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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. Shorebase (which is my 'bible') says 3 hours and based on my experience with Swancraft I'd say that's the right one.
  2. You're most welcome. Fair Prince will be breeze. You have excellent visibility from that raised steering position. Might be worth sliding back the canopy if you can to get maximum all round vision. You also have bow thrusters which will turn you on a sixpence if needed. Just remember to activate them before you go down. Take it slow and steady and you will be fine. Oh, and please do let us know how you get on!
  3. Hi Again Found a couple of photos mainly of the moorings at the end of the dyke but one of the corner on the main river. as I mentioned earlier you can moor here although the bank is a bit low. I'm sure there is a small no mooring sign but I don't think its an official BA one. I have seen boats moored here. If you do moor on the corner It is a bit of a long walk back from the pub though, particularly at night! (been there, got the T shirt) Best to head carefully down the dyke if possible. On the left (heading down the dyke) are the grassy public moorings shown on the photos. On the right is the concrete quay heading of Eastwood Whelpton. This is the best place to moor and you can if you are on hire boat. As shown on the photos it can be a bit congested if all their yachts are in although they are all lifted out of the water out of season and there is usually room anyway, just look out for the pointy bits!" I can't recall ever having failed to moor there. Enjoy!
  4. I'd agree with that. The key to mooring at Upton is to go very carefully and take your time. There are quite a few private boats down there and yachts too, some even have the sticking out bits on the front :-o I've got quite a few photos of Upton Dyke, I'll try to dig them out.
  5. The White Horse is one of the best pubs on the Broads and a must visit IMHO As Iain says it is tight but mooring is possible. It very much depends what boats are moored at Whelptons yard. If you have bow thrusters this is a place where they can be useful. I have moored there many times and always managed to find a spot. I have also moored at the entrance to the dyke, I think there is a no mooring sign but not sure if it is enforced. Brilliant pub though, well worth the effort.
  6. I'd agree with Liz about the North Walsham canal. Top right could be on the way to Dilham? Wild guess, all on the upper Ant apart from bottom right, could be the Bure? As I say, very wild guess
  7. Slight headache this morning, can't understand why
  8. Not Broads related I know but a lovely surprise up here in the land of the ferrets and flat caps
  9. Please don't be put off - 20 plus posts in 4 hours is not bad going. I personally took it in the spirit it was meant and hopefully others will too Do keep posting!
  10. This is a picture of Half Pint going back to 2010 - didn't realise it was so long ago. Also a picture of Dave's Land Rover boat in Norwich
  11. Wow! One of our classy liveaboards I suspect The view looks vaguely familiar, Queen of Iceni by any chance?
  12. NorfolkNog


    Neil raises a good point about the height of boats generally. the Faircraft Loynes ones in particular seem to get higher and higher as do some of the Barnes ones too (particularly with the lawn chairs on the roof)
  13. Hi The Berney Arms website I referred to earlier does list Sheila Hutchinson's books - this is the link http://www.berneyarms.co.uk/html/berneyarms/books/berney_books.htm There is a contact reference which opens an email link to contact the author directly. I don't know how up to date the webpage or the email is although the main site was updated on August 16th 2015.
  14. Carol is a mine of info for all things Broads related There is also a very interesting website dedicated to the Berney Arms plus additional info about GY There is a reference to Sheila's books on it www.berneyarms.co.uk
  15. Hi Johnnie, enjoyed seeing you perform at various musical events in recent years a very warm welome indeed
  16. you have excellent taste Dave, very fine beer indeed
  17. Hi, due defference, Kings Head not a Green Jack pub, owned by Humpty Dumpty directors but they put some good beer on. Jenny Morgan been around for a year or two, it's superb stuff, Wish it was more readily available
  18. Brilliant pics, thanks for sharing
  19. Excellent post from Keith. Fully agree. I would also urge everyone to support the Berney and of course all our pubs (note my new aviator)
  20. I think John and Tracy, who took over after Chris, also did an excellent job under difficult circumstances. It's more the last couple of years or so where rapidly changing tenants and erratic opening have hastened the pubs demise IMHO
  21. Do what I do and just stay logged in all the time. Then I don't have to worry about remembering my password when I get back from the pub Hope you get sorted, I'm missing the jokes
  22. Keith, perfectly summarised I think. I hope others will follow your example and support the pub. Peter, good idea. And you ae right about the Locks. Colin is an excellent experienced landlord who understands the unique nature of running a Broadland pub with the huge variations in trade. I suspect he is also paying a realistic rent too!
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