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Everything posted by marshman

  1. My recollection is that the interviews would have originally fell within the remit, at least initially, of Adrian Vernon the Head Ranger so presumably now his successor Lucy Birchnall but there have been some changes recently so don't quote me on that!! Don't forget that it does not just involve sitting in a launch - in the winter they are expected to involve themselves in scrub clearance and tree clearance requiring both brush cutter licences and chain saw qualifications!
  2. Works both ways though, Pete!! Those yurts look pretty permanent to me - you would get pretty miffed if some appeared in your view from the bottom of your garden and they hadn't permission!
  3. The trouble is, is that it is quite difficult to get the appointment! I know a number of people, some of whom are posters, who have failed the interview!!
  4. Whilst I accept to a degree Michael Fletts view, there are a myriad of organisations that feel they require an input, but from a practical point of view, I am not sure how anyone would suggest taking into account all of these, and God forbid, over 90 parishes!! No wonder it is a bureaucracy going mad - anyone like to suggest how to do this and ease the decision making process without merely suggesting , elected representatives? OK lets suggest that but finding easily, both who could vote, and the right people would be nigh on impossible, and in itself a source of much hard done by feelings!! The very last people I would want to represent me, might just be those making all the noise as some of their objectivity might be lost, and that would include me! You could have someone like the Police and Crime Commissioner but really? They seem to me to be a cost you could easily do without, almost worse than the BA. And we around here are hardly unique - there are many areas throughout the UK where similar situations arise with boundaries. I guess there are some places where boundaries to differing areas split properties in two together with many more abutting and including National Parks, SSI's and many many more where people often feel aggrieved about one thing or another and to which they apparently have little recourse. When even I think about it, its easy to say but to put into practise? I know they are not perfect, but perhaps this is a case of the better the Devil you know....!!
  5. Certainly if you read such magazines as Which, you will see that cutting the wattage of a vacuum cleaner does not make it work less efficiently - if that was the case how do you explain why two machines of equal power operate entirely differently with one being a best buy , and the other , a don't buy!! And there is plenty of evidence to suggest that a 1200cc petrol engine of todays vintage is many many times more powerful than the same size engine built 50 years ago. You cannot therefore assume automatically that cutting the power , reduces efficiency - in the end my guess is that reducing the power will have little or no discernible benefit to that. But what it will do is save, overall quite a lot of electricity and I guarantee they will be quieter! Is that not overall, a better result?
  6. But three does not necessarily make a crowd!!
  7. As I said, use Aspen fuel - little smoke, no oily plugs, easier starting and unlike fuel from the pump, much, much longer shelf life!
  8. Someone remind me how long ago new 2 stroke outboards have been banned?? So this is "new" news?? You have to remember , technology means things do move forward and just because your car no longer has a V12 engine in front of you, does not mean you cannot get from A to B more efficiently , cleaner, and economically!! Having had 2 strokes, 4 strokes etc etc, I know what I prefer - life does move on!! Even for those of you who still have 2 stroke machines forget about blue smoke, use Aspen fuel and see the difference, especially as you do not even have to mix it!!
  9. Whats the point of even referring to a poll in the EDP when it is not at all representative as the majority of people voting will either have an axe to grind or agree that the BA should elected - the vast majority, like me, just will not bother! If you think its bad now, just wait until it has direct elections and you see what happens then! I guarantee it will be worse - sadly!!! And oh by the way, there are many , many people who DO NOT have issues with the BA - Ricardo that statement of yours is just so untrue! I deal with them on a regular basis and have a few niggles now and again but no major issues!
  10. The wherries will not have been chartered without their crew so those on board will only be mere passengers! Never seen one on Albion though!!
  11. Probably cannot polish out some of those scratches!
  12. I shouldn't worry Andrew. Whilst crime does of course happen in these parts, generally I am sure you will not have an issue. Whilst it may make good television on a one off for the BBC, so did the other BBC comment today which showed that whilst crime figures in total continue to decline, the perception is, helped by the Daily Misinformation Express and Mail, that crime figures continue to spiral upwards!! Nothing is guaranteed but I reckon you will be fine - this is not the mobsters capital of the world despite what you hear about out of control stag and hen parties!
  13. That guy, if it is the same one, has had these pubs for a long time and I guess he is hoping that he will make money if they can close and get pp to turn them into houses. Well that won't happen at Berney because ot the access issues and the BA is very wary of this now, given the long running saga at Langley, which was all so long ago ,I think I have forgotten the details. ( I am very old now!! ) So effectively he is stuck with them and as time goes on, IMHO they become worth less, rather than more! Dredging right back into the very depths of my mind, to places no one really wants to go, is not the company based overseas as well?? Or probably just a shell company?
  14. Sadly old basket cases rarely provide revenue to the yard owner and neither does your imagination!! Even in Norfolk as you acknowledge, we do have to catch up a bit sometime and just move on!!!
  15. Correct about the new owner - Mark King late of Ferry Marina and the developer of Martham Ferry. Not universally popular with some people.
  16. Sorry that was meant to respond directly to Griff!!!!!!
  17. Says a man who keeps his boat in a wet shed!!!!!
  18. Wearing buoyancy aids and ill fitting lifejackets? I think that it may be a good idea someone has, but executing it to the very high standards necessary, requires lots and lots of training , proper kit and the ability to call for support if required. Oh and Timbo, that bit about the ensign says it all - agree with PW yet again! Must be getting really old!!!
  19. marshman


    All a bit Norfolk to me - stick your finger in the air and hope you get a signal!!
  20. Maidie at full clap is a sight to behold - as is her following wake. I think what Polly meant was at normal speeds - all displacement boats will create a wash above hull speed and that includes sailing boats and day boats - especially!
  21. marshman


    So - you have all forgotten the twelves rule and the fact that in Broadland rivers the ebb seems to run for 7 hours whilst the flood is nearer 5 hours. Add that to the equation and no one has any answers - add the further impact of high and low pressure, and its a surprise that they bother to even publish tide tables!!!!
  22. Sound sound words from the last two posters!
  23. MM - I think you probably know it was a not a rebuke aimed at you specifically but at others who may have used your statements to further other ends! Ther "utter garbage" comment was not to cover the dredging issue alone but to counter other comments made too, such as "killer weed" etc etc. As far as the dredging issue is concerned I was merely pointing out that the BA DO have a plan but like many things that are commented on, issues are often much more complex requiring so many permissions from many different bodies and in addition agreement as to where to dump the stuff they dredge up! The dredging, as I pointed out, was initially confined to the priority bit at top end where access to the Pleasure Boat was increasingly difficult, but now this is completed they intend to dredge from the bottom up which they started last winter, although to expect this to be achieved all the way even this winter, is expecting a lot!
  24. Vaughan - I bet if you went down Sutton Broad in a high speed boat today you could see a similar effect but not for several hundred yards back either side as I doubt the channel was ever "several hundred yards" wide either side! But on the ground, it is still like that largely floating - ask the Rangers who regularly have to deal with large hovers which break off every year!! Indeed even by those who know it , that part of Sutton Fen is especially dangerous if you are on "land" - certainly even a few years back when surveys were carried out, it was ALWAYS done by 2 people because of the dangers of going through Sutton Fen and its floating hover. And it is for precisely that reason, that that piece of fen is so highly regarded as being virtually untouched and almost unique.
  25. Reference Sutton Broad - for what its worth, my recollection is that the channel has changed little in 50 years as evidenced by the OS maps
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