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Everything posted by marshman

  1. Agree totally and wholeheartedly with you Mr Waller - where was the danger and LIFE threatening circumstance. If you cannot deal with such a situation sensibly and responsibly , you should not be in control of a boat! The lifeboat service is NOT a breakdown service - never mind a McDonalds the person should donate at the very minimum the sum of £250 to the lifeboat station as a penalty cost for being a p**t !! Thanks to the lifeboat crew who do a sterling job but dialling 999 because you run out of fuel on a river - let me guess, he didn't have a mudweight either!!
  2. If its during the day, just call BA control but in any case chuck your mudweight over nearer the edge and it will stop a lot of your drifting - two down if you have another. I personally think you only call the Coastguard if you are in any danger or life is at risk. You could call GYYS or just hang on and hail a passing boat - is the tow boat still around at Berney or you could even call Goodchilds, they are not far away. I think these are adequate precautions - I think too much is made of the dangers of Breydon. All those numbers are in the Green Book and all private owners should be members of the NSBA for the tiny amount it costs. How on earth did people manage years ago without mobiles - my father used to cross in a 16' converted lifeboat powered by a 2hp British Anzani on a regular basis and survived to tell the tale.
  3. Good point Pete but given the charter programme and crew availability, that may not have been possible!!
  4. Probably be shoving it with the dinghy to catch the tide, especially in these light airs we have today!! She has now had her holiday on Southern Rivers and had a successful fortnight I believe - she will be back next year I expect as "going South" seems to be firmly fixed in her sailing programme these days. I suspect they remain delighted that she is loved by so many, especially in Suffolk and those lucky enough to spot her sailing past as they eat their breakfast!!
  5. Perhaps we should now resurrect the thread about whether it is actually necessary on the Broads?????
  6. Ray - never mind the trapeze!! What about the wetsuit!!!!
  7. With the greatest of respect to you old grumps, you really do have short memories - and I am sure people like PW will confirm that the Broads in the late 60's and 70's were a lot worse than they are today. Of course there are differences but then people used to speed outrageously by fiddling with the engines, the rivers were filthy, and boats 4 or 5 deep on lots of moorings! Or have you all forgotten?? By and large, I would suggest you are all wearing rose coloured glasses and remembering the best bits - to me the Broads remain what they have always been and except occasionally, pretty much the same. I suppose in your idyll you dream of drifting up to pubs and find yourself chatting to a local in a cosy bar - they mostly closed long long ago through lack of trade! Stop moaning and enjoy the Broads for what they are - a unique and splendid haven for people and wildlife to coexist and to be brutally honest, if you don't really like it, go off to find your Shangi La which I honestly believe is in reality a figment of your imagination!!
  8. Ooops - just looked at the details! My comments relate to the other one which by all accounts is not far behind!!!!
  9. The bulk of the yard has already been sold off to an investor and its not in boats! The remainder will service the fleet before it disappears and as PW said, you will be offered alternatives. Robin is right - yards have to invest to survive - why should anyone pay hard earned money for a product below par and poorly turned out? Because it is!! Saw one today in Oulton just poorly presented - there are plenty of old boats which are nicely turned out - yes it requires effort but who would like to guess when any of those were lifted and polished? Sad I know but lets be honest, its been on the cards for some time and only been a matter of time for some while.
  10. And they have the cheek to moan about education in Norfolk - doesn't sound as though its any better in Bristol!! Well then about this pond dipping - its a bit similar to witch dunking methinks, but then I was educated in Norfolk and know nothing about ponds!!
  11. This isnt meant to be a particular comment in contradiction of the last post, but you would be amazed when we talk to school children, many have never heard of the Broads. Honestly!!
  12. But not if they go bust - crowd funding is by its very nature high risk!!
  13. Vaughan - not sure that bit on the south side of the river has ever been arable - right from Upton to S walsham water levels are now being raised again by the conservationists. Good work!!
  14. I think "invasive" might be a bit harsh!! I tend to regard "invasive" as doing harm but I think the evidence as to that is pretty inconclusive. They are certainly "newish" but I suspect it may be due to climate change rather than anything else. There is plenty of evidence in our birds that such a trend is developing, and it will extend to insects as well. I would look upon it as an additional pollinator until it stings you, if indeed it can!
  15. Dreby - take a bus as plenty go along that road. But read the tide tables to judge the bridges or it will be very noisy!!
  16. But what some fail to realise, is I do not actually care at all if someone really wants to eat there - but do not expect me to!!!
  17. Its an age thing I know but your case is what? Not quite sure what you are resting? I am not sure that the EDP article adds a lot - two different businesses, different staff etc etc I am still not going to eat in 1* or 2* premises if I can avoid it but like you, thats my choice!
  18. No idea but how about thats where he got off the train to join the boat from which he could inspect his river kingdom?? Sounds as good as any reason for the name!!!! No doubt the real reason will come along soon!!!
  19. But then, if you are happy to eat in a 1star rating do so - but do not expect others to necessarily follow your logic!
  20. Yes I do monitor my fridge temperature but thats my risk and neither am I asking others to share my food nor am I selling it!! Nor do I open it and leave it open when getting stuff in and out - it seems quite a reasonable idea that temperatures are logged. If I am in hospital it is, so how come a busy chef does not bother - its his JOB! This is an incredibly silly thread the way I see it! How can anyone eat in a place that sells food and is not rated at least 3 or more? With the greatest of respect, you get what you deserve!!! We have suffered too long in this country with second rate food establishments and perhaps this explains why!! I just cannot believe some of the comments here saying a 1 is a Pass - no it denotes that it is just one step better than outrageously filthy! And still the posters ignore the comments of the professionals who take time to show what little is required to get the ratings up to acceptable levels. All I can say is that I have to agree with PW yet again - now see where you have driven me!
  21. marshman

    A Snip

    JM has it right I am afraid - at 40 years old and without the facilities required in modern society, her time was up. At least they they have kept the old design going - well almost!
  22. PW - gaff line!!! ( Sorry a bit late - half asleep!! )
  23. Fancy words!! Rope ok? Or even string or line!! Sailed all my life and I don't think I have EVER used the word " painter" unless its connected with a decorator!! N.B. Something in common with PW - again!!
  24. Don't apologise Riyadhcrew - totally unnecessary!! The boat is moored in that little bay on the northside of the Broad I think and I have the advantage of you, possibly, that I have "known" that spot for about 60 years!! Dont think its really changed much except I suspect the trees are a lot bigger!! Otherwise hardly changed at all and certainly less boats moored in the Broad these days despite constant wittering about "overcrowding"!!! Lovely - especially as we have a light dusting of snow on the ground here this morning and I am about to spend the morning on Hickling!! Brrrrr....!!
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