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Everything posted by Lulu

  1. Are you spending Christmas on your boat?
  2. What is the maximum capacity for the number of boats signing up?
  3. Grebe looks wonderful. You have rescued her. Please continue to post updates
  4. Thank you for the latest update. Its looking very cosy and homely. Cant get over the vast quantities of glasses but at least you can enjoy washing them over and over! I like the silver horses but you can keep the gulls . Get a ships cat!
  5. But then its off topic and i just want to read the story :( *sulk*
  6. I cant waffle for the sake of waffling lol
  7. Oooerrrrr , I'd better behave then! Guess this means if im useless in thw Christmas quiz, ill be booted lol
  8. Id like to have a go but if its techy stuff about boats, im clueless!
  9. Looks like I cant access this as im not a full member as ive only made 49 posts. Hopefully this one will let me gain access with 50!
  10. Yes, we are all sitting cross legged on the mat in story corner
  11. Is it Robins Amazon order? ;)
  12. Well I trawled through the slides but dad couldnt find the old ones just mainly caribbean boats from the 70's. because they were safer when me and my brother were little. I believe he hired some boats from FB Wilds I did find some photos of times I can remember when i was a bit older.
  13. Please post more on this project and pics. I'm certainly not bored!
  14. :P Dad's loaded them all up ready for the projector to view tomorrow. I cant wait. It will bring back all the memories when I was always wanting to go to the 'beach' (salhouse) Im hoping the earlier pics will be when they hired woodies (before I was born)
  15. I'm loving this thread. Im going to see if my parents have got any old photos this weekend, although I think they are all on slides :(
  16. We've had a dehumidifier running constantly since October plus general useage when on the boat most weekends using a couple of heaters, tv etc. Think we are up to about £25 so far but obviously its a considerably smaller boat than Robins!
  17. Sounds and looks like a lovely last trip before your boat is tucked up for the winter :) Roll on next aeason!
  18. We woke up this morning at 8.00am. It was so peaceful. We never usually sleep past 6.00. The boat was cosy and I had my now usual mug of tea and a cinnamon roll. Utter bliss, shame we had to come back :( Roll on next season when we can stay longer!
  19. Something strange is happening being a new boat owner. ..... I never drink tea at home yet absolutely relish a mug of tea first thing when I wake up on the boat. The other thing is, I'm listening to classical music which I dont often do at home. My only explanation is our boat is a sanctuary away from our normal stressful lives so subconsciously we live differently on the water. I'm curious, does anyone else have totally different habits only when boating?
  20. Hi Riverbank. Warm welcome to the forum. I'm new too and they seem a friendly bunch ;)
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