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Everything posted by marshman

  1. marshman


    I am with you Breydon - change it to Albion!! At least that indicates that its not a "poncy" yacht thingy but a proper boat!!
  2. The BA DO use red and white tape on moorings and NEVER fence it off with proper fencing. If you do cut it off and fall down a hole, telling the BA you require compensation will be a bit fruitless. Although there have been some cases when it has been established that individuals have used red/white tape these are very few and far between and certainly if it was at Deep Go Dyke I can see little reason to tape it off when the moorings are rarely if ever full. The usual reason for doing it, is either damage to the mooring posts which can easily get pulled out, or the safety steps. I think you can probably assume that it was done by the Rangers and removing it without checking, puts others at risk. Perhaps for everyone's sake you should at least check with Broads Control before taking matters into your own hands!!
  3. For what its worth, very little would induce me to eat at the Pleasure Boat, especially when just up the road is one of Norfolks hidden treasures, the Greyhound. That really is a lovely pub with a cracking, sheltered garden, perfect for a restful few hours in which to pass the time away!! But it takes all sorts I know...!!
  4. What - you mean Solace!!!!!
  5. Some photos PW - what an array of cash pouring into boats!! Just so so glad some people can still do that and own and race such beautiful boats. Well done to them!!!!
  6. At a guess that well known Broads class, the River Cruiser Class! When out on the rivers , I use my Green Book as much as any, if only to see the handicaps of the various sailing boats. Some are seriously quick!
  7. Nice to see Solace made the trip!
  8. marshman


    Whispering Reeds still have 4 at Hickling which I think still attract fishermen especially, but methinks it is not really what the punter wants these days.
  9. That just about sums it up methinks! Looking locally the Trowse Bridge upgrade must come much much further up the "needed" category! Await the furore when they try and make that non opening!
  10. I suspect that any hope of a more permanent solution other than "best endeavours" is nothing more than a fanciful pipedream! I suspect the real root of the problem remains that some people just cannot wait so I suspect, use the telephone as a means of letting off steam - once again a case of the few spoiling it for the majority.
  11. I don't think anyone of us should have an issue with this - I wonder who amongst you really feels it is appropriate to be drunk in charge of a boat? Equally it refers to only a small minority of hirers - most same sex parties seem generally well behaved. However IF it is true then it will not be effectively policed as indeed the general drink driving laws are not - perhaps occasionally an example to be made of the few. My suspicion however is that it may just refer to professional pleasure boat skippers as I seem to remember in the dim and distant past, that they did bring that level down to road user level
  12. Particularly those which have been "nicked" to form part of gardens!!! Trouble is you then enter the realms of those with deep pockets to be able to "prove" that what you think, is lawful!!! I doubt if anyone would object to you mooring at Surlingham, especially if you have made the effort to get up there, unless and if it ever became the norm rather than the odd one or two that now find it. Doubt too many would risk going all the way up there in anything other than a fairly small and shallow draught boat.
  13. I wouldn't even give a second thought - despite them saying that they got to the end, I really doubt that was the case! The last time I went up in a dinghy, the first bit is quite wide and easily navigable - beyond that there are some quite narrow bits and some fallen trees and that would inhibit them!! In fact its quite deep in places - it has to be to move the amount of water up there! Given the various dykes and open water it does rush in and out quite quickly but if they don't follow the sign to the river thats up to them. Even if you did put a notice, some punters would just ignore it and still go up!
  14. Thats as maybe but you would not want the cost of steel piling coming out of the Nav Account!!!!
  15. Perhaps it would also help if people adhered to the speed recommendation over the bridge - and I suspect the designer of the adjacent land will be able to think of plenty of things to slow traffic to an acceptable speed - if it gets the go ahead!
  16. The NWT Visitor Centre on the main Norfolk Coast road is very very popular - and its not just twitchers who visit. You might as well just accept that in the short term your "voice" is unlikely to be listened too! I think you have stated your case very well indeed, but there are others who might not agree and yet have a perfectly valid point of view to put across without the inevitable derision that seems to follow.
  17. I suspect that that the issue may surround who is responsible for the sunken quay heading - its all very well the BA footing the cost and I am fully aware of the navigation issue, but the BA are quite keen to not to have to foot the bill for everything which in the end may not be their responsibility! I must admit I do not know on this one but waste and rubbish come to mind when discussing who should pay for what!!
  18. To be fair that is your opinion - there are others who do see the benefit. As for costings and where it is sourced, could we not just wait and see?
  19. I actually think that it is still a worthwhile and good value addition to my general boating costs - it will take more than that to make fall out of love with the Broads There are better things to get excited about....!!
  20. If you believe the current BA accounts consist of all smoke and mirrors then it is a surprise that you do not make a formal complaint to the appropriate authority!
  21. Fred - hardly any need to post that!! Thats not what most here want to hear!! Lets just launch down a discussion about hypothetical funding routes rather than just waiting until they are told anything at all about funding options!!!
  22. Loo - you are exactly right but that is not to say you will continue beating your head against a rather solid object on this Forum!!!!
  23. For the same reason that simple boats are no longer suitable for todays hire market - if they were then the likes of Len Funnell and Barbara Greasley would build them!!!
  24. And as a result they, unusually, bought some mooring rights and now will not have to lease that bit, and be at the mercy of selfish and grasping landowners, who merely at some fanciful whim can get rid of the lessee!!! Now they have surplus land behind the moorings themselves it seems to me a good idea to utilise it by building another building on it - to me thats asset management as it should be. Some posters are trying to make great capital out of where the funds will come from to pay for the building - the BA seem to be able to access funds from many sources, so lets just wait and see when the full funding package is put together.
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