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Bikertov last won the day on July 4

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  1. I've only just seen your post Helen - I'm so sorry to read the sad news My sincere condolences to Graham, you and the whole family Take comfort from remembering the good and happy times with your father-in-law, and that at 92 years old he has "done well" - a good innings as others have said
  2. Could you not just turn down the end of the broken staff (on a lathe) to fit in the sleeve, and keep it as a spare ?
  3. I guess with the amount of use BA gets, you must be refreshing the water in the tanks very regularly, so it is never stale
  4. I learnt that in the cadets at school. If only TV and film script writers could be taught too !
  5. When Kate showed me around her boat at the meet last year, it seemed like a Tardis inside. So on that basis maybe we could ALL join her onboard for the meet next year
  6. It depends how you read it ? The headline says "Horning Pleasurecraft increases bookings after Broom Boats takeover" Does that mean "After the HPC takeover of Broom Boats" or "After the Broom Boats takeover of HPC" Sloppy ambiguous headline writing by the journalist, IMHO
  7. Maybe Gracie has a few spare broom sticks that can be modified for the task
  8. Somewhere I have a used set of Fluffy Dice, that were first installed in my Capri, and later on transferred to my XR3i For some reason, my OH made me get rid of them when we first started going out. In hindsight, I should have seen the signs then ...
  9. Being that I will be attending on land, I am easy for either location. How do Beccles facilities compare for road access and picnic location ?
  10. Griff - I think you need to be bulk-buying those flagpoles ... it's about the third one you've got through in a year But glad the damage is minimal, and that you have taken a decent attitude towards the hirer.
  11. I thought I had made a general anti-all comment without reference to a specific party or political leaning So apologies if I overstepped the mark, Mark - There was certainly no intention of making the Mods job any harder than it already is.
  12. Surely that is exactly the argument to keep council tips / recycling centres open and free ? Allow people easy access to dispose of large items of rubbish, and you get less fly-tipping that costs literally 100 times more to get cleaned up
  13. My company shares a building with about 10 other tenants We have the largest space of all the tenants, closely followed by a government funded local DWP office When we had serious queries with the landlord over excessive Service Charges and billing errors going back over a number of years, the DWP office had Zero in interest in fighting the matter, as all the bills just went off somewhere to an external Facilities Management team and were paid without question or challenge. So while we obtained a substantial rebate credit to our Service Charge, the DWP tenant got nothing back The rebate would have covered the equivalent of a good chunk of the "savings" Dom mentioned above That's what happens when you are spending "other peoples money" - ie ours, the Taxpayer. Need I say more ...
  14. We've missed you posting Vaughan, but glad to hear you are on the mend - get well soon !
  15. Without getting political, if they didn't squander so much on useless pet projects and woke rubbish, along with atrociously poor productivity and above inflation pay rises and gold plated pensions for themselves - that those of us in the private sector and running businesses can only dream of - they would not have to do things like close public toilets Rant over, before I get too worked up.
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