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Everything posted by marshman

  1. Yep I know the link does not work - Google HM Coastguard Area Maps - or have they changed them again!!!!!
  2. Sorry to disappoint you Chris but even Dover is not an area!! See here https://www.gov.uk/government/uplystem/uploads/attachment_data/file/454931/FCG_Map_4-6.pdfoads/s Which is all news to me as earlier this year I was happily chatting to Bridlington (Humber) !!! I guess we are under London??? Talk about everyone being confused!!!
  3. Its not the dogs that are an issue but the uncontrollable owners, or rather the uncontrolling owners.
  4. Griff - thats why we like it here!!! Relaxxxxxxxx!
  5. Don't be too taken in by fancy job titles - if you have been out of the marketplace for as long as myself or PW (!) you will realise that inventing self importance is a new game - and embraced by the public sector!! Now this will be controversial but I don't think that his salary is especially large - perhaps that is because I came from a background of salaries above the norm ( no I won't say!! ) but to perhaps put it into context, I see that over 800 school headteachers received salaries in excess of £100k last year - and of course pensions to match!!! Grrrr!!
  6. My gripe with the BA is the same as with every publicly funded body - and yes you can include all the councils, the NHS, the police and the fire brigade!!! They are all exceptionally good at creating, and preserving jobs, but on top of this they are really good at preserving perks such as redundancy pay at ridiculous levels and pensions which most private schemes can only dream about!! The point I was trying to make is why always poke at the BA? Its the WHOLE of the public sector which requires poking but they are just too scared to do that because of union power still - and also because funding of all of the above is not a historic problem but for one for our children and indeed their children. The nettle should have been grasped years ago, but its still put off time and time again, and yet, you hardly ever see it mentioned!
  7. But to be fair, it all started with excessive greed from those who already have very fat trouser pockets!!
  8. Pw - you are at it again!!! Methinks the Broads is just a bit more than the waterways or do you have a specific bent towards that??? Remember once again, that is just YOUR view!!!
  9. The answer of course then, if you are so sure of any ground, prove it all in Court!! Strangely enough we were talking about this only this morning with a group of volunteers, including a lawyer. He was recounting that he was once involved in a dispute over a "village" duck pond which eventually went to court. Cost over £200k and the judgement was one not even anticipated!! Plunge in , if you dare.......!!!!!
  10. The "No Mooring" signs are still in evidence - now the landlord at the Ferry has failed in his bid to carry on with the stern mooring experiment, you would have thought that he may wish to return those Woodbastwick moorings so the public could benefit. Shame really - people enjoyed those moorings. Always plenty to watch.
  11. Nice to hear a positive comment !!
  12. I believe, for what its worth, the report is merely looking at a history of staithes and will not have any legally binding information. Whilst I think it may be of interest particularly when looking at the history of them generally, to try and enforce ANY issues over staithes, public or private, would require a very large pocket and I do not think the BA would wish to embroil themselves in any such actions. They would be, IMHO, on an expensive hiding to nothing!! My guess it would be a bit like trying to enforce issues over, and or claiming, common land, where again the primary requirement is to have loads of dosh!! The trouble generally is that many people make claim, and counter claim over many, but the costs of actually proving anything, is way beyond my pocket!!
  13. Never trust a VC company IMHO
  14. More worryingly, it begs the question perhaps as to why they are having to do this - over the years they were very successful at building their own designs AND selling them - perhaps they are no longer successful at this or not enough! Good sign or bad sign?? Let's not speculate..!!
  15. Maintenance comes to mind, and perhaps public liability?
  16. marshman


  17. marshman


    I am actually quite sad that I think my grandchildren are actually unlikely to ever experience the thrill of hearing that harbinger of spring.
  18. To my way of thinking there is very little evidence that much of this has any real impact on speed! Whilst Norwich, continues to pour money into new 20mph all over the City and suburbs which are largely ignored, other large metropolitan areas are doing away with them!! Its the old old story of "Peter and the Wolf"- the odd 20 mph sign outside a school may help but covering the countryside and cities in flashing speed signs, especially in 30 and 40 mph zones as well, has no real impact whatsoever. If you go to Acle you will see on the road to the bridge, two new fancy road signs with nice new gardens attached, probably no more than 600 m apart proudly proclaiming that it is actually Acle and its in a 40mph zone - believe it or not THAT is a new project they are going to extend to other places, with lots more flashing signs, to try and reduce speeding! Someone clearly trying to justify their inflated pension! For what its worth, I believe it is a vastly exaggerated problem!!
  19. Thats amazing Carol! So convoluted and still an open issue!! Just shows you how very complicated life can be!!
  20. marshman


    Good to see the first of the remaining tagged cuckoos has crossed the Sahara and is on its way. Something stirring down South then so it won't be long before they return to the marshes. Bit sad they are becoming something of a rarity these days.
  21. Vaughan - I think that was Briggate. Not sure it was the Krays 'cos they spent most of their time inside, but certainly it was a ne'er do well !!!!
  22. BOAT?? Boat owner add a thousand!
  23. Some post you made many many moons ago when Old Frank was posting on another side, said it was converted from the Olive Branch and indicated that that was confirmed by Bob Malster. All these good 'ol boys have their uses!!
  24. First can I say that I apologise if some of this info is wrong, but I hope it is all fine and I have had a few words with a few 'ol boys to verify it all. As far as I can gather, Solace as she now is, was how she was built. Its shown in several places that she was built half and half, or whatever the proportions are and as a result , I don't think anyone has taken a plane to her. Nor , as Pete suggested, did she have anything added. Apparently. Unusual granted, but it is well recorded thats how it was done! Carol - I cannot really find any evidence one way or another, but realistically I can think of no reason why a trader would be built with a sunning platform! Perhaps the best thing to do is to try and imagine why, and I cannot think of a reason! It seems totally illogical to me - in that day and age they were not noted for doing something for the sake of it! Going back to the Gladys, she seems to be something "new" to wherry history - just shows how these things crop up! Go on someone prove me wrong! Most people know about the Sundog which was converted to a counter stern and which ended her days in a field at Geldeston with the back end literally dropping off! Records also show another built as a trader but converted - built originally as Olive Branch she became the Zenobia - she too was fiddled with and there is a picture of her rigged as a yawl I think. Pete - I think you know about this one don't you?? And now we seem to have found Gladys!! I wonder what her name was before conversion? Anyone know that? Seems to be quite a find especially as i think I read Robert Malster knew of only two such boats.
  25. I think you are right Vaughan - Roy Clark shows it as being built as a a trader and I can neither prove or disprove that! What you say is very logical and is probably true. We are unlikely to ever know!!
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