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Everything posted by marshman

  1. It also looks as though there was a proper low tide today and that should enable some of the excess start to drain away - over the next 24hrs still some fairly big tides but after that falling off quite a lot thankfully. In addition after tonight the winds dropping with high pressure setting in, and that too should be another factor in getting these levels back to approaching normality over the rest of this week. Peter - you could see it was going to bad at Mutford!! Thankfully no real damage done but it must have been touch and go!! You could probably have sailed half way up your lawn!!
  2. I guess Ferry Road at Horning is only passable with waders and it would not surprise me if the only customers at the Ferry Bar are ducks - still a decent wash through might improve the hygiene rating!
  3. From the graph it looks as though it won't be long Peter - it will be touch and go tonight. I think Walcott has been evacuated and it is worrying times looking every bit as bad as 2013. My guess it is already going over or about to go over the top in places like Yarmouth Perhaps the only small plus is that the winds seem a little less than originally expected but its still pretty strong.
  4. Tide already looks to be .5m higher than expected and with the wind still fairly strong from the NW it looks like they got it right this time. Still some time to go but if you look here http://www.ntslf.org/data/realtime?port=Lowestoft you will see the problem - the tide did not really go out today! Latest warning was for the Lower Bure and that is caused just by the tide not going anywhere and backing up. Defo beginning to look a bit dodgy! Probably not the best times to make cracks about GY - it was lapping over the top on Wednesday so tonight, if it continues will be touch and go. If I recall the tide earlier in the week on the graph was around 3.5m and it looks as though it might get there or more. Keep safe folks, wherever you are around this coast - you might need to!
  5. Friday looks dodgy and with a strong NW we could have ideal conditions for a surge tide down the East Coast. However a lot of balls need to be in place to get all of them in a row but the Authorities are right to forewarn people! At this stage its a bit early but I would remain mindful of the fact that conditions over the next few days suggest that some flooding could be possible. Quite where to early to guess but always better to be safe than sorry!
  6. Apart from being covered in bird poo!!!!!!
  7. They will now have to up their game given that a smart new restaurant is to open the other side of the bridge! Cannot really understand why they have not done this before!
  8. Not sure that was the reason Mark pulled out - more like he found the number of passengers requiring the service pretty limited! It is always nice to see people try new ventures but actual lack of demand is often key. On a warm sunny day on a weekend, there may have been a limited demand, but on most others i guess little, if any, casual trade was forthcomimg - sadly.
  9. See - I knew it was downhill all the way from up north!
  10. BB - there is NOTHING new there!!! I even posted on it a few weeks ago but no one seemed interested at the time - this was of course all about the Harris appeal being finally lost. Whilst the announcement was made back in October I think, this was merely the publication of the written Judgment.
  11. I thought I would nip down and check the mooring ropes too, but remembered it was out of the water this year!! Now - did I leave the mudweight down just in case.....!!
  12. marshman


    Don't worry Pete, just wondered!! Thats near enough and had deduced that anyway but I just wanted to check it out!!! I cannot remember much about what happened 6 mths ago either!!!
  13. marshman


    Thanks PW but where? I guess up Ranworth way but to me thats not quite near enough!! Looks as though its sunset so its looking west.....??
  14. marshman


    Someone help me with November please? Where is it ? Mud Point up the Ant?
  15. marshman


    I quite like the guessing game of where the pictures are!!! Struggling a bit with November and "exactly" where next January, but apart from that...! If I look at July too often will I have to pay the gentleman concerned a supplement to his pension?????
  16. Never let anything get in the way of a good story, but interestingly not a lot of rain is shown on the sites I look at and the wind speeds being predicted are coming down from the peaks suggested some days ago - as far as i am concerned they can keep coming down, if only to allow the inhabitants of North Bay Oulton, a little sail just to keep their spirits up!!
  17. You could of course solve all the issues at the Ferry by allowing , or forcing , the landlord to use his own bouncy castle in a stiff westerly!!!!!
  18. I am delighted that some individuals have, and do , like these people who are not authorised to conduct financial business in the UK. The FCA site still says you are strongly advised not to do business with them but that gets me thinking a bit. Why do THEY not get themselves authorised if they really want UK business?? I am reminded of all those who invested in Icelandic Banks and who only, by some luck, managed to get their money back, All I can say to that is why bother, when you can deal with those who are!! Its certainly fine by me though but who will you complain to IF anything goes wrong??
  19. There have been warnings in all the yachting press, the internet and the FCA, NOT to use Edward Williams - the user has a responsibility greater than the BA - IMHO. Ignorance is no defence, never has been and we as individuals have a responsibility too. I personally would NEVER use anyone I had never heard of or researched - any research shows its dodgy so why all the fuss? Indeed why is ANYONE using them when you have been warned off? Well - because its cheaper?? My suggestion is you divert your attention away from the BA and contact the appropriate EU department - err perhaps that is not a good idea!!!!
  20. This guy does everything to stay JUST the right side of the law!! It may have got better, but as the owner of an eating establishment, I would actually be embarrassed to operate with a 1 star hygiene rating! As far as planning is concerned he has still I believe, a number of enforcement notices outstanding - if that is still the case, funny, or not, that the BA do not start to wave a very large stick?? They do elsewhere as a result of these. And now this showing total disregard to safety of children? Yet the BA still seem not to wish to upset him, bending over backwards to help him with regard to stern on mooring! Incidentally he now points out to the BA that as he has closed the Woodbastwick moorings, is there any reason why he should not have stern on mooring all throughout his frontage? I wonder if his so called "quay attendants" are qualified to and insured to , drive Clives lovely large hire boats? Is it just me or do I spot a trend here of sailing as close to the wind as legally possible? Even his defence to the children issue was based on an element of fiction - "..taking over a derelict property.."!! Was it really ? Ummm??? I wonder whether his real objective is to run a half decent pub or just trouser as much profit as he can?? Surely buying old bouncy castles off ebay with rotten or no proper tie downs must indicate something....!!
  21. There are a number of banks offering deposits who will accept your money and yet are not covered by the the FSCS compensation scheme - does the FSA warn people who these are? NO - it is your responsibility to check. Caveat emptor and all that squit! Spot the difference? Not sure there is any! You may think differently as clearly you are entitled to but methinks you are picking a quarrel for the sake of it!
  22. Not quite sure what some of you wish the BA to do ?? If there is such a thing as a non compliant ins co, then surely it is up the the individual concerned, if you are at all worried about the issue, to ensure that any insurance you take out is compliant? Why is it the BA's job to specifically warn you - I certainly do not see it as being negligent on the BA's part, but on yours!! Ignorance has never been a successful defence and the rules are quite clearly laid down - if you do not comply with them, even through ignorance, it is your issue, not down to the BA to look after you!! Perhaps you should inform the Companies concerned and get them to be responsible - now that seems more appropriate to me!!
  23. And of course, as always Peter ,the evidence is where? Just a feeling you have? But then thats the same feeling you have had for many many years and yet - the ship still floateth with seemingly little danger of foundering!!!! I don't think the ratio of staff leaving is especially high or untoward - or have you evidence to the contrary???.
  24. Well done the Parish Council, and the BA for facilitating usage.O proactive Parish Council doing something - shame some others cannot get their act into gear although to be fair its often the landowners on the PC too!!!
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