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Everything posted by petersjoy

  1. Or, for me 2 more trips to the boat. this next thurs to sat', and the 14th to 17th dec. Although they are to work on the boat, doing the back cabin up. Lorna's not happy i'm varnishing bits on the dining room table at the moment
  2. Alan, i've never done that Jim saw it, wasn't happy fortunatley no damage.
  3. What about under Bishops Bridge to the end of navigation in Norwich, or have you done that. We can do it anytime but many can't. You may have to arrange it with Griff
  4. Looks like i'll be visiting Crick next year to see them. If i can wait that long
  5. Is the Mould still about that it was built on as it is GRP. That would be a start.
  6. Built by Wroxham Marine i belive, correct me if i'm wrong please.
  7. Fell in love with this one a few years ago when it was up for sale. Now, if they built some more , or she came up for sale again! http://www.broads.org.uk/wiki/index.php5?title=Boat_Details&BoatId=1441&BoatHistory=22414
  8. Hi Neil, how are you both? We are out 15th to 23rd, heading up north on the 17th for a few days hopefully, may bump into you on the way back 21st on, if your near Beccles.
  9. Hi Arthur, Great to see you back. I'll be over there shortly. Paul.
  10. Got to agree, we'll be in Scotland for the week instead of the boat. At least i can go searching for more of this. http://harviestoun.com/our-beers/bitter-and-twisted
  11. Saw these at the Crick Boat Show a couple of years ago, been watching since as i thought it is a good economical replacement for the BMC. I am considering them but, until the BMC lets me down i will wait and see. But i would like a shiny new engine soon, to match the rest of the work i've done on the boat. Lorna is getting fed up of me going on about it. Paul.
  12. Hi Neil, Peters Joy was Aston Florida, Built 1974. 40 years old and still going strong (at great expense ) , As Charlie says Sophie is about in Beccles too, that makes 4 Aston 'Concorde's' still about in Beccles with Dolphin and Longbow. Paul.
  13. I'll second that, had mine on the boat for 6 years never had to touch it until this year, only changed the glow plug.
  14. It's not just the northern end, i've yet to see one down our end,(Beccles), Didn't see another one for the last 10 days when we were out, mine's out now in the yard, and i'm at home. Roll on the 11th July when we are back again.
  15. Down for the week, fetching the Royal Enfield down to run about on. total coincidence just found both your boats on a certain website while browsing.
  16. Nice. Still got the Duster? We are on the boat again from 11th july, will you be about? be nice to finally meet up.
  17. Hi Steve Have i missed something, or have you changed your boat?
  18. stopped at the Bridge Acle last night, allways enjoy the food in there but Ghost Ship @ £3.75 is taking the (you know what). was going to stop friday on way back south but they have lost out now.
  19. Dam, missed you, at Burgh Castle now waiting to go across braydon, are you back on boat in June? we could pop in on sunday on way home to pick up, I'll try not to drink the beers i have for you and let you have them.
  20. so i'll get mine posted boat to boat on wednsday? with extras!!!
  21. Wish we could be there but i don't finish work until Sun evening. Then straight to boat for hopefully 22.30ish. Plan is to go across Breydon mon/tue so hope to see some of you stragglers up there later in the week if you are still about. John I've got some bottles this time so hope we can catch up. G&T's too.
  22. Just over Beccles old bridge on the right before you get to Hippersons. (astons old yard)
  23. Call into Darbys Quay and have a word with Stephen, Quay boats, he will point you in the right direction, either Ray who has done all our work or someone else who he's used recently to make seats for his Delta.
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