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Everything posted by marshman

  1. Sad sad day IMHO. Just shows how vulture capitalists can run down a perfectly good name and destroy a business - this story still has further to run of course with the development eventually of what was a flourishing business and site into more profit for those squeezing the pips! I see Brundall village foresaw this and have attempted to forestall that with their village plan - sadly it will just prove to be no more than a little thorn in the side which can always be dealt with by bunging more money into the problem. I just wonder, eventually, whether they can build on the site without even one property available for affordable housing!!!
  2. Why expect anything else from the people who bought it? They had grand plans to build a new factory - now it is to profit from that land being turned into housing. My suspicion is also that they have been only been building up their hire fleet to keep them occupied as they may not have had other orders to keep the guys busy - a hire fleet that small is not sustainable so I wonder what plans they have for the yard as a whole? Am I just being cynical awaiting the planned development of the site for other uses. Sounds like a well thought out plan from the outset - you never want to think that but I cannot see any real investment having been made. Does it actually say in so many words they are going to expand their hire fleet? Is "developing" the same word? Lets wait before we all get too excited especially as we all know hire fleets alone. are not necessarily the way to making lots of money However there are probably some people who will really benefit by trousering a wedge I guess, and its not the workers!! I would really really like to think otherwise and I hope I am wrong but like others, I have been very suspicious of this whole operation from Day 1 !!! Somebody prove me wrong please!!!!
  3. John - don't ever give up or let them grind you down!! You have to remember that this relatively small but vocal pressure group are not necessarily in the majority even here in Broadland. And I certainly don't agree with Vaughans comments that just because PW WAS in the BA ,he necessarily has an inside track! So keep on saying what you think - its no good being a shrinking violet and bowing the knee if you feel otherwise!!!
  4. But then a different story here!!! https://www.theweatheroutlook.com/forecast/uk/nr13 TWO are often pretty close but its anyone's guess at the moment although this page adds more meat to the bones - the French site is highly regarded for what its worth!! https://www.theweatheroutlook.com/twoother/twocontent.aspx?type=hpnews&id=4251&title=Easter+2018 Perhaps the weather somehow understands Easter Sunday is April Fools Day!!!! Appropriate IMHO if it snows!!!!
  5. There is indeed a lot of chat on the various weather Forums of having another very chilly spell over the Easter weekend but unlikely to be more than 50/50 at this stage. With Easter being early, its possible I guess but no more so than the reverse! Statistically, it is more likely to snow at Easter than Christmas, although it would go away more quickly with the former!!
  6. Methinks dragging a few chains would not have moved a lot of mud! However they did use chains over the bow to slow progress and go backwards through the bridges and enable them to control the boat better.
  7. marshman


    If all you need is the supermarket, instead of turning right at the church, turn left and there is another Coop shop opposite Longmeadow on the map, a bit closer!
  8. To me Pete, that looks like an early Wherry, with the stern moored against the jetty and the flared bow up 'tother end. I shall see one of the old gits later, as despite Robert Malsters comment, I am not entirely convinced about the other picture either! I am not sure when the last keel was actually about, but it would have been pretty early. In the condition as shown, wherries, and keels, didn't last long - why should they when there were tens of replacements all over the place. However it could well have been - far be it for me to disagree with Robert!! It is a bit sad that we don't have any keels left and that Dee Dah's remains went up someones wood burner but had it still been around, there would have been the perennial posts about rebuilding it! The mistake was taking it out of the mud but perhaps JC can remember exactly where it was removed from - my recollection it was nearer the present viaduct and on the Postwick side but I could easily be wrong. The good thing is that before it went up in smoke, detailed records were made and I guess loads of photos taken, and I would hope I can get access to those fairly easily. Or I know a man who can!!
  9. The punters like them and thats the main thing. Also remember that many hirings are for "short" breaks as well so if its an 8' air draft, even Ludham not usually a problem.
  10. So thats a consensus then?? On this Forum???
  11. Little evidence to suggest any boat has actually sunk as a result of osmosis though - still waive the report under the nose of the Broker and get a chunk off if you can!!
  12. Well done Vaughan - spot on. As you said before you would be hard pushed to sue the yard if they had in their possession a ticked list as has been described. As you have also said, once the boat leaves the yard, it is the Skipper who is responsible for the boat AND the crew, NOT the the yard and even in this litigious society we now find ourselves in, I doubt any court would wish to disturb that principle, whatever some seem to think.
