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Everything posted by petersjoy

  1. No pork chops tonight but nice meals all round, not cheap but very nice.
  2. Alan, we passed Ranworth Breeze this morning moored outside the Ferry. We are moored at the Waters Edge for a meal tonight, back to Norwich tomorrow and risking stopping at the Yacht station tomorrow night as we going to see Rod Stewart at Carrow Road in the evening. Planning on stopping at the Ferry Monday evening for a meal, it.s a long time since we were there, again because of the moorings, looking forward to a steak with all the trimmings. Paul.
  3. Hi, I've just replaced my ancient (must be as old as the boat (42) stewart turner pump) for a Jabsco par max 2.9. that runs at 25psi, boy i should have done it years ago, now have a better shower on the boat than i have at home. Paul.
  4. Hi Bill, unfortunately we're heading the other way from home then, Scotland. May be around end July or middle of August. Paul.
  5. Bill you just bet me to it, was just typing a reply myself.
  6. One of my favorites, and from my local brewery. Ossett. http://www.ossett-brewery.co.uk/pubs/rat-and-ratchet-huddersfield Now if i wasn't working tonight i would be having one in in my local. http://www.ossett-brewery.co.uk/pubs/the-tap-ossett
  7. Hi John, good luck with the 'op', are you and Mary-Jane out and about between the 7th and 11th as i am down on my own Paul.
  8. Harry Ramsdens aint what they used to be as they are a franchise now. My brother inlaw lives just down the road from the original one in Guisley, Thats now a Wetherby Whaler. most of the car park is now having houses built on it. they dont get coaches or queueing down the road like it used to be. Paul.
  9. Hi Steve, i happen to be on the boat then down in Beccles. Will be knocking about between Beccles and Loddon possibly. We could meet up and i would escort you to Oulton and back or give you my mobile no. and i would only be a call away. Paul.
  10. Brilliant video, thanks for that. Paul.
  11. Fit them tomorow then.
  12. petersjoy


    That's one trip i do regularly every time we go into Norwich. Just because we can.
  13. Look who's had a day out from Oulton Broad.
  14. Roll on May, that's when i start Job Share at work, loads more time off to spend on the boat. It will be 3 days on 3 off 3 nights on followed by 15 days off.
  15. Merry Christmas from us too. I'm not big on posting tales etc, but we hope to be out on the boat between the 27th and 30th, so look out for us on the Oulton Broad web cam, Just got a 'new to me' Camera off my daughter (her Nikon D3100) so i may pop a few snaps up when we get back. Paul.
  16. I don't know if it's been reported on here, but i've just heard Brian Ward (of Brian Ward Marine Equipment Brundall) passed away last week. Our thoughts and condolence to the family at this time.
  17. Brian Ward have them. http://www.brianwards.co.uk/catalogsearch/result/?q=mud+weights Dont forget the forum discount too.
  18. EVM was was brilliant, i raved about it, not been available for years, i think the company that did it went bust. think it was called Cormorant trading. wow just found this while typing. http://www.ctlonline.co.uk/
  19. Hi Iain, sorry to hear of your problems too, have been looking out for you this last couple of days while up here on the north end. Just got a good signal here at The Bridge Inn Acle, to read this, off back South in the morning. Good luck for making it next year, hope to see you then. Paul.
  20. Hi Iain, just this got moored up at The Bridge at Acle after a long trip from Beccles, will look out for you later in the week if we know where you are, may be heading to Potter first tomorrow. Paul.
  21. We start our week on the 10th, hoping to head North from Beccles for a few days too, havn't checked the tide tables yet so not sure when we will 'cross over', should see you about. so give us a . The new engine's settled in, and i'm looking forward to it.
  22. Could be interesting, a cruise in company down to London for a meet.
  23. Twyfords in Beccles for a treat, not cheap but their scones with jam and cream are the best, you can even eat the jam container. http://twyfordscafe.co.uk/ Link added.
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