ever night was mud weighted on Hickling Broad on a very warm and still midsummer night. That was in 2014 though, not until we were in our mid 50’s. You could say I had a deprived childhood. (Not really, just as far as the Broads are concerned!)
  19. There are so many lovely places to moor on the Broads. I’d be interested to know which you think are really special and why. It might be because they have good amenities close by, or maybe are quiet and peaceful, or maybe have some special memory for you. Please share your favourite moorings with us.
  20. I’m bored too. Worse, I feel this thread, and others like it will put people off NBN. It’s just relentless. Same old. You are not doing yourselves any favours in potentially engaging new people in a serious topic.
  21. Ooh, ChrisB! How can you insinuate sewage onto my holiday thread. Yuk! Hope it doesn’t happen though. Brundall might become a bit smelly. The people that planned out Milton Keynes thoughtfully placed the sewage works not far from junction 14 of the M1. Just where we normally get off the M1 to go home. In summer that’s the ‘welcoming’ smell we get when we are almost back home.
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