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Everything posted by Wyndham

  1. We were out early last week in the worst of the weather and had some difficulty leaving a mooring with the wind blowing us onto it. More like a gale really. Eventually we worked out that by securing a bow line and going forward with the helm to the bank the stern would swing out and all would be good. My question to you clever people is, could it have been done by securing a stern line to get the bow to swing out. Can you do that and how?
  2. I'm going to try and pop in if for no other reason than to personally thank the guys from NYA for their service after our boat purchase. Some things came to light after the sale was finalised and they fixed them. Really good service.
  3. We took the oppurtunity to have a look around Hathor at how hill today, a really enjoyable time with a very knowledgeable lady explaining everything. I'd recommend anyone who gets the chance to have a look. At how hill most Sundays and bank holidays up til 28 Sept.
  4. I also had no idea what I wanted to do when I left school. Dad insisted I did an apprenticeship in something. Turns out it served me well, a lifetime skill, and we used to get paid well. The emergence of the Chinese put a spanner in the works.
  5. Its just a deer, at fleet dyke. Saw one at horning too.
  6. I'll be there, looking forward to it.
  7. Sad you arrived today jez, what a junk day it's been. Better tomorrow. Have a good holiday.
  8. Sorry RB I didn't intend this to exclude folks from participating. Still, you got Nat King Cole as a contender, what a voice.
  9. Sally Carr was a real babe, ..... no I didn't have a picture on my wall Also covered by Donny Osmond, my sisters went weak at the knees, one of them still does.
  10. music mattered then.....yeah it gives your age away, me...
  11. Wyndham

    Tv Licence

    You like Jeremy Kyle then?!!!!
  12. You know JMorris, don't rule out a wild mooring for one night, stock up on all you need, food, beer, bait and then fish on as late as you like without the worry that you are bothering neighbours. Maybe have a barbecue too. Tight Lines.
  13. Whatever they are ChisB they may have chosen the wrong week to arrive....it looks foul for the next week
  14. Wyndham

    Lads Week

    How long before it gets renamed "Grandads' Week" ......no, once a lad, always a lad.
  15. Wyndham

    Tv Licence

    As it's the time of year that our favourite Auntie is asking for funds, it got me thinking. If I don't have a TV licence and hire a boat with a TV on it am I allowed to watch it? If I have a licence and lend my boat to someone without a licence can they watch the TV?
  16. Welcome John, For good local ale you can't beat The Fur and Feather at Woodbastwick, 20mins walk from Salhouse Broad. They have their own brewery and loads of fresh ales to try. No footie there mind, and the food could be seen as a tad dear. Have a great time.
  17. I see now.... more rangers at moorings, I'd pay for that..
  18. Was that a question or a correction? Either way, someone to educate was my point.
  19. A bit harsh Aristotle if I may say, when you think a novice in a 42ft boat is still a novice in a 38ft boat. JMs dredging is a good call. Me, I'd pay* (not me personally) for a BA representative to be present during busy periods, at all moorings giving help, advice, guidance to all. There is so much talk of bad helming, bad behaviour, bad manners, etc and most of that is down to lack of knowledge and understanding. A friendly figure of authority on hand could help a lot. (*depending on how nuch it would cost)
  20. Wyndham


    Wouldn't it be great if someone could create a replica of potter and wroxham bridges, out of something soft obviously, then position them a few hundred yards from the real thing, and we could all "have a go". Get it wrong and have another go, get it right and have another go to prove it wasn't luck. Never happen I know buy it'd be nice. I'll put it on my list of things to do if I win the lottery.
  21. Thanks JF, that's a mighty fine stint at the helm of the good ship "Holiday Tales", it had it all.
  22. Wyndham


    I don't know much, but will suggest things to consider. All of the hire boats I've been on have a stated airdraft on the safe side, I've had a 7' boat taken through with 6'11" shown on the gauge. I don't know where your 6'6" came from but it's not difficult to accurately measure the airdraft of your own boat, you can do it with full and empty tanks, then you'll know the real figure, worth taking the time to do it. Wroxham Bridge, being arched, means that any height showing on the gauge can only be correct at 1 point, at a certain width if you like. As your boat has a smaller beam than most broads cruisers you could probably get away with a bit less clearance than you think. There is out there, a detailed measurement of the bridge explaining at what width the height gauge relates to, I don't know if I'm allowed to point out where to find it. Good luck.
  23. Wyndham


    I am kinda hoping that is the case. The first time I go through I was going to ask them to do just that, fingers crossed.
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