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Everything posted by marshman

  1. C'mon PW you know as well as I do that the real issue surrounds getting permission to dump the spoil, and its not just the landowners permission that is required. Indeed I would not be surprised if you need Forestry Commission approval to dump it on the banks there are so many noses in the trough. I bet you can certainly find the EA and /or Natural England getting their noses in as well - too many public sector noses and pensions relying on keeping busy and well fed. The solution - lets call another meeting to discuss it!!!
  2. Not the tree cutting bit they are about to buy or have bought!! It remains to be seen how effective it is and whether as a result it was was worth it!!
  3. Quite like this one too - in practise its pretty accurate too. Set up for Hickling. https://www.windguru.cz/54059
  4. The trouble, if thats what you call it, with DO D1 is that its best applied to smooth surfaces and should for the first application, be applied wet on wet - I think I got up to 25 coats on our new mast before no more would go in. Now on unsawn that would probably be a prohibitive cost!
  5. Don't think you will see many of those on those on move - better to moor up I would guess.
  6. Who is going to move you on - I doubt the Rangers will be out patrolling!!
  7. Like the second picture - at least the tower is in the up position!!!!!
  8. To be fair, this topic has not come up just once before but many many times - neither is it true to say that just because individuals do not post, they are no longer passionate about the truth! Posting a large untruth about it will probably provoke a response and believe me, if I really thought it was suddenly about to happen, it would awaken me from my slumbers and I will be there, if i think it appropriate, with everyone else if necessary. In the meantime discuss away......!
  9. And which is why, people who are unaware of the details would do best to re read the old stuff rather than continue a new discussion!! I do understand their comments but there is nothing worse than people taking sides based on incomplete information! On the internet there is no shortage of information, accurate information too about the whys and wherefores, but on the various Forums, and not just this one, the facts do tend to get distorted and the issue blurred by mutterings of conspiracies and the posting of slightly wrong information (false news?? ) coloured by personal judgements which may , or may not be entirely true. The trouble is further complicated by the fact that the "anti" brigade on the Forums probably outweigh those who offer an opposing view for one reason or another and indeed those who post an opposing view just for the sake of balance!! Probably this is because the vast majority do not want to get into an animated and often heated discussion and whilst some will persist in offering what they perceive an opposing view, they are in the minority simply because weight of numbers can over ride their point. If you want to see a classic example of this in slow motion, I suggest they read the saga of Thorpe Island where it was often hard to even get at the truth through the squit being posted, aided and abetted by some professional pot stirrers! However I suspect no one will "hear" me and try and drag it all out yet again but do not necessarily expect a balanced discussion as some of us cannot be bothered all of the time to post opposing views which in the event may prove to be right!! Nonetheless I am gratified that even my old m8 PW, readily admits any change will require primary legislation, although he spoils that statement by suggesting a wad of cash could change all of that!!!
  10. John - I suspect if you put the topic in "Search" you will probably come up with perhaps a hundred pages of discussion! If you want to read it ,by all means but when its all been repeated ad nauseum, the novelty of "discussion" wears thin! Honestly!!!
  11. No Bill, you are right - it cannot be "sneaked" through. It would require a whole new Bill for it to happen but its no good repeating the arguments for those who don't want to hear. Just put it down to the time of year, or people stuck in because of the cold weather and not wishing to move far away from the computer being the reason why this is being resurrected yet again for the umpteenth time!!! Like me, if I were you, I would let the usual culprits go on about what might happen, whilst you and me and a few others go into denial too, and in reality at the end of the day none of us really know! However I shall keep watch from afar and add my bit if things really do change!!
  12. I am glad you remember the concerns expressed at the time PW! Yes, it was almost inevitable although of course they could be doing it to invest in the boatyard!!
