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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. Sorry this is late , I seem to be late for everything at the moment, but welcome to Beccles. Thank goodness for the milder weather for you both. Any good Gins to recommend?
  2. Dont worry Howard we will have a whip round for you and by 4 this afternoon you can put in an offer.
  3. Oh wonderful and I hope the weather behaves itself. We are due for some decent weather. Just stay safe.
  4. Oh good that means we can have a trip over to Reedham again.
  5. Hello Mr and Mrs Howard, you little devils you certainly snuck in and I missed you arriving. Gosh doesn't seem long ago we were reading all about your exciting exploits. I was just looking at Herby Woods web cam and happened to see folk getting on their boats, one guy in wait for it , T-shirt and shorts. Have I missed something, we have the heating going full blast. I know in some areas it is half term and the ankle biters will be out in their droves. Have a lovely time and got to ask how long are you here for this time?
  6. I see Brooms is up for sale. Cannot give a link as on phone.
  7. I am sure that the moorings will be fine and the whole system run well. Totting it up now a week on board you dont arf need a load of cash or can you pay by card now in most places. What with mooring fees, pub meals etc, pump outs, water. It is certainly not a cheap holiday.
  8. Moor along side of it , if it was that late and put on some loud music with plenty of base on it. Then when they want to leave , take forever to leave in your time, may be later that afternoon. Oh I would love to be a fly on the wall.
  9. Sorry if been asked before but, where are the moorings, up the end of the dyke where the 24hr mooring used to be or down at the entrance. Darn long walk along that grass path to the bins if it is at the entrance. Mind you , are the bins still there?
  10. This tickled me...
  11. James Hoseason was a lovely chap. A one off and really cared. We had a bit of bother with a booking when going to the Caledonian Canal back in the day and when we arrived there was a box of chocolates waiting for me. Can you imagine that now.
  12. You are right there Griff, Wells is not for the faint hearted. The times when you can get in and out and few and far between. It seemed to us that the tide whipped in and whipped out again not long afterwards and it went out for hours and hours. Be good if you could do it though and you would not be disappointed.
  13. Thank you for the video. We have just returned from Wells this morning after spending 4 days (sunning ourselves in our bikinis)!!!! Sorry freezing our bits off. We had a fantastic time. I hasten to add we went by road. Wells is like home to me. Never disappoints. The property you show next to the Jolly Sailor Yard is where we stayed. It was built recently. Saw a whole flock of Brent Geese , not sure if they just got blown in to land or what, a seal right up the far end of the estuary and even some folk swimming, yes swimming in this cold weather. I hope you enjoyed your stay as well. Keep the videos coming. You are brave.
  14. I cannot download this as on stupid phone. Saw problems on waveney. Hope someone else can help.
  15. When I spoke to Richard recently he said, he had intended to get around to sorting the forum out but the NHS had other plans read what you will from that. I just wish him well.
  16. My take on it Richard is the NBF and making silly comments about Official etc. is not on.
  17. Richard is ill , seriously ill, nothing to mock or make light of and it is about time someone stuck their head above the parapet and said so. All we can do is pray for him and his family.
  18. Just one question, dont shoot me for asking but has Essexmate come back to all of you very helpful people?
  19. As all of our banks have now high tailed it to the hills here in Beccles, my local post office is a boon , I can get cash, pay in cheques as well as the usual post officy things like stamps etc.
  20. https://www.greatyarmouthmercury.co.uk/news/24051345.sunken-vessel-will-raised-bure-great-yarmouth/
  21. https://www.northnorfolknews.co.uk/news/24048364.horning-post-office-close-owners-unable-sell/?ref=eb&nid=2399&u=c160d74be8c30ff96c1e228a4a7f5f71&date=160124
  22. Whoever she was , boy oh boy, bet she would have apoplexy if she saw some of the things that go on now on our beautiful , so called peaceful, (oh sorry Butlins on the River) Broads.
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