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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. Great pictures as always JF However I am confused (no change there then) why does it take 40 minutes to get from the Wherry Hotel to the Commodore?
  2. Sound choice Looks like a Green Jack on the bar there
  3. They have a bit Vaughan, maybe not quite the character it once had but still has some charm. It's not done too badly considering Watneys once had their grubby mits on it! It was actually run by Roger Cawdron at one time, one of norwich's legendary landlords.
  4. Ah, we have been in. The first picture was taken from just outside the entrance to the toilets looking towards the main entrance. They sell Theakstons Old Peculier too. The Wig and Pen is an excellent pub, been in often. Likewise the Louis Marchesi Ribs of Beef, Kings Head etc etc
  5. Glad you're enjoying your cruise Mr Fire sir and some excellent piccies I am stumped with the pub, I'm pretty sure its one we haven't been in. Looks interesting though.
  6. Good grief! Bit of a contrast with December! Mind you, just wait till this weekend!
  7. We've used the station before now, very handy. I like the pub too, very friendly and a proper pub. Hoewve the beer choice is a bit limited. Reedham has the advantage of 3 pubs within walking distance, Generally all 3 have a Humpty Dumpty on It's also a good place to sit on the wall, Andrew style, and watch the world go by. Handy for water in winter too. And the shop. Having said all that Cantley is a good spot and you can usually find a mooring even in season.
  8. Any pics/ reports always appreciated! I'd love to be there to watch.
  9. We'll be out in December Neil but not again before then I'm afraid. It is a shame about the cold, it doesn't bother us at all but I fully understand how Karen feels. Having said that we had lovely sunny weather last December and February. It's not for everyone, I appreciate that. Lovely and quiet though!
  10. Enjoy! You'll have a great time
  11. I've found a couple of photos which show the slight difference in roof profile which I mentioned earlier. These are Tower Bridge (35) and Swan Royale (32). The 35 slopes upwards right at the back of the roof. The Royale photos were taken in 2014 in the last year of hire with Swancraft. I appreciate the comments made - if anyone is in the vicinity of Sutton they could maybe pop in and have a look!!! I was kindly alerted of the sale but didn't get chance to have a look when we visited recently.
  12. I popped in a couple of weeks ago. Looks good inside, didn't eat but tried the beer which was superb. Spoke to the new landlord, I was favourably impressed, very enthusiastic and customer focused I would say it's well worth a try
  13. There is a way to differentiate between the 32 and 35 versions. I think it's down to the roof profile at the rear - I think the 35 slopes up at the back, the 32 is flat. I stand to be corrected as always though!
  14. Sound advice Vaughan, respect your opinion
  15. Sound advice Alan. I'm personally not keen on the standard syndicate model of weeks/seasons/drawn allocations but I'm sure there would be other options.
  16. I tend to agree, it will be busy! Chances of mooring at the honeypot places like Ranworth, Womack and Horning will be virtually nil I'm afraid. One possibility would be to hop on a train to Wroxham for a visit or hire a cab. Could save the hassle! Good luck whatever you do.
  17. Looks very Quiet and Peaceful at Loddon!
  18. Only Mrs Nog's piggy bank!
  19. Anyone got a spare £32,800 they could let me have? My all time favourite hire boat is up for sale http://www.broadlandyachtbrokers.co.uk/boats/39 The very rare 32 foot centre cockpit version. Built by Alphacraft but with many Swancraft improvements including bow thrusters, new engine, stainless tanks, front deck repaired, new cleats, inverter etc etc Lovely boat to handle and ran on fresh air. Very roomy inside, really good layout. Looks to have been well looked after since being sold by Swancraft in 2014 Very nice boat for some lucky person!
  20. Seen quite a few out last week including Glitter Girl numerous times I think Grecian is a drop nose Alpha, not their best design, maybe it's not been letting too well?
  21. Hmmm Apart from genuine free houses, most pubs these days are managed or leased, the latter from greedy pub companies in the main. The pub Co will set an amount to be paid in rent plus an excessive amount charged for beer which is sometimes referred to as wet rent. So indirectly it is, probably reasonable to assume that food income will be taken into account in the rent calculation. Incidentally the Fat Cat in Norwich doesn't do food (apart from filled rolls) and is one of the most successful pubs in the country. But, for most part, food is a good income stream even for quality beer pubs eg the Stanford Arms. Cheers!
  22. I must admit I tend to drink in pubs more than eating in them. The only drinking I ever do on the Broads is in pubs. To be fair the 316 in the Locks was very good. However I do agree, as a long standing Locks fan, it has lost its quirky charm I think Colin really understood the pub so let's see how it fares in the future.
  23. Didn't make it this time but Carol's been in. Agree with JF, excellent pub.
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