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Everything posted by petersjoy

  1. No bins at Bramerton now as i found the other day, had to keep ours till we got to Norwich yacht station to dispose of it, i wasn't the only one at Bramerton either expecting to leave rubbish, the concrete pad is still there, perhaps we should protest and leave it there anyway
  2. that would be the next 33 years mooring fees sorted.
  3. Are there any visitor moorings nearby, it's allways a problem at that side.
  4. Should be up near Norwich on Sunday on the boat, not sure how far the Showground is from Thorpe. So may not make it.
  5. We are going down tomorrow too, don't think those will affect us though.
  6. Now i've been edited. Will have to insert Richard.
  7. anyone else noticed who the parish council leader is. quote. Horning Parish Council chairman Dick Turpin, 63, of Mill Loke, Horning, confirmed the planters were removed yesterday and said councillors will discuss the issue at their next meeting on April 13.
  8. No nothing started, was there last weekend with the grand kids, old toilets still in use.
  9. Richard, hope you don't mind, i've deleted your duplicate post. Paul.
  10. Yes, I've got 3 or 4 Hoseasons ones that were still on our boat when we bought it seven years ago now, . Not using them, there hung up in the garage.
  11. Thanks Iain, after that Flaming Dragon Curry i think it may be wet and windy inside the boat let alone outside. good job i'm on my own.
  12. Iain, as much as i would like to stay longer it's back home tomorrow for work on Saturday. 200mile and 5+ hrs to get here another 200miles back tomorrow but well worth it. Now it's Curry night in the Kings Head. Off up there shortly.
  13. Hi Alan, My Panache looks ok although a little green in places. You'll need the Marigolds next time you're here.
  14. withdrawal symptoms cured.
  15. Will do, and will have a drink or two in the Kings Head tonight.
  16. Just about to load the car up to set off to the boat myself, as i said in another post, may get chance to have a cruise round Oulton Broad and back to Beccles tomorrow.
  17. thats almost exactly the set up i've got. Socket at the back wired to the 3 way unit in the cockpit. one with with a timer plugged in for the immersion heater, one with an extension to galley for fridge etc, one free in cockpit to plug anything else in. Been like that for the last 6years no problem.
  18. After a couple or is that three aborted attempts this year to get down to the boat, i will be there on wednesday for a couple of nights just to check things over. May get a chance of a cruise up to Oulton Broad and back, should cure my withdrawal symptoms.
  19. Recording it for later. Lorna's watching QVC and buying Charlie Bears.
  20. Merry Christmas and a happy new year to ALL, from us too. Paul. The quiet 'Mod' for now.
  21. dealt with these twice now, bought a new jacket first, then parts to upgrade my old two. exellent service and fast delivery. http://www.lifejackets.co.uk/ Paul.
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