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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. I think when you have owned or do own your own boat you feel the pain even more. It was horrible to watch. How does a hire firm recover from a disaster like that insurance wise, would it be conveniently put down as an 'Act of God'. Usually a familiar 'get out' clause.
  2. The 'Well', can you drink that water? The walk looks interesting , dont so much care for yapping dogs around your ankles though. I did not realise it rained quite so much as you describe.
  3. You have forgotten John Arlott. Now only certain of us will remember our John.
  4. HEM - thank you for the video. What lovely memories, that is one thing this darn virus cannot take from us all. I must say it does very nice and not busy at all.
  5. Well I should think that is the tale of the epidemic. Stupid so and so, are there no crickets in Bonny Scotland?
  6. So us poor pensioners wont be able to watch it. - Thanks. Mind you with this morning's dismal performance I am wondering if it is worth all this hot air!!!
  7. Lummy that is not good, get vaccinated and the flu and pneumonia at the same time.
  8. Granted but who wants for fork out another £20 a month for what is effectively football, football, and more ruddy football. I love the cricket and appreciate every moment channel 4 puts it on for us.
  9. If anyone else is like me and just loves the cricket but does not want to boost Sky's profits anymore than I have to, it is on channel 4 ever morning from 6.
  10. I did ring the Council yesterday afternoon. Spoke to a nice young lady who explained what was happening. If anyone else lives this way:- https://www.eastsuffolk.gov.uk/news/refuse-collections-cancelled/
  11. Oh well ground hog day again. Cancelling holidays once more booked from the year before till? (Anyone got a crystal ball, where on earth is Mystic Meg when you need her). I know one thing , even if it is in the middle of winter and it is possible we will go just to get out of the house. Allowing visiting over Christmas did nothing to help the situation. Mind you I am surprised at the change of attituded. My son when this first started was adamant that I was wrong being so cautious - you should get on with your life Mum, silly putting everything on hold etc etc. Now gone full circle and is telling me to not go near anyone. No chance of that happening. The only person I see at a distance on a Wednesday is the Sainsburys man or lady. I was even more pleased to see the delivery van this morning as it is pretty dreadful up here with the snow. By the way has anyone see the bin men? Have not turned up , should have been here Monday. No explanation whatsoever. Everyone else is out delivering etc. Not everyone is on Facebook or Twitter. So may an email or announcement on the local news would not have gone amiss. Lets face it, you get fined if you leave your bin out , ours has been out since Monday.
  12. Saw this elsewhere, nothing short of frightening. https://youtu.be/i_IWscngYFs
  13. Hylander

    Broom Captain

    Well no fly screens for us but yes there were those horrible pop over covers that looked as it they had been dragged through the mud. I would not put them up even to have some privacy they detracted from the smart looking boat that she is. I guess they are always updating the boats.
  14. Hylander

    Broom Captain

    We found going in October last year that their idea of a 'Covid' duvet was pathetic. It is a blue thing and had absolutely no warmth in it whatsoever, we were so glad we took a double sleeping bag to put over the top of it and this kept us cosy.
  15. Hylander

