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Everything posted by marshman

  1. Poppy - I also have close connections to Maud too as they moor in our shed!!!!
  2. I think Sea Palling is actually dog free in Summer or at least the easily accessible bits.
  3. Would but she is far too busy to sit still, she has to earn her keep!! Fortunately!!
  4. And of course I think it was the same millwright who did Harley who restored Maud - the late Vincent Pargeter which explains the link. After being at Hardley, Maud will be lifted out at Goodchilds for survey and some remedial work, but I can think of a more iconic wherry....!!!!
  5. And what a nice way to end a pleasant day on the river by taking a leisurely stroll down the High Street, having a lovely meal (just don't ask to see the meat dishes menu!! ) and a drink, and gently ambling back in the twilight!!
  6. It depends what you want or like - I have always preferred the Kings Head but it takes all sorts and all tastes. I think Coltishall is lucky and can cater for most tastes from the very good to the indifferent but moored up at the Locks its a bit of a step to the other end and the boys are on holiday!!
  7. I approve of that avatar David! Shows the Skippers at least earning his lunch!
  8. Err - no comment from Vaughan about how stunning the old boat looks?? Hope you approve....!!!
  9. Good to see the old lady looking her best - makes all the days in the winter with the brush worthwhile!!!
  10. Its hardly going to be a goldmine! What stills puzzles me is why Mr Wood did not apply for permission for the 25 (?) boats as agreed by the last Inspector. Of course some will argue that that was blocked too but my understanding is that he did not in the end apply! Sorry Ricardo what I meant was that to try and take it further with any further appeal denied will surely cost someone something rather more than I could imagine - especially as I remain unconvinced about the underlying so called evidence! Neither particularly, do I believe that "further revelations" will reveal a great deal more! Every organisation , particularly for some reason public bodies, have disgruntled whistleblowers and indeed some have value, but the vast majority amount to not a lot! Thats often why they are disgruntled!! Still I await these new ones with bated breath and yes I will take note if they are credible and backed up by evidence that can be substantiated and corroborated - but with the land now sold to establish a gold mine its all a bit late in the day - nonetheless it will always be good for a discussion with no real news around!!!
  11. To my view they still overpaid for the land!! As to whether it has further to run, unless you exhort to crowd funding, my guess is none of you can afford to do a great deal about it!! All talk of malfeasance or whatever at the BA has to be proved - not at any stage have I ever been convinced by these so called revelations from individuals with chips on their shoulder or "leaks" of important information. I have yet to see any and guess like all previous spats, it will just die away over a period without any real evidence of not a lot anyway. I know just a few people continue to be aggrieved for one reason or another but I guess with leave to appeal refused, and the land being sold, all you can now do is lump it! And IMHO thats the right result, irrespective of whether I like the boats or not - I didn't by the way! Neither do I like unauthorised caravans on village greens nor in council car parks, nor in pseudo encampments, but like all of us, we do have to comply with the law as stated by those in charge, whatever shades of grey attach to whether its right or wrong,and I believe, rightly or wrongly, to interpret the law correctly and make the right decisions. I see nothing to suppose that they were not right here. I pay judges to make the right decision and I believe by and large they do. Others views of course differ, but thats life!!
  12. I am sure you are right Vaughan, but how come that the Inspectors and the Judge did not talk to your planning consultants?? As far as I am concerned the matter is closed as if there was any real doubt why did that not come out at the time? If the above did not feel it had any impact then I am happy to go along with their decision. Indeed i am happy that that end of the island has been bought and in reality that decision is not going to be reversed and we should all move on.
  13. Well if thats the case, two planning inspectors and the High Court are clearly in Mr Packmans pay, or perhaps they know something you don't!!! My guess is that someone needs to read it all again to see what they missed!! You will all know better than me, but was not the argument that planning permission had lapsed?? And no, I do not want an in depth discussion about it - I am happy that the rule of law by the above was correct.
  14. The only thing "dodgy" about it was that some bloke paid an inflated price for land years ago when told that he could not keep boats on it and when he subsequently had to sell, two blokes also paid over the odds for a piece of marsh!!!
  15. Did this "news" not break at the time it was happening?? If so then its not news nor of much interest some months down the line!! Typical of a local newspaper that no longer employs staff to search out something a) of interest and b) topical and worthy of the title news implying that it was both new and of value reporting!!!
  16. These new revelations are just so..........nothing!!!
  17. Vaughan - not that its relevant but their offices are now opposite the Sorting office in Thorpe Road and to be honest why would they know of the history other than what others had told them - had they listened. The BA is of course a fairly modern development relative to the age of some of the photos around
  18. I hate to argue but it is Ranworth Dam as any sailie will recognise the oak tree overhanging that corner!!!
  19. Just to put all these things in perspective, I was chatting to a guy who had just came back from Majorca - well almost as he was sailing around it in a 45' charter boat. His most expensive overnight stop was 130 euros and his cheapest was 30 euros - at least he said the showers were hot and free!! And MM - who ever said the Cators were poor? Or was that not what you meant? All I can say about that is I am delighted to have seen not one boat on the Percis Island mooring this year - he would have been quids in leasing it to the BA. Shame!!
  20. My guess is not a lot - probably just PB2 but then Day Skipper/Coastal is in itself hardly relevant in Broadland!
  21. Dilligaf - I suspect your insurance company would say the Rangers everytime!!!
  22. You know I like poking around for a reaction!
  23. Am I the only one thinking that somewhere along the line this is resulting in a complete waste of toll revenues over b****er all??
  24. Just recently quite a few reports of bitterns which is good. The one around St Benets has been seen a bit, and also saw another at S Walsham. All good stuff!! Referring back to earlier posts on the lack of wildlife, I was in S Walsham Inner Broad around dusk the other night and there were TEN pairs of Great Crested grebes, most with young. No shortage there then. Also Horning seems to deluged with those greylags - there is a flock of around 80 or so around the Swan and at least as many up by the Ferry. Time to have egg pricking sessions in the spring methinks with the geese!!
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