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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. That is reassuring grendel. Hope that will help others who also are concerned.
  2. She probably got it because she was a voluntary driver. Don't rely on just being able to turn up. Being serious, if everyone took the attitude of just turning up chaos would ensue. Dont take everything that people tell you as gospel. I have learnt that one the hard way.
  3. You are spot on there. I was earwigging to a conversation between the doctors and I heard them say that this was the last batch they had. So if you get the chance , grab it with both hands while they have supplies. They only book for the vaccine available. Obviously if someone cannot make it for a serious reason then there would be a spare one but it is rare. I did hear one the news that for some reason a Health Centre could not open (probably due to bad weather) so they took the whole lot around to Care Homes and used them up there so no wastage.
  4. Carole, ring first and make an appointment. If you are the driver and qualify. Dont delay because they go quickly. If you are in the qualifying age group they will if possible fit you in. The criteria is , make the appointment, if your name is not on that list then forget it. You cannot just turn up. There was a lady last night that was just 3 months off of being over 70 and her husband was 75 , he had his but they would not give her hers and she remained in the car. So in 3 months time she will be eligible and have to make the journey again. She was like us not by any means local to the health centre. One of the volunteers told me they had had numerous people from the Beccles and Bungay area.
  5. I am more than thrilled to say that The Management and myself went yesterday for our jabs. To me it was like winning the lottery, so pleased. We had to travel to Southwold from Worlingham , our appointment being 4.50. We were telephoned on the day before. So well organised and the volunteers were such an uplifting happy lot. No queues, just went straight in. I would have travelled any distance to have it done. However, saying that not everyone has transport etc. 3 weeks until the jab starts to take effect. I dont care how much immunity it gives me, anything is better than no immunity. Arm a bit sore last night but fine today. I even slept on it. What people have to remember this is not the golden bullet, it is just a start, still have to uber careful.
  6. My thoughts exactly - I have read some tripe recently but this takes the biscuit. Just because on 1 day a year the sun comes out and so does the public - well I'll go to the foot of our stairs, shock horror, ban them. Get on with it. Thinking about it , what I would give to have it safe enough to go out and about once more.
  7. My sister aged 82 today still has not received hers and that is Kent. We live in Beccles as I have not heard anyone yet saying they have had the jab be they 99 or 79. As you say rather than waste the vaccine they look for more arms to jab , quite right too.
  8. Snap I fear for our holiday end of March too. Even doubtful about May. Depressing isnt it.
  9. Hylander


    Snowing well and truly at the moment. We have been promised it will be gone by 3 this afternoon and then it is back to brolly and wellies.
  10. I think we are all agreed on that one.
  11. All definitely drop outs from the Charm School then.
  12. I hope so. How miserable a person would you have be to take someone's sarnies from them.
  13. Well I hope you got your purchase money back. Mods can we have a symbol for "Just Plain Nuts" to add to the likes etc. Sometimes what is posted is beyond belief but true and completely nuts. ie Truckers having their sarnies destroyed. Whatever next.
  14. Excellent post. I certainly agree with " Celebrities still travelling out of the country on holiday. Actually no bad thing, just don't let them back in, negative test or not till this is over." It gets me that they are just carrying on as per normal. I mean Ms Collins I thought she lived in France, now conveniently she is over here. This lockdown should have been as draconian as the March lockdown , then we may have had a chance of getting over it.
  15. I agree with you Alan about being able to give my sons a big hug and also with me I am looking forward to actually going to a supermarket once more when it is safe to do so. Never thought I would ever look forward to going to Morrisons and Tescos and actually being able to choose what I want rather than it being delivered, but say that I am eternally grateful to my delivery drivers, what would we do without them.
  16. I have not read every post above but got the gist of the conversation. I dont see why people who are doing the right thing should need to justify their actions. It is the bloody idiots that have parties and visit other families in the homes that are spreading this, not people driving a mile or so to find a park. I have to drive further than a mile to go to the shops for food. I think you have more chance of catching it walking on some of the small pavements where out of necessity , you either pass each other closely or risk death by being run over by a lorry or such, and you are more at risk. Speaking about the Opticians. The Opticians that I go to , our girls down there sit opposite you at the desk whilst advising you on glasses and ordering your spec etc. They are not 2 meters away from you but just about a 2 1/2 feet depending on the width of the desk you are sitting at. Although they all wear PPE , surely they are at risk with seeing the public, the same could be said for the cashiers in the supermarkets. Along with their counterparts who I really admire, they are really in the thick of it. People not wearing masks etc, although I have noticed a huge sign on the door of our One Stop Shop which states NO MASK NO ENTRY. Good for them I say. If everyone played their part, especially the brain dead which for some reason we feel are untouchable as far as the law is concerned then we can beat this dreadful virus.
