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Everything posted by petersjoy

  1. Do i get a prize for the shortest trip if i come across from Darbys Quay too. See you soon John, Paul.
  2. Hi John, having to slum it in Scotland, Dumfries coast, but just had several Bitter and Twisted on draught Mmmm
  3. Hi John, still been looking most days at home, just not had anything yo say. At least when i'm on the boat i can log in again. On that subject, we will be down on friday for the weekend with my mum, it will be her first break away from home on her own since my dad died last year. Will you be around, if not i'll see you at the meet in Beccles, will be down then, not booked a mooring at Yacht station as i am just across the water.
  4. Since the site changed i could not log in away from home on my netbook or laptop, only at home on my PC set to auto log in. Got worried if this logged out i would not be able log in at all so contacted Jonzo. Many thanks to him for taking time today for sorting this problem out, i can now get back on the forum whem i'm back on the boat. Thanks John.
  5. Just seen this morning on Norfolklive, Oulton Broad webcam coming soon. I asume that's the one.
  6. Hi Bill, i've got a spare if you can wait till next time we meet, won't need all the ones iv'e got now
  7. Hi Lori, Lorna collects Charlie Bears she's up to 60 odd now, two more arrived this morning
  8. Ok, so it's more for canal/ narrow boats, but i will be going on the 25th of May, Lots of trade stands to interest us Broads based inland boaters. Anyone else interested? http://www.crickboatshow.com/ Hope this is in the right area couldn't find anywhere better!
  9. Hi John, usually yes, it's normally very quiet down there. Well when i pass.
  10. Wish i was there instead of sat here in Ossett
  11. Looks like Langley dyke?
  12. Hi Jonny, you must be glued to the webcam, only turned round in Wroxham as no where to moor.
  13. Dam, just miss it, will be travelling home on the saturday after a week on the boat. Ohhh you lucky retired ones who can stay as long as you want
  14. I'm suprised no one has mentioned going the other way, if you can get under Potter bridge why not go up to the Pleasure Boat or Martham, lots to visit that way too.
  15. Got my last ones from here http://www.ropesandtwines.com/categories.asp?cat=61 Seem ok and good service.
  16. Hi John, Who said i can definately make it should be there sat, but may stay in yard and walk round, May have to swim or crawl back then Ps if i get there friday after midnight and anyone's still up i'll pop round then too.
  17. “The police have some suspects and if they are caught we will be doing some educational work with them. Hopefully with a 4' length 3x2
  18. John, Looks like i can make that weekend, not sure about Lorna yet
  19. Wouldn't it be good if someone built a boat you could take your caravan on
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