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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. This is the Golden Galleon moored at Reedham in 2006. It was starting to get in a sorry state. I believe someone did try to buy her with a view to possible restoration but the owner wouldn't sell. As far as I know the BA removed the vessel to St Olaves where she was scrapped.
  2. Slight topic drift again? Don't get arguing about cars again please! Golden Galleon ended up moored at Reedham and was eventually towed to St Olaves and broken up. Very sad. I've got a photo at Reedham, I'll try to dig it out
  3. That's the exact point. Swancraft used Alpha moulds and fitted them out to a very high standard. As Alphacraft have now gone the moulds seem to have been taken by Barnes Brinkcraft so whether they they will allow any out or any other yard will want to deal with them remains to be seen. That's why Alpha based craft are in such demand on the hire side and are so sought after privately. Alphacraft knew what they were doing and in my humble opinion no one has produced a mould to match them since. It's all very sad.
  4. Agree with every word Neil has said Richardsons got the deal of the century there, they'll benefit for years to come
  5. I agree broadly with comments re the F and F We don't tend to eat there anyway and I mainly go for Norfolk Nog or Volt which are about the only Woodfordes beers I like.
  6. Quality always tells Jean OK I may be biased but I think Swancraft built the best hire boats around. They actually listened to customers too hence good sized calorifiers, good heating and battery systems. Reflection 2 is shaft drive and would be my slight preference but both lovely boats. Me too! A private boat called Tombstone always seems to follow us around in winter. Talking to one of the guys from Faircraft Loynes in December when we moored there. Although boats were available they had none out which surprised me. It may be that they are a bit on the pricey side.
  7. Try December Jean, we've had some cracking weather last few years. Bridgecraft are more accommodating than most, always worth a bell. Don't forget Herby Woods, hire every month bar December and January. Although I keep pumping them about December! We had a superb week in February too. PS if you have a deep purse Faircraft Loynes hire all year round
  8. They don't charge you anything in winter And you can moor side on
  9. Well spotted folks, need to do more revision
  10. I've probably been in loads of times, must be more observant! Click, click, whirrrr.......
  11. Good one that, need a think! ....don't you say the Bridge Inn every time Grendel?
  12. Sounds entirely feasible Jean. Back in the day Swancraft had 2 battery banks with one in reserve so you always set off with a full charge. Never any problem then. I think if you can do 1200 revs plus the alternator should do its job.
  13. Nice one reports forthcoming hopefully
  14. the only pub I've not been in for ages is the Beauchamp as its been closed whenever I've passed but it doesn't look right anyway. Looks very old brickwork with a archway type fireplace and a barrel to rest your beer on. Assume its not one away from the river? It had better not be 'that pub' as I certainly wont be darkening Basil Fawltys door again!
  15. Loddon Swan In fact me and Mrs N usually sit at that table Stuck with the other one though. Can only think of a couple of pubs with a double sided stove and its neither of them
  16. Batteries probably on the way out! Enjoy lunch and keep us posted!
  17. Glad you got sorted Jean, you cannot beat this time for a bit of Quiet and Peaceful Hmmm, 4 hours should give a good charge, assume you've not used the microwave without running the engine? Swancraft used their own dual battery system. Running the engine at this time of the year shouldn't be such a big issue however as you shouldn't disturb too many people!
  18. Good on him! they are a real menace down there Sorry to hear that Jean, wouldn't have happened in the Swancraft days. Possibly cheap skating on the batteries? We had one of the Evening Lights in February (similar boat) and the heating started without the engine every morning without fail. Saw on the other thread you are after water. It's on all the time at Ranworth. I'm sure Bridgecraft would help at Acle if you get stuck.
  19. Ah, fooled me a bit with the flash, makes the carpet look cleaner The excellent Bell at St Olaves. very dog friendly and actually one of a diminishing number of pubs with a carpet.
  20. Sun, empty rivers, you've picked a good week Jean. Keep it coming please.
  21. Good grief, you need shades with a carpet like that, as usual I can think of loads it isn't. Leave it with me.
  22. Lifted from Twitter. Perhaps Nigel will have more info?
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