  17. Be glad when I hear that my 82 year old sister gets her vaccination. She lives in Kent.
  18. Hmm!! read the comments and have to agree with a lot of them, if only thinking from the point of view of the 'wife's' mental health - get the old chap out and down the river fishing for an hour or two , when it is safe and give her a bit of peace too.
  19. Latest from BA Third National Lockdown from 06 January 2021 On 4 January the Government announced further national lockdown measures. Parts of the new measures that are relevant to the Broads are outlined below. The main requirement of the restrictions for those living in England is to stay at home. Travel is only permitted under specific circumstances and even then the advice is to stay local wherever possible. This includes travelling by boat. You should not be making short trips or breaks on your boat for leisure purposes, these are classed as non-essential journeys. Exercise such as paddle sports and sailing is permitted once a day, but you should stay local if possible. According to information provided by the Angling Trust, recreational angling is not permitted during the national lockdown (including angling from a boat). We ask that anybody wishing to exercise on the Broads is mindful of social distancing with anybody they come into contact with and to be aware of the impact on emergency services should they get into difficulty. Boaters who are not currently occupying their boat should not take short overnight breaks on their boat during the period. Those living aboard are advised to limit their navigation, moving only a minimal amount to access essential facilities or services when necessary. Our COVID-19 information for liveaboard boaters page (available on our website) has details of local services which remain open. Thank you for your understanding. For full details and more information see: https://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/news/coronavirus-covid-19
  20. The problem is you and the majority do carry on sensibly but there is an element that does not.
  21. As long as we dont go through this nonsense that we had a Christmas of it being cancelled and then folk allowed to mix for one day , hence the reason we are now in the thick of a true pandemic. Christmas was not cancelled no more than Easter will be. Personally has have holiday booked at end of March would like to think we may be on the mend by then but with very strict restrictions. Oh well it is like ground hog day again for the third time we will have had a holiday booked in March cancelled for one reason or another.
  22. Well if you have , well done and you are still obeying the rules. My son fishes on the International scene and has had matches cancelled all over this year but has still managed to fish in a lake occasionally, he will not be a happy chappy but finally, finally may be , God help us, just may be the penny may have dropped that this is a killer.
  23. Saw this elsewhere... Sorry if already posted. Remove if necessary please Mods. STATEMENT FROM THE ANGLING TRUST ON THE NATIONAL LOCKDOWN RULES IN ENGLAND The regulations have now been published and confirm this evening’s message from the Cabinet Office that the Government have taken the decision that fishing will not be permitted during this national lockdown period. Whilst this is disappointing news I would ask anglers, fisheries and clubs to respect these rules and the reason they have been put in place; to help save lives and support the NHS. Individuals should not go fishing from midnight tonight (5th Jan) and clubs and fisheries should close their waters to anglers. We will be publishing more detailed guidance on specific areas like bailiffing and fishery maintenance once the Government regulations have been published. Over past few weeks we have been in communication with the Government at the highest possible level. We have presented a strong case on how fishing could continue safely during the third national lockdown. We have explained that fishing benefits physical health and mental wellbeing and that it is regularly the only form of activity individuals undertake. You can read our representations to Cabinet Ministers here - https://anglingtrust.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Angling-and-outdoor-recreation-in-COVID-lockdown-3_DCMS.pdf My team and I have consistently presented the arguments ahead of the changing government guidelines, which have allowed fishing to remain permitted continuously since the first national lockdown was lifted in May. We have been successful when other sports have not as all anglers will know. However, with 60,000 new infections announced today the Government have taken the decision that leaving home for recreation or leisure, including all forms of recreational fishing, should be prohibited in England during this third national lockdown period. I thank you for your support and for being a credit to our sport. As members, you can rest assured that the Angling Trust will continue to represent our sport at the highest level and will present proposals for the resumption of angling when it is safe and sensible to do so. We will come through this period of national crisis. We will fish again, but until then, please, stay safe. Jamie Cook - CEO Angling Trust
  24. I have stomach problems and even I dont stock up like that on loo rolls. Sounds as if the cat has the same problems.
  25. Gracie keep the faith and hope above hope that he proves negative and it is just a winter cold. Thinking of you.
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