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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. Go on Jean, you know you want to
  2. Not quite Neil, they couldn't use the pilings as they were in the wrong position so had to be dug up. It is pretty close though.
  3. Now this is a time I really do wish I had my own boat! The guys at Norfolk Brewhouse are looking for water transport from Coldham Hall up to Norwich. https://www.eveningnews24.co.uk/news/norfolk-boat-owners-needed-to-complete-sea-journey-of-beer-from-france-1-6022783 I guess a wherry would be perfect but maybe a job for JM and his Drascombe?
  4. I think I have posted this before somewhere. The Tivetshall /Beccles/Yarmouth line was not part of the M & GN network so probably why its not featured in the book. That's very interesting about the bridge pier - I'll look out for that next time I pass to the Locks!
  5. This is a very interesting little booklet published by the Museum of the Broads. It's packed full of photos, many of which I've not seen before. The book concentrates on the former M&GN lines between North Walsham, Yarmouth and Lowestoft. There's no mention of the Beccles to Yarmouth line. None the less a very interesting book and very reasonably priced at 2.99. Well worth a look.
  6. Hate going off topic - however a lot of drunkenness is caused by 'pre loading' on cheap supermarket booze. Many taxi drivers pick people up who are drunk before they even go out. A well run pub actually encourages sensible social drinking.
  7. That is very true! To put it in context that really would be a problem! It shouldn't be too bad in May, just the 'honey pot' moorings get full but if you are flexible you won't have a problem. Actually Acle could be a good option if you can't get in at Thurne or Womack. I'm sure you'll be OK!
  8. I would agree, chances at Ranworth later in the evening would be about nil I'm afraid. Likewise Womack is very popular too. Thurne Dyke can be deceptive - if you are prepared to venture down there is often space which isn't immediately obvious from the river. Agree with Poppy, great pub with excellent beer.
  9. Indeed, about the only mention was the Museum of the Broads as a finalist.
  10. I think that path was closed a while back but others may correct me. I often walk via the road, it doesn't take long with the prospect of a Little Sharpie ahead
  11. Hmmm, I need to check this out. Had some mixed messages about the place. We will be back shortly so I'm going to investigate. I think it was run in the past commensurate with the clientele and location. I am a bit concerned in case the target audience proves to be unattainable. We shall see. Having said that I am, and will remain, a keen supporter of Broadland hostelries
  12. I've seen the one with the flower pots there too. It also gets used by fishermen in season. It can be very muddy. Not the greatest mooring in the world. Probably best to moor at Richardsons.
  13. That Pelican was there in February, wasn't sure if it was lived on or abandoned, it's not always easy to tell!
  14. That is incredible. How things have changed. Now dominated by the big 4 Hired Hampton Safaris from LL (Hoveton) I think and Phoenix at Potter All long gone
  15. Hopefully! Which New Inn out of curiosity though?
  16. According to the Norfolk pubs database it's only been on the go since 1976 so could be quite a recent building. Carol may know more though.
  17. Is that near the Locks JM? There were a couple moored just next to the Locks Dyke last year I think.
  18. That looks like the one that was in a small cluster of craft moored at the very end of the Sutton moorings a while back. It was in a sorry state even then. I think I posted a picture at the time but not sure where it is. Agree, not a good advert particularly at the start of the season.
  19. ....I think this is it with Dungeon Corner just left of Centre
  20. I believe they are between the Martham farm 'ferry' crossing and West Somerton but I'm sure Carol will correct me if I am wrong! A very pretty stretch which sadly we don't get to see that often. Must be about six years since I've been up there.
  21. Wise words indeed. We are considering the 'finer points' but avoiding getting stuck under the bridges is most important. I agree, for the less experienced stick to the established guidelines. Hundreds must do it every year with thankfully few problems!
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