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Everything posted by YnysMon

  1. Yes we went to Stokesby, but someone else beat us to it and there wasn't quite enough room for us to squeeze in behind them to get onto the electric. We turned around and are now at Acle Bridge BA moorings.
  2. We might pass you then. We've gone past Thurne Mouth a few minutes ago.
  3. Are you intending to stay north or try out the southern broads? If north my favourites are The White Horse pubs at Neatishead and Upton (though Upton has limited mooring) and The Lion at Thurne. Lots of people like The Bridge Inn at Acle, though personally I find their menu a bit boring. Most pump outs are done for you, though there are a couple of DIY options on the southern broads.
  4. Graham had to carry Seren to a spot where she could relieve herself this morning.
  5. Yes, dreading the pre-beddy loo visit. Seren will need carrying again and Pozzie will need drying off again after wading the waters. Earlier, I had thought Horning Staithe might be a possibility for loading the boat, but there weren't any spaces.
  6. I'm so glad that our turnaround checks were done yesterday. If we hadn't been able to pick the boat up until our normal time of 5pm none of the cunning plan for Ranworth would have been possible.
  7. Here we are on Moonlight Shadow again. Horning Pleasurecraft is still awash, but luckily their car park, at the rear of their sheds, is not. As soon as we arrived (just after 1) we took MS around to Boulter's as the people who were on board last week and who left on Monday weren't able to get fuel and a pump out. Graham then walked back to the car whilst I cruised to Ranworth where Graham met me. We managed to load all our stuff on board and I cruised back to HPC before sunset. Food shop was then done in Roy's and we have finally got the dogs on board. Seren had to be carried and Pozzick very reluctantly paddled through. Now we can relax. I'm so glad I brought some cottage pie from home. No cooking for me this evening.😊
  8. Glad that Boulter’s are open. We’ve agreed with the members who were on the boat earlier this week that we’ll get a refuel and pump out at the start of our week, since they left the boat early during the worst of the floods.
  9. Stay strong Ian. Your resilient attitude to all this is amazing. I’m sure that your positive attitude to everything is a huge asset is helping you fight ‘it’ off.
  10. I did a ‘giggle’ reaction to that, maybe it should have been a sad reaction though. ‘Nice’ is supposed to be all year long. I guess that’s one thing we can put on our new year resolutions.
  11. I thought you were too busy decorating to watch TV. Or is it a case of collapsing exhausted in front of the TV each evening after a stressful day of decorating? At least you can look forward to having a lovely Christmas in front of your new wood burner in your beautifully decorated lounge.
  12. Thanks Kate. I hope the water level drops as the area between the office/workshops and the boat lift isn’t level and there are often pools of water there when there’s a normal spring tide, so Finlay was probably in the shallowest bit. Hope our wellies can cope! I suppose there’s always the bin bag option.
  13. I heard earlier that this week’s owners on MS have also gone home early, using bin bags to keep their legs dry as they waded across the yard to their car.
  14. We might stay on our home mooring at least part of the week and even if we decide to cruise some days we could decide to go back to our home mooring in Horning before dark. Ludham Bridge shouldn’t be too much of an issue unless rain is forecast as we only need 6’10” with the canopy down.
  15. Wellies definitely! Ooo, and I forgot to mention that the sale of one of the shares that we had up for offer went through last week, with the new owners having confirmed they received the keys to the boat today. So they are all set for their first week on MS early next month. We currently have one other share available. If anyone is interested, please email admin@moonlightshadow.net or send me a pm.
  16. Just four sleeps to go before we are on MS again. Hopefully the water levels might have gone down a bit by then. 🤞
  17. The worst ones are those with a ‘click-bait’ title. Invariably exaggerated.
  18. Sounds like you had a good time Kate. I’ve always been shy of turning up to such events, it’s great that you had a warm welcome.
  19. YnysMon


    Anyone know what Horning Pleasurecraft is looking like?
  20. That singalong sounds fun. Love the Fabre Requiem, but only had the opportunity to sing it once, at an OU music course summer school (back in the day when there were scummier schools). The trouble with Latin is that the the choirs I sing with insist that we use consistent pronunciation, which is all well and good, except I have been getting very muddled this term as the OU choir have had a programme of Handel and Haydn, so German Latin, whereas the for the concert last month with the other choir we went for the Italian conventions in a programme of a Capella early music from England, Spain and France and modern English and ‘Baltic’ music. It’s bad enough coping with the music never mind the pronunciation! I would have been terrified by that shoot. Good thing you know about such things. By the way, Harry, Alec and I have spent the evening playing Christmas music at band, including ‘It’s beginning to feel a lot like Christmas’, Driving home for Christmas’, ‘I wish it could be Christmas everyday’, Merry Christmas Everyone’ ‘When a child is born’, etc. I’m now thoroughly Christmassy. At least until tomorrow.
  21. Glad to hear The Granary is open some days this winter. Anyone know if they are dog friendly?
  22. I’m not surprised. Having been standing on the back of your boat when you were approaching and then mooring it looked an impossible mooring. Right in a corner with hardly more than the length of your boat to manoeuvre.
  23. Glad you had that extra time in the sun to rekindle the love. I hope the river levels drop before 10th Nov. We’d have a real job trying to lift Pozzie onto the boat!
  24. I was going to be cheeky and ask if we could join you again Kate, as we had a brilliant time this year. However, I’m going to be away so many Sundays in late May/ early June as it is, and I don’t want to let church down re: the organ for yet another Sunday. I’ve got a choir visit to Worcester on 25/26th and then we have a fortnight on MS from 31st.
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