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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. I would imagine that cutter runs pretty slowly as well needing to be cooled/lubed, I seem to recall the method often used on WW2 stuff to be cut two holes then flush or disolve the main bulk of explosive out of the casing, then deal with the detonators/fuses which are not to be messed with on their own even when the explosive is gone. I doubt the "fire a stick at it" would work on a cased WW2 bomb, the likes of the ira didn't need a sturdy case for theirs.
  2. Quiet is generally a good thing in bomb disposal, loud is usually a sign of possible failure. Was that the thing that basically fired a stick at the suspect device?
  3. Mudweight in corner more sheltered from the wind or a heavier mudweight, longer scope of rope will also help as it has to pull sideways instead of lifting out of the mud.
  4. Just don't mention the war! Oops sorry it was the mention of john Cleese that caused that one.
  5. A few years back possibly 2019 we were coming up the coast and had heard an all stations securite message on the radio about unexploded ordnance near bawdsey being dealt with but didn't get the position, sure enough as we neared bawdsey bank we spotted a larger vessel with a black rib on guard making hand gestures that were very clearly meaning "go that way" followed by "kaboom", didn't see the actual explosion happening but the hand signals were quite comical for "kaboom". Needless to say we went "that way" fairly keenly, the spot it had been found was in the middle of our planned track.
  6. It's taken a few day to realise there's a gas main never mind a gas tap, that will be another week to find.
  7. So.... If your property took damage through a WW2 bomb how likely that your insurance would try the "act of war" clause first? I'm sure most wouldn't but I bet some would try.
  8. Has anyone considered getting an old slow cooker and swapping the heating element for microbore pipe and linking in to engine cooling system? Cruise during the day and get your dinner cooked for free, most of the heat will go into the river anyway once the water is heated.
  9. It's good to know part of the EU is still trying to improve the area.....
  10. I'm thinking of changing it to exhaust temp alarm and oil temps.
  11. It's a homebrew thing I made back around 2013ish from a borrowed circuit diagram chunks of borrowed and modified code and a picaxe 08m2 chip/eeprom/4 channel op-amp, reads 4 thermocouple channels and cold junction temperature and displays on a little i2c graphical lcd screen on the dash. As it's mounted in the engine bay the cold junction temp gives a convenient ambient engine bay temp, the display will show what I tell it to, I set upper temp limits in the program which turns the offending figure red if it goes over. The raw water pump temps are for a warning if the weed strainers get blocked. Started out as "'cos I can" thing then found a use for it. We happened to have a batch of thermocouples at work that we couldn't use on long leads.
  12. There's MM's boat just beside the speedboat, can you spot it? Mine's not much better at the moment.
  13. That'd be fun to get back out of tree roots once set.
  14. I was tempted to try the ptfe stuff but heard a few reports of it running much hotter so stuck with the graphite, I can check temps on the go as I have a thermocouple on each stern gland from when I first did them, they may get re-purposed as exhaust or oil temp yet as it's a fairly simple job to re-program the display on the dash.
  15. I believe packing with grease is likely to clog the packing and cause it to get hot, I don't grease mine as I have the same water fed setup.
  16. It depends which part of the broads you spend most time on, if mostly oop norf mag is good but in the lower brackish reaches ali will be better, zinc for sea.
  17. New dash layout is getting there, not finished but getting there with no spare holes. Much more symetrical and centred on the steering centreline, big nasa depth/speed ditched for a more subtle 2" round depth sounder (speed log was inacurate or not working most of the time anyway), temperature display no longer stuck to the face, now built in to the panel. The clear area to the left of the top panel is to allow a 10" tablet with marine navigator or OS maps as it's so much cheaper to update charts than the garmin plotter mounted on top (which is staying as well). Before. After.
  18. I'm sure I didn't pay that much for my chain counter, mind you that was 5 years ago. Mine is a lofrans iris.
  19. Remember you can't chuck it forward with a windlass so need to drop it as you reverse ideally to give a bit of scope on the rope for the tide. Mr.G's approach is spot on, give some notice and the slaves will likely bring their own tools.
  20. One of my jobs this weekend is to measure up the gas locker, I think I'll be fine with a couple of flogas bottles but better to be sure. I have enough gas for this season at least.
  21. Get some peace and quiet while you cook, take the battery out of the smoke alarm... I gotta admit I prefer something well cooked to something a good vet could get going again, you'll never get food poisoning from something overcooked.
  22. She stayed at the wrong church, the husband looked better and the wine supply bigger..... "I do" or "he'll do", same thing at the end of the day.
  23. Did they come and ask if everything is ok before you finished the food? Once you've finished the food a complaint will just be taken as a way to get out of paying, a complaint part way through eating makes the difference.
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