    Broom Captain

    They dont all have the fly screens. We have been on 8 and 6 a couple of times and neither of them have the fly screens. Also when it rains you cannot have the side door open, unless you want to get very wet. Saying all that assuming we are going to have a glorious summer, and dont we deserve it, you would go along way to beat the Captain.
  16. Yes I must admit there are some grumpy old gits about but on the whole folk of our generation usually do know how to say please and thank you. The modern generation have been brought up to just help themselves to whatever, if I had dared to touch anything in doors when I was young I knew about it. I had to ask for everything and it wasn't always forthcoming. Old habits die hard, even to this day I still ask politely for anything that I need or want. What do they say manners maketh man. (For man read woman, just in case the woke brigade are reading this.)
  17. I must be a real saddo then , I watch EastEnders and Corrie and I am a hirer to boot. When my boys were small I used to hang on to whatever I was giving them until they said thank you. That was the way I was taught. If you watch the TV now , whether it be young or old the word , "thank you", is a rarity, people just grab. So rude.
  18. May be I should have clarified , those folk who now own their own boat on the Broads.
  19. I know what you mean. Our plumber came to fix a problem last week and we and he wore a mask all of the time. I had every window open in the house to make him feel safe. I kept wiping the handles of the doors and anything that he touched. He said he wished that all of the places he had to go to were as careful. There also still seems to be an element that have not grasped the 2m rule. They, if you are not on the ball, try to get right up close to you. One of our neighbours does this . We are constantly backing away if we come across him on our walk.
  20. I dont think the majority of boaters ever think of it being them and us, because lets face it , I would bet all I have that 99.9% of private boaters started off hiring as we did, we then bought our boat, and when bad health stepped in we sold the boat and now hire once more. I dont feel any less of a person because we are hiring , in fact I know at the end of the day, you can go to your own boat at any time and have the freedom of being able to do to so (not this year or last though) hiring is proving to be a darn sight cheaper. We never stopped forking out for work to be done on the boat we owned, now we get on the boat any problems are not ours thank goodness, we just hand her back at the end of the holiday. Thank heavens for Hire Companies. As for the gin palace that side swiped you, there are bad apples in every batch. I hope you were all ok.
  21. When we hired from Caley Cruisers on the Caledonian Canal , before we went anywhere near the boat you had to attend a film session where , do's and don'ts were all pointed out to you. This was followed by a detailed lecture given on each boat to the Skipper. Then you were taken out on a short trip to see how competent you were. If you did not pass muster then you were going nowhere. Being realistic, can you imagine if Richardsons had this to undertake when some days 150 boats go out. It aint gonna happen.
  22. My Sister has passed this on to me as happened to her son. (Sister is 82) "Received a phone call from BT, informing me that he was disconnecting me because of an unpaid bill.. He demanded payment immediately of £31.00 or it would be £ 118.00 to re-connect at a later date. The guy wasn't even fazed when I told him I was with Virgin Media, allegedly VM have to pay BT a percentage for line rental! I asked the guy's name - he gave me the very 'English' John Peacock with a very 'African' accent - & phone number -0800 0800 152. Obviously the fellow realized I didn't believe his story, so offered to demonstrate that he was from BT. I asked how & he told me to hang up & try phoning someone - he would disconnect my phone to prevent this. AND HE DID !! My phone was dead - no engaged tone, nothing - until he phoned me again. Very pleased with himself, he asked if that was enough proof that he was with BT. I asked how the payment was to be made & he said credit card, there & then. I said that I didn't know how he'd done it, but I had absolutely no intention of paying him, I didn't believe his name or that he worked for BT. He hung up. I dialed 1471 -number withheld I phoned his fictitious 0800 number - not recognized. So I phoned the police to let them know. I wasn't the first! It's only just started apparently, but it is escalating. Their advice was to let as many people as possible know of this scam. The fact that the phone does go off would probably convince some people it's real, so please make as many friends & family aware of this. How is it done? This is good but not that clever. He gave the wrong number - it should have been 0800 800 152 which takes you through to BT Business. The cutting off of the line is very simple, he stays on the line with the mute button on and you can't dial out - but he can hear you trying. (This is because the person who initiates a call is the one to terminate it). When you stop trying he cuts off and immediately calls back. You could almost be convinced! The sad thing is that it is so simple that it will certainly fool many. By the way this is not about getting the cash as this would not get past merchant services - it is all about getting the credit card details which include the security number, to be used for larger purchases. Please Copy And Paste
  23. That is good Tim. However , there are still many over 80s that have not received their jabs yet , I do hope they get theirs soon. My sister 82 had hers last Thursday which I was pleased about. You are correct there are very little side effects for the majority of folk. My arm is just a little tender but not that you would notice until you lean on it. Small price to pay for something that is going to safe your life.
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