  13. My recollection, such as it is, is that at the time they placed great store on their building a large modern factory in Brundall to cope with their expansion plans, so who is surprised that instead of a factory, they are going to build houses!! At the time of the takeover, there was some scepticism that that was actually a realistic plan, and so it appears. So instead of new jobs, it seems that they are now bullish about "securing existing employment" ! The key factor will be whether the profit from this will be fed back into the boatyard, or just into someones pockets. No doubt someone will come along and tell me that the underlying business is doing well, but I wonder how many new boats they are building to be sold, or are they now building for the hire fleet, and moulding for others? Perhaps my glass is being seen as a half empty one, but at the time of the takeover, a lot of concerns were being expressed, and not sure those concerns really gone away!
  14. If you ask the RNLI, the very last thing that they would want is official funding. You provide your own funding, you do what YOU want not hidebound by other officials making decisions for you! Government funding would probably kill it off in its present form and that is not the way forward! Well known adage here - if its not broke don't fix it and certainly not ever have it taxpayer funded which would totally leave it at the mercy of the public purse for future funding! Why on earth does anyone think that would improve it? The same applies to the Air Ambulance - fund that publically and you immediately put into direct competition with the normal ambulance service for funding! No, leave it as it is and let them make the decisions and keep the suits away!!
  15. Plenty of places you can get to around the fringe to take photos - you don't have to go by boat! With the tides being pretty high this week this could easily have been taken from the hide behind Asda!
  16. And even better proposal is not to have a shower every day or twice a day!!! You won't be seeing too many people so you won't put too many off and its only the showers we insist on taking that uses the water in such quantities!! Cooking etc does not use that much so a tank full will last all the time you are on the boat....!!
  17. Yep - some antifreeze in the shower drain system and always blow through the shower. If its one of those basic showers with a big knurled plastic knob, open it up, take off the shower head and blow hard!! For some reason they are a bit susceptible to freezing out a component - only happened to me once but they are a b****r to change. Not sure what toilet you have but Lee Sanitation have a good website which will tell you how to winterise a toilet - so people just cover with a large blanket but to how low a temperature that is effective to, is anyones guess!! Someone else has pointed out the problems of condensation - the only way to avoid it is to leave plenty of windows open and give it fresh air but these days most people do not remove even curtains! Took mine off the other day and I reckon they weighed about twice what they should have been!!
  18. I think many many years ago when they were digging out a dyke up near Bells, they trundled a large Ruston Bucyrus crane across the marshes to get to the dyke, on mats of railway sleepers - go on guess what happened next to an adventure precarious at best! Eventually they did recover it but at some time and effort so it probably does not count!!!
  19. One of the issues you are unable to quantify is just how cold is it going to get and whether that cold snap is prolonged! Generally winters are less harsh BUT there have been times even recently when, particular as the sea and river temperatures drop, quite thick ice can form and even a bar heater may not be sufficient to cope with the temperatures falling to really low levels. The water systems will freeze first probably and it does not take much to pop the push fit fittings you are likely to have - I personally drain the lot and ensure the engine is protected with antifreeze but I live close by and can nip home!! In the past I know of boats where the ice has created expensive damage - if it happens because your precautions were insufficient you have to be aware of the consequences, but almost everyone will have a different approach!!
  20. Thanks Jimmy, I knew someone would know - so it was a pretty big one then.
  21. Always willing to learn something new about the Broads!!!!
  22. Of course we are aware there is actually more to the Broads than the North, but it is equally true, unless Mr Waller wishes to teach me something else, that the surges do more damage up north and is why the EA have installed the barrier at Potter and use it effectively. I don't think that there is one in the south unless of course you wish to inform me otherwise? Part of the reason is perhaps that it is more "salty" down sarf anyway and perhaps the fish cope with it better but it may well be that as it runs out very much more quickly too, it has less impact. For whatever reason, you do tend to hear of fewer and smaller "kills" when you do have these surges in the Southern waters. And Fred, you really have to be grateful to that old bit of stone at Potter as it struggles to get upstream unless its a very large one - my guess the salinity at Hickling has more to do with it coming through the substrata rather than that 'ol bridge!!
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