  13. Mr Waller - how come we are now discussing "diurnal flow" ? I had mine tested sometime back and it seemed OK but a bit like the real tide, it can vary a bit! I am not sure where the pods are to be sited exactly but I guess its somewhere around Tonnage Bridge - and somewhere around said bridge is the real issue as Mr Paterson or someone else believes he owns the bed of the canal from the end of the BA bit, wherever that is, to Honing Lock. Above the lock the local restoration group have made sterling headway especially in parts but that bit below the lock, and around it, remains a bit squeaky!! In theory when the Canal Company was bought relatively recently, that SHOULD have included right all the way to the BA bit, but noone has pockets deep enough to prove take the issue, I suspect to Court. It could well revolve around what occurred when Tonnage Bridge was rebuilt - any one recall when that was? Somewhere between 1970 and 1995?? I remember taking a cruiser through that bridge and right up to Honing Lock and overnighting on Honing Common in probably, the late 60's. Subsequent to that I have also taken a powered craft up the bit to East Ruston - not sure the landowner can actually stop you using it, but I believe can stop you landing/mooring. It is all a bit of a grey area - sorry if I have something I shouldn't or with which you disagree!! Griff - I think subsequent posts prove I may have been somewhere near!!!!
  14. The Canal is privately owned - the ownership of the section you refer to is a trifle contentious, to say the least! It is definately not the BA - the tidal reaches bit stops at the entrance to Barton Broad - check your National Parks OS map as it is shown on there I think. I believe the landowner believes he owns it, whilst the NWDCT shareholders would like to think they have a claim also!! And I know nothing further!!
  15. I think you have to rely on Clive's explanation which was that it was done to primarily to bring it into line with Hoseasons - I do not think there was any event in particular that brought it about as I believe everyone would have heard about it. It would be difficult to impose the professional qualification bit at this stage - but you are likely, probably , see increasing pressure to see an evidenced handover or at least some record that it has been done - but even that is flawed as you cannot make them listen!! But if you yourself had personal accident insurance then you could claim on that - does normal Travel Insurance cover that sort of problem? Everyone going on holiday, even the Broads should be well advised to cover themselves - attempting to sue the yard would be a waste of everyones time. John - I suppose RYA level 2 is not that expensive - depends if you are a banker or not!! And its a two day course nowadays - that too has been tightened up and now probably about £250 - a non starter methinks!!
  16. But not if you are a hire boat! You trying to encourage punters to cruise after dark? Clive will be down on you like a ton of bricks and quite rightly so.......!!
  17. Thats why its being done now - its only 4 days!!!
  18. It is quite astonishing when we see what has what has gone in, but its all worth it as is the time spent by all the volunteers. Taking an overall view, if that is what you can do, then she is in excellent shape!!
  19. Probably not what has been put into it!!!!!
  20. Blue Sky thinking required here - given the ENORMOUS number of people travelling on what is often a virtually empty one car train, how about closing the the Yarmouth and Lowestoft branches and providing a good bus service for those wanting to travel to those thriving sea side resorts. Take Yarmouth for example well served by the X1/X11 route - no need even for taxis as the buses more than adequate - what about the intermediate stations I hear some cry? Ok use taxis as a feeder. Bit radical I accept but must be an option. Easily solves the bridge problem though!!
  21. Goodness me - agreeing again with PW!!! Argument for arguments sake - well well. Me? I do it for entertainment!!
  22. How can you question Pally - he will be back in a minute to quote you chapter and verse on why you have all misunderstood!!!!
  23. Pete - everyone knows it is not a National Park!!! Even JP. Thats not what you lot bang on about all the time - I actually don't care whether or not they and the rest of the country, or 99% of the country, call it one either!! But it bothers you and a fairly small minority that these "others" call it one - when it isn't!! But as I say not me and many others.
  24. And there was I thinking that because of the title to this post that we were not going to subject to the same old, same old!! Didn't take long did it!!!!
  25. or as another goes - a load of 'ol squit about bu***r all!! Just depends on your standpoint Fred - I know mine, you know yours!! And thereby hangs a Forum